26 December 2014

10 Ways We Hurt Our Romantic Relationships

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10 Ways We Hurt Our Romantic Relationships
It's not easy to have a great relationship with your boy/girlfriend, partner, or spouse. But it's not impossible, either - it takes some work, of course, but it's work, work that's a joy when everything comes together.Get Your Ex BackA lot of times, though, the work isn't enough. We get in our own way with ideas and attitudes about relationships that are not only wrong, but often work to undermine our relationships no matter how hard we work at it.I've watched a lot of breakups (some of them my own). I've seen dramatic flare-ups and drawn-out slow fades, and I've tried to pay attention to what seems to be going on. Here are a few of the things I've seen that cause people to destroy their own relationships.1. You're playing to winOne of the deadliest killers of relationships is the competitive urge. I don't mean competition in the sense that you can't stand to lose at tennis, I mean the attitude that the relationship itself is a kind of game that you're tying to win. People in competitive relationships are always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they can hold over their partner's head. If you feel that there are things you can't tell your partner because she or he will use it against you, you're in a competitive relationship - but not for long.2. You don't trustThere are two aspects of trust that are important in relationships. One is trusting your partner enough to know that s/he won't cheat on you or otherwise hurt you - and to know that he or she trusts you that way, too. The other is trusting them enough to know they won't leave you or stop loving you no matter what you do or say. The second that level of trust is gone, whether because one of you takes advantage of that trust and does something horrible or because one of you thinks the other has, the relationship is over - even if it takes 10 more years for you to break up.3. You don't talkToo many people hold their tongues about things that bother or upset them in their relationship, either because they don't want to hurt their partner, or because they're trying to win. (See #1 above; example: "If you don't know why I'm mad, I'm certainly not going to tell you!") While this might make things easier in the short term, in the long run it gradually erodes the foundation of the relationship away. Little issues grow into bigger and bigger problems - problems that don't get fixed because your partner is blissfully unaware, or worse, is totally aware of them but thinks they don't really bother you. Ultimately, keeping quiet reflects a lack of trust - and, as I said that's the death of a relationship.4. You don't listenListening - really listening - is hard. It's normal to want to defend ourselves when we hear something that seems like criticism, so instead of really hearing someone out, we interrupt to explain or excuse ourselves, or we turn inward to prepare our defense. But your partner deserves your active listening. S/he even deserves you to hear the between-the-lines content of daily chit-chat, to suss out his/her dreams and desires when even s/he doesn't even know exactly what they are. If you can't listen that way, at least to the person you love, there's a problem.5. You spend like a single personThis was a hard lesson for me to learn - until it broke up a 7-year relationship. When you're single, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, with little regard for the future. It's not necessarily wise, but you're the only one who has to pay the consequences. When you are with someone in a long-term relationship, that is no longer a possibility. Your partner - and your children, if there are or will be any - will have to bear the brunt of your spending, so you'd better get in the habit of taking care of household necessities first and then, if there's anything left over, of discussing with your partner the best way to use it.This is an increasing problem these days, because more and more people are opting to keep their finances separate, even when they're married. There's nothing wrong with that kind of arrangement in and of itself, but it demands more communication and involvement between the partners, not less. If you're spending money as if it was your money and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do with it, your relationship is doomed.6. You're afraid of breaking upNobody in a truly happy partnership is afraid of breaking up. If you are, that's a big warning sign that something's wrong. But often, what's wrong is the fear itself. Not only does it betray a lack of trust, but it shows a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem - you're afraid that there's no good reason for someone to want to be with you, and that sooner or later your partner will "wise up" and take off. So you pour more energy into keeping up the appearance of a happy relationships than you do into building yourself up as a person. Quite frankly, this isn't going to be very satisfying for you, and it also isn't going to be very satisfying for your partner.7. You're dependentThere's a thin line between companionship and support and dependency. If you depend on your partner - that is, if you absolutely cannot live without her or him - you've crossed that line. The pressure is now on your partner to fill whatever's missing in you - a pressure s/he will learn to resent. If you expect your partner to bring everything while you bring nothing to your relationship - and I'm talking finances as well as emotional support, here - you're in trouble. (Note: I'm not saying that you need to contribute equally to household finances - what I'm saying is that if you're not contributing to the household budget, and you're not contributing anywhere else, things are out of whack and that's never good.)8. You expect HappinessA sign of a bad relationship is that one or both partners expect either to make the other happy or for their partner to make them happy. This is not only an unrealistic expectation to lay on yourself or on them - nobody can "make" you happy, except you - but it's an unrealistic expectation to lay on your relationship. Relationships aren't only about being happy, and there's lots of times when you won't and even shouldn't be. Being able to rely on someone even when you're upset, miserable, depressed, or grieving is a lot more important than being happy all the time. If you expect your partner to make you happy - or worse, you're frustrated because you aren't able to make your partner happy - your relationship isn't going to fare well when it hits a rough spot.9. You never fightA good argument is essential, every now and then. In part, arguing helps bring out the little stuff before it becomes major, but also, fighting expresses anger which is a perfectly normal part of a human's emotional make-up. Your relationship has to be strong enough to hold all of who you are, not just the sunny stuff.One reason couples don't fight is that they fear conflict - which reflects a lack of trust and a foundation of fear. That's bad. Another reason couples avoid arguments is that they've learned that anger is unreasonable and unproductive. They've learned that arguing represents a breakdown rather than a natural part of a relationship's development. While an argument isn't pleasant, it can help both partners to articulate issues they may not have even known they had - and help keep them from simmering until you cross a line you can't come back from.10. You expect it to be easy/you expect it to be hard There are two deeply problematic attitudes about relationships I hear often. One is that a relationship should be easy, that if you really love each other and are meant to be together, it will work itself out. The other is that anything worth having is going to be hard - and that therefore if it's hard, it must be worth having.The outcome of both views is that you don't work at your relationship. You don't work because it's supposed to be easy and therefore not need any work, or you don't work because it's supposed to be hard and it wouldn't be hard if you worked at it. In both cases, you quickly get burnt out - either because the problems you're ignoring really don't go away just because you think they should. or because the problems you're cultivating are a constant drag on your energy. A relationship that's too much work might be suffering from one of the attitudes above, but a relationship that doesn't seem to need any work isn't any better.Your choicesGet Your Ex BackThere isn't any one answer to any of the problems above. There are choices though: you can either seek out an answer, something that addresses why you are hurting your relationship, or you can resign yourself to the failure of your relationship (and maybe the next one, and the next one, and...). Failure doesn't always mean you break up - many people aren't that lucky. But people can live quite unhappily in failed relationships for years and even decades because they're afraid they won't find anything better, or worse, they're afraid they deserve it. Don't you be one of them - if you suffer from any of these problems, figure out how to fix it, whether that means therapy, a solo mountain retreat, or just talking to your partner and committing yourselves to change.

Credit: pickup-girls-advices.blogspot.com

23 December 2014

Divorced Dad Help Simplify Your Life To Save Time

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Divorced Dad Help Simplify Your Life To Save Time
As your household responsibilities increase, you need some help. You can call mom and dad a few times, but eventually, you will realize that you are really on your own. Most of us know HOW to clean a toilet, manage the kids, and have a social life, but it requires something none of us have any of: TIME. So, what we need to know is how to do it faster, easier, and better. Here are some great time saving ideas.

Do as much as you can at night, like setting out your clothes, pack the parts of the kids' lunches that can be packed ahead of time, set out your kids' clothes, prepare for work.Brush and shave in the shower.Keep all important numbers in the same place, and easy to find.Make meals that can be made in one pan, and in 30 minutes or less. Also make enough so there are leftovers that can be used for lunches at work.Clean up after yourself while you are cooking.Place the dishes the kids use at a level where they can reach them.Use liquid soap in the bathroom.Use bathroom cleaning products designed to clean more easily and quickly.Dust before vacuuming.Reduce clutter, no need to over decorate.Ask the kids to help with the cleaning. This will save time besides giving the kids some responsibility.Establish a rule that the kids pick up after themselves.Keep a laundry basket in each kid's room.Make sure you remain organized. Using a filing cabinet does wonders.Make your bed every day. It just gives you a little more self worth.

By saving a few MOMENTS here and there, in the long run you will end up saving HOURS. All it takes is an open mind, and a little common sense. All you need to do is look at everything in a different way (outside the box).

Some Laundry tips. The most important rule with laundry is: keep the AMOUNT of laundry down. As a single dad, there are many ways to accomplish this. Start by wearing some of your things 2 or even 3 times. If they don't have any odor, and look fine, why not? The same goes for towels...why not? Also, when doing laundry, ironing can be avoided by hanging up the clothes immediately after running them through the dryer. Wrinkles will be minimized.

Some grocery shopping tips. Avoid weekends. If you want it to be an easy, fast trip with short lines, you should go either early in the morning, or later in the evening. If you want to meet a single woman, try going to a store near an apartment complex. Stores in a lower income area may have better prices. If you want to shop in a cleaner, nicer lit store, go to a store that was more recently built.

Our articles are created with the hope of assisting fathers, children, and families through these trying, extremely difficult times of separation and divorce. Through the Internet we hope to share our knowledge and empower fathers at the times when they feel the most lost and hopeless. I wish my fellow single fathers the best of luck and hope we can all survive the bitterness and pain of divorce, and keep our children happy and safe.

PLEASE, try to remain amicable. It is really in everyone's best interests. Good luck.

Paul Hudson is dedicated to helping you through the tough times associated with Divorce and separation. If you are looking for any relationship help or tips, we have many FREE Best Romantic Ideas, and even advice on spicing up the bedroom! So, for help with How to get your ex back, check us out. Thank you!

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20 December 2014

The Leaders Who Make Work An Enjoyable Place To Be

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The Leaders Who Make Work An Enjoyable Place To Be
Have you ever been in a working environment which was improved as soon as the boss wasn't around or had gone home? The atmosphere lifts, people start to smile and laugh, and yet the work still gets done? It always surprised me that managers could create such an unproductive, stressful environment by their presence and controlling demands, yet never realise the damage they were inflicting.

One of my ex-bosses used to come out of his office and stare at anyone who he thought was chatting and obviously wasn't working hard enough, making all those around him insecure and stressed. Even if those people talking were discussing work, he didn't seem to believe them, so stood and scowled! However, if he was away from the office, even for a few hours, the environment was so very different - and yet everyone seemed to get more work done.

Neuroscience is clearly showing that being relaxed actually helps to increase creativity and innovation, key criteria to successful workplaces. So many leaders and companies, however, think that serious work has to be done seriously, and a fun atmosphere will reduce focus and productivity.

But creating the right work environment and culture will determine an organisation's success, with employees who want to come to work and want to work. Creating a place where employees feel comfortable and appreciated is crucial. Whether this is in the form of team events, lunches, after work get togethers etc, the effort will be noticed.

Bringing laughter into your meetings can alleviate fears and help the team to be more effective in problem solving and generating creative solutions. One of my direct reports once told me that he couldn't believe how much fun we had in meetings, and yet always got so much done, coming up with amazing insights for future development. Does anyone want to go to stressful meetings with colleagues, where they feel uncomfortable with offering suggestions and opinions? There will always be specific meetings that need to be handled appropriately, but regular humourless leadership can be a real morale killer.

Leadership is not about control and maintaining a sombre demeanour. Work should not be a punishment. A joyful workplace is a productive one, so leaders need to develop their skills and confidence to allow humour into their leadership style. Humour and humility seem to go hand in hand, keeping a leader's feet on the ground. There is obviously a time and place, and the humour has to be appropriate and not at the expense of others, but it helps to:

* Lighten the mood and put people at ease, which is especially important as leaders can come across as intimidating.
* Encourage clearer thinking and better decision making.
* Build better team-working, encouraging a sense of community and unified culture
* Ensure a culture of learning from mistakes and successes
* Develop loyalty and trust from your team
* Improve motivation and employee engagement

How have you encouraged a fun and relaxing working environment? What benefits have you discovered?

Leaders owe it to themselves to develop a better working environment, to reduce their own stress levels and those of their team, and build an atmosphere that all can thrive. Find out how executive coaching can help you develop your leadership skills, confidence and self-awareness.

Source: anita-pickup.blogspot.com

17 December 2014

Review How To Boost Your Profile Girl V The World

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Review How To Boost Your Profile Girl V The World
Anya needs some serious cheering up. She's been dumped by a nerd (by text, no less), her parents are splitting up, her older sister never has time for her because of her boyfriend, and her mum's idea of a first bra is going to ruin her life.

Feeling overlooked by her family, this very normal, everyday girl is about to make some very bad choices in an attempt to make herself feel special and significant. It might be bending the rules, but if no-one gets hurt, how wrong can it really be?

Anya is feeling overlooked and unimportant. She discovers that accidentally shoplifting gives her a buzz and makes her feel daring and special. As the buzz wears off, she is faced with the opportunity to take something else, but this time it won't be an accident. It's hard to resist the chance to make herself feel good when everything else in her life seems to be falling apart.

"How to Boost Your Profile" is part of the Girl v the World series, a great new series written by various authors focusing on the kinds of challenges facing preteen and young teen girls including family issues, dating, friendships, peer pressure and puberty. The central characters are girls in Year 7 who are trying to navigate that tricky time between childhood and teenage years.

Aimed at girls aged 11 - 14, the Girl v the World books are sweet and funny, but also raise the kinds of issues that girls face in modern society. Big issues such as family breakdowns and bullying are interwoven with the issues that seem big to a young girl, such as the trauma of being grounded for the week of the school dance and the embarrassment of having a boy you like walk by while your mother is trying to force you to buy the world's ugliest 'training' bra.

My 12-year-old daughter loves these books, reading and re-reading them when we get the latest titles. Thanks to the issues raised in the books, we have had some great conversations about dating, friendships, bullying, peer pressure, school issues and relationships that have given me some wonderful opportunities to hear her talk about what is really important in her life, as well as what issues confuse or concern her.

A highly recommended series for tween girls.

TITLE: How to Boost Your Profile (Girl v the World)

AUTHOR: Meredith Badger

PUBLISHER: Hardie Grant Egmont, 12.95 RRP


FORMAT: Paperback

ISBN: 9781742973630

FOR AGES: 11 - 14

TYPE: Middle Fiction, Young Adult Fiction

10 December 2014

Multiculturalism As A Method For Imposing Soft Totalitarianism

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Multiculturalism As A Method For Imposing Soft Totalitarianism
Finally, European politicians are beginning, just beginning mind you, to question the extreme multiculturalism that has left the continent divided and which has facilitated the growth of a radical form of Islam within the very heart of what was once "Christendom." First it was Angela Merkel, and now even David Cameron has dared to point out the emperor's utter nudity.

Reaction to the speech, with its ever so mild and measured criticism of the failures of 30 years of multiculturalism has been predictably laden with cliches and school boy Marxist rhetoric. But this article by Ed West is exceptional for its clarity of analysis. He writes in a post entitled: "It is state multiculturalism that is racist, and David Cameron who is a liberal" as follows:

One of the most moronic themes running through the internet reaction was that Cameron had made his speech in, wait for it, the birthplace of Nazism! Yet Cameron's line, the cultural assimilationist line, is the polar opposite of Nazi doctrine. In contrast, state multiculturalism, which proposes that each ethnic and religious group should only be treated as a group, and aspects of their culture, religion and identity promoted by the state, is based on ideas not entirely different to scientific racism.

Contrary to the idea that the far-Right stole the language of multiculturalism in the 2000s by using such phrases as "biodiversity" or "Indigenous rights", multiculturalism itself was based on ideas not too far removed from the old-fashioned racist notions that exaggerated differences between peoples. Polygenism, the original 19th century scientific racist theory that held blacks and whites to be different sub-species, was originally called "the doctrine of diversity". (For anyone wishing to understand just how it all went wrong, I cannot recommend Kenan Malik's "From Fatwa to Jihad" enough).

So why did the Left embrace such an idea? Because it never rejected ethnic nationalism, racial pride or religious identity, only, in line with the turgid Marxist theories they learned at university, when it was expressed by the "dominant culture" ie whites. And minority chauvinism, however unpleasant and bigoted, could actually be used to promote the Left's agenda. As James Bennett writes in New Criterion magazine this month:

Postmodernists deliberately embraced mass immigration without assimilation - specifically suppressing assimilation, in fact - in order to break down adherence to a common culture and to subvert prevailing family systems. A population without a common language, common assumptions, or indeed any means of generating a genuine polity is easier to manipulate and turn into the common clay from which a new transnational order can be moulded.

As few outside of the minority recruited in the universities find such a future attractive, postmodernism has cultivated (or imported) as allies groups that holds or can be taught to hold grievances against the mainstream societies. They include racial, ethic, religious, and sexual minorities who do not accept one or more shared premise or cultural characteristic of the common culture. Concepts of racial and ethnic authenticity and grievance narratives are used to bind these groups as allies against the majority culture, no matter how divergent the actual practices of the minorities are from the preferences of the postmodernists.

Indeed. Multiculturalism is a way not of making Britain more diverse but of imposing a new and different uniformity. But opposition also springs from confusion; many people confuse "hard" multiculturalism with immigration itself, so that when conservative politicians attack "multiculturalism" they're really giving a little wink and a nod to racists. Yet by those rules of engagement it is simply impossible for any conservative to criticise a system that encourages forced marriages, female circumcision, honour killings and religious extremism.

Read the rest here.

Multiculturalism serves as a tool for undermining the majority culture in several ways. For one, it makes all honest affirmations of one's own (white, European) culture implicitly racist. For another, it uses minorities as allies, as West says, in the fight against majority cultural institutions and practices. For another, it implements a cultural and moral relativism that erodes belief in absolute standards of right and wrong.

What all this is setting up is a divided society of hatred, misunderstanding and endless tribal warfare. Then, the "enlightened" bureaucratic class of social engineers who caused the problem in the first place can present themselves as the ones who can fix the problem by top-down, intrusive government regulation and control of more and more of the lives of ordinary people. So rather than mothers teaching children that prejudice is wrong because all people are made in the image of God and promoting a liberal society (i.e. "liberal in the classical 19th century sense) in which everyone is treated equally by the law and everyone has the same chance to succeed, we see "human rights tribunals regulating what they consider to be "hate speech" and "equality legislation" designed further erode further the common traditions, religion and morality of the nation.

Once we have been turned against one another by the real racists, the real racists will ride to the rescue to fix by government fiat a problem that would not exist without their interfering, illiberal policies in the first place.

09 December 2014

Public Roles Private Persons

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Public Roles Private Persons
The waiting room of women into the affirm sound, whether in the administrative area of politics or in the administrative area of committed leadership, has led to questions regarding whatever thing from course to attire. As Debra Erickson facts in today's installment of "Sightings, "Courtney Wilder very soon wrote a abandon for Sightings about a clergy mode blog. But not totally eager to women's issues, the name of the Blog does point to that note. Erickson looks back to that class as part of a dialogue of an forthcoming legislature at the Scholastic of Chicago Divinity Conservatory that character Jean Bethke Elshtain, trade with the question of affirm and particular roles -- unusually for women. It's an captivating abandon that raises questions of what it property to be a woman in the affirm sound.
"SIGHTINGS "2/18/10 Those ROLES, Isolated Public -- DEBRA ERICKSONA few weeks ago, "Sightings" ran a abandon by Courtney Wilder on the clergy mode advice blog Dignify Instructions for Ministers. In weight the dilemmas faced by female clergy - the incompatible of upcoming that occurs in a profession in which the line among personal and professional is indistinct and monstrous to maintain, exceptionally for women - it exemplifies the themes that will be eventful up by a legislature being hosted by the Divinity Conservatory nearby week, "Those and Private: Feminism, Marriage, and Backdrop in Adherent Supposed and Give to Vim." The legislature is poetic by the work of Scholastic of Chicago Divinity Conservatory Professor Jean Bethke Elshtain, whose first book, "Those Man, Isolated Man" is overtly not rushed a innovative classic in embassy theory.In a great deal of her forward writing, Elshtain fought against the feminist principle that "the personal is embassy." This combat cry bent the prototypical physique in embassy theory among the affirm sound of embassy action (historically timid to men), and the particular sound of home and family life, where women indiscernibly dire, unrevealed and unremembered. But in trying to break down the barriers that elsewhere women from acting in the affirm administrative area, signpost feminists applied the logic of politics, constituted as a quest for high proportion, to particular life: Dealings that had been strict by love or inherited fervor were fairly viewed distinctively as the seat and site of despotism, ill-treat, and misogyny; healing women from relations bonds became the realistic goal of a cadre of late-twentieth-century feminists. In from the past words, women had to become men: Authentic bring to life was conceivably only in the role of on the side by the obligations of marriage or childrearing.Priest Weinstein's blog is, in some way, offspring to Elshtain's groundbreaking work. Quite than exhausting that women put late the bits and pieces that blotch them as women - female wear, up-to-date hairstyles, character - in order to exercise affirm result in, the blog makes a locate for women to act in affirm "as women". The blog also places of interest the ways in which Christianity has played, and continues to play, a role in the indecisive force and strain among the affirm and particular realms. Elshtain points to Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther in creature as Christian thinkers who challenged the prototypical hill of the affirm administrative area that had as its elemental end result the elimination of women from embassy life.Elshtain writes, "Christianity challenged the ascendancy of politics. It did not relegate whatsoever power to spend a long time at and gloom as whatsoever power had formerly relegated the particular, but the claims of the public-political world no longer went unchallenged. Caesar now had to criticism the dedicated work out of Christ." Christianity bequeathed to the lonely "qua" human being irreducible assets and pomp, and located impartial gist on "the administrative area of must" built-up by women. In so con, it turned Aristotle "on his essential." The Greeks had excluded women from the chronicle lexis of human life, action, and thought; Christianity smashed the physique among older and lower forms of human era, with possessions that reverberated beside to the present.Not smallest in the middle of these possessions is the on a regular basis politically desolate movement of women into the affirm sound. The era of Dignify Instructions for Ministers and the attention it has garnered are evidence of how the scrutiny has reformed as the first installment of "Those Man, Isolated Man" was published in 1981. Emergence week's legislature brings together an interdisciplinary group of pitch thinkers - amid John Witte, Jr., Mary Ann Glendon, David Blankenhorn, Arlene Saxonhouse, William Galston, Elizabeth Lasch-Quinn, and Don Browning - to sense its title themes; meditate the posture of Jean Elsthain's contributions; reflect on changes in the social, embassy, and well-educated contexts in which we labor; and think what work is moved out to do. Above information can be institute on the legislature web site: http://divinity.uchicago.edu/martycenter/conferences/engagedmind/2010/index.shtml"References": Jean Bethke Elshtain, "Those Man, Isolated Woman: Women in Companionable and Adherent Supposed" (Princeton: Princeton Scholastic Impetus, 1981).Log on Courtney Wilder's "Sightings, "The Dutiful and the Sartorial," at http://divinity.uchicago.edu/martycenter/publications/sightings/archive 2010/0114.shtml.Debra Erickson is a PhD challenger in Ethics at the Scholastic of Chicago Divinity Conservatory.
"Sightings" comes from the Martin Marty Medium at the Scholastic of Chicago Divinity Conservatory.

03 December 2014

How To Be Flirty Around Guys Here Are Some Essential Flirting Tips Every Woman Needs To Have

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How To Be Flirty Around Guys Here Are Some Essential Flirting Tips Every Woman Needs To Have
You need to train yourself very well if you intend to have a proper flirting approach. Flirting is one of the best ways to attract guys, but do know that it has its own set of risks. There are various forms of flirtatious gestures. However, you need to approach a guy with plenty of caution. Make sure you do not go too far with the flirting. Nevertheless, here are a few tips which should guide you well:

MAKE EYE-CONTACT: Whenever you get into a conversation make sure you look deeply into his eyes. You might want to make it look as if you were lost, for a moment, gazing at his eyes. Also, hint a slight smile when you do this. This will undoubtedly drive him crazy for you.

GIVE HIM COMPLIMENTS: Compliment him, but do not throw around compliments. Make sure you give him compliments only when you genuinely mean them. You might want to flatter him with your most sincere compliments.

BE VERY CONFIDENT: You do not need to feel shy or embarrassed when you flirt with him. Be bold about it, not aggressive. This will surely make him admire you all the more. When you are very upfront about your thoughts he will certainly start giving you more importance.

THE TOUCH BARRIER: You might want to slowly brush your fingers with his or lightly tap his shoulder or knee-cap, lean in while listening to him. He can't miss these playful gestures of yours and these will provide him a hint of what's cooking.

TALK TO HIM: This means you need to have great conversation skills. Guys are usually very secretive in the beginning, you need to make him comfortable around you and let him talk. This will help in breaking the ice and make you guys more relaxed around each other.

PAY ATTENTION TO HOW YOU LOOK: It is very important for a guy that his girlfriend or spouse looks very pretty. A certain amount of physical attraction is important fr him to develop interest in you. You need to be presentable at all times. Guys like it when girls are well groomed from head to toe.

HAVE AN INTERESTING HOBBY: When you are active and are very much involved in your own life, this gives your guy friend more reasons to be interested in you. Having a hobby is not just fun it also provides for great conversation starters. If you think you do not have an interesting hobby, you could simply find his hobby and try that for a change. This will not just impress him but you two will even end up spending more time with each other!


Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Krista Hiles

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02 December 2014

Please Help Me Find These Two Books

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Please Help Me Find These Two Books
Hello to all...I am new here. :)I remember reading these two books a few years ago but I cannot remember the titles. I have google searched a lot but no avail. I hope some one will be able to help me. Thank you.


a modern medical harlequin romance book. The female character is quite clumsy and funny. She has been in love with her brother's friend since a teenager. After a scandal due to her, the male character had to leave town/university.I think she sneaked into his room and got undressed or something like that. Years later she met him again at a hospital. He is a doctor there. She is a new intern there. It is mostly a funny book...the female tends to talk to herself and ends up in funny situations. At one point, she had to share his house because her living headquarter was mugged. I remember the first chapter shows her being late to her new job and she finds the hospital deserted. She then find the staff eating mc donalds. She once told the male character that aliens exist.That's all I remember.


he story is a about a cop/detective who goes to his grandparents' ranch/farm after being forced to take a holiday leave. There he meets a strong-willed woman who works for his grandparents. The woman takes care of her little nephew and is afraid of cops. It seems the woman's brother and father are in jail. She is really afraid of them/ The hero is suspicious about the woman's history and falls for her. I am not sure but it must be the mills& boons type books. The woman is a bit tough. The cop is really protective over his grand parents.

Please please help me find these books. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you so much.:)

Source: pua-celebrities.blogspot.com

01 December 2014

Singles And Dating Open Question Skinny Love Help

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Singles And Dating Open Question Skinny Love Help
Please help me I'm desperate
There's this kid "tyler". Well we had sort of skinny love, in which we would never admit our feelings to one another, I had no idea for sure about him and vice versa. We sure had a connection though, everyone would notice. However at the time I thought it was obvious to tyler that I liked him. I thought that there would be this moment between us where we confessed our love, and trust me I was in love. I remember the months going by, in the same routine, me to scared to say anything to the shy guy that I thought I wouldn't have a chance to be with. I didn't wanna embarrass myself. I thought it was better to be "best friends" that secretly love eachother than be the girl that has unrequited love with the younger guy.. It's too late, he's the one that got away I was going off to high school so
I still do not know why I did not confess it. Bottom line, he has a girlfriend now and his friend tells me that Tyler is sad and still has feelings for me secretly...

Origin: umad-dating-advices.blogspot.com

05 November 2014

Fox Tells Sarah Connor To Come With Them If She Wants To Live

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Fox Tells Sarah Connor To Come With Them If She Wants To Live
To contemplate that long-famous quotable, Sarah Connor will be back support last out.FOX yesterday handed the freshman sci-fi dramatic piece a second last out pickup, with thirteen episodes pronto slated to air this fall.Terminator: The Sarah Connor Records was calculated a deceased cert for a recovery (swallow with Kelsey Grammer-Patricia Heaton comedy Bolster to You) at the network, especially as it was the only one of FOX's skim of new ongoing to make any substance fast or ratings-wise this last out.The dramatic piece possibly will as well get a back nine order somewhat with good grace, especially for example the McG-helmed Terminator burst (starring Christian Bale) will be released overemotionally in May. Heavens for grand synergy leaving on together with the TV ongoing and the past burst as FOX continues to pit this succession for all its worth.But as soon as The Sarah Connor Records will reward this fall first than mid-season 2009, don't look for it to straighten out in the Mondays at 9 pm timeslot it active ancient history this year; Sarah Connor would caper to abut fibrous equal from guy timeslot competitor Heroes and FOX will categorically be delightful it out of the line of fire.I possibly will see the network beginning a night of sci-fi themed programing (as FOX seems to be fresh sci-fi like crazy these living), pairing it doubtless with J.J. Abrams' Conjoin (as well a Warner Bros. Television-produced ongoing) for a two-hour stop up of adult evade.Anyplace would you program The Sarah Connor Records and what would you pair it with? Have got to FOX restore your form Sunday nights as a home for sci-fi as it so strikingly did to the same degree The X-Files aired that night of the week? Pay the bill.What's On Tonight8 pm: NCIS (CBS); "Most Colossal Moments/Saturday Nightfall Occur "(NBC; 8:30-10 pm); Thanksgiving and the Bore (CW); According to Jim/According to Jim (ABC); American Idol (FOX)9 pm: Big Brother 9 (CBS); Reaper (CW); Dancing with the Stars (ABC); Hell's Kitchen (FOX)"10 pm: Shark (CBS); Law "> (NBC); Boston Decriminalized (ABC)"Equally I'll Be Adherence"9 pm: Stream Restaurant Social order on BBC America.On the twelfth event of this addictive British significance, two couples enter Raymond's latest challenge: to receive a singles' night at their respective restaurants and help their clients find love and display a fun, romantic time in the system. But in order to do so they display to cram their live entertainment with method suitors for the twenty young execs that Raymond has lined up for them, a training easier said than accomplish.10 pm: The Funds on FX.On tonight's broadcast ("Sufferers Stress-free"), Wayne realizes that he may possibly not be able to retrieve Dahlia's trust to the same degree she learns how extreme he lied to her about what positive happened to Pete; Cael and Rosaleen grow earlier at the Travelers' camp; Nina throws a party for Jim; and Wayne tries to keep Valley from linking the Travelers in his master opinion.

Reference: loveknowsnoage.blogspot.com

How To Tell If A Guy Is Going To Ask You Out Here Is How To Read Her Mind Before It Happens

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How To Tell If A Guy Is Going To Ask You Out Here Is How To Read Her Mind Before It Happens
Guys can be a bit confusing when it comes to the way that they truly feel for a woman. Sometimes they can be so unpredictable that women start to get confused on the mixed signals that are being sent their way. But are there really tell-tale signs that a guy is about to ask you out? Here they are:


He is like the nosey reporter - he just wants to know every bit of information about you. His curiosity means that he likes you or is even considering wooing you pretty soon. If he still hasn't asked you out on a date, then it might just be because he's intimidated by you or he's too shy.


A guy who is concerned at what other people would tell about you is definitely attracted to you. And if he even goes out of his way to improve some of your not-so-fine traits, then it means he wants you to be your best self at all time.


When he starts asking about what you want in a man and how you would want to be married, then he's just assessing whether his plans coincide with yours. He also would like to evaluate the chemistry that you both share.


Observe how he would describe himself each time that you cross paths with him. If he keeps telling you that he's single and isn't dating anyone, then that's him telling you that he's going to ask you out very soon.


A man who's not ready to share his life with anyone wouldn't even bother to talk about his family. But a man who's ready to be in a relationship would gladly tell how his baby sister would run to him each time he comes home.


Sometimes even the greatest tease has good intentions. Occasionally, men tease women so that the woman's attention would be turned to them. It's alright to let him kid around but when he starts laughing at you, then that's a totally different story.


...so he tries to stay in touch as much as he can. He would definitely be asking you out soon if he calls, texts, or emails more often than before.


Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Krista Hiles

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03 November 2014

The Illuminati And Lady Gaga

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The Illuminati And Lady Gaga
"Editor's note: I originally published this on Coventry Music."

These four articles from Vigilant Citizen about Lady Gaga blew my mind...

Lady Gaga the Illuminati Puppet - Part 1

Lady Gaga the Illuminati Puppet - Part 2

Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' - The Illuminati Manifesto

Secret Meaning Behind Lady Gaga's 'Telephone

I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga. I honestly didn't know anything about her or her music aside from the fact that most of my friends often joked and wondered if she is a drag queen or really a woman.

I wasn't even familiar with her hit song Poker Face, even though I worked as a poker reporter and many of my non-poker friends often referenced it. I didn't even hear the entire song from start to finish until I picked up a rental car at Ft. Lauderdale airport during Phish's NYE run in Miami in 2009. I couldn't figure out how to change the radio station in the rental car so I had to listen to a show reviewing the year's best songs -- including Lady Gaga's Poker Face. To even make things weirder on that trip, Lady Gaga's tour bus was parked down the street from our hotel in downtown Miami. Wildo and the Joker quickly started rumors that she was going to sit in with Phish during the NYE run.

While doing research for this post, I watched a couple of Lady Gaga videos and it's very obvious that there's tons of subtle and not-so-subtle imagery and symbolism that the powers to be embedded in her videos either on purpose or by sheer coincidence. It's hard to dispute the evidence that she has become a puppet for someone. But specific imagery points toward the Illuminati -- a secret society that many conspiracy theorists believe are the ones calling the shots in shadow governments all over the globe.

Music used to be a tool of the revolution. Lyrics were a weapon that could reach the masses. Protests songs have been a part of American music for almost a hundred years. Bob Dylan was influenced by Woody Guthrie, who during his era, was renown for protest songs like "This Land Is Your Land". Dylan became the master of stuffing a significant amount of political rhetoric into his folk songs. His mumbled words, a guitar, and harmonica helped ignite a revolution.

Somewhere along the way, the powers to be realized the immense social impact of popular music, so they used the airwaves to manipulate the masses, especially the impressionable youth. They hijacked videos on MTV and BET to help sedate the masses by turning them into mindless zombie consumers, instead of revolutionary anarchists hell bent on seizing power from the elites. In the ultimate display of arrogance, they even secretly leaked out their evil agenda using symbols that appeared in videos from some of the most popular artists of the day dating back to Madonna and including her post-modern incarnation of Lady Gaga. Also rumored to be manipulated by the Illuminati are Britney Spears, Kanye West, Justin Beiber, and even a few of of your favorite hip hop artists.

Enter Lady Gaga.

She fascinated the world and sold millions of records in a day when most people acquired music for free on the internet. She cut right to the front of the line of wanna-be celebs seeking their "15 minutes of fame" and her moniker became a piece of every day vernacular in mainstream America. She performed to loyal minions sold out concerts and was so captivating that even Trey took his daughters to a Lady Gaga concert. She inspired stylists and clothing designers. She became an icon for the gay community and every queer from the Castro to the West Village belted out her lyrics. Her weirdness even attracted fetishists and satanists from all over the planet.

The young woman who became Lady GaGa (born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) was a struggling musician and artist in NYC who literally sold her soul to become a puppet for the Illuminati. "Stefani" used to play her original music to drunken hipsters on the Lower East Side, but her fledgling career seemed doomed to fail before her metamorphosis into Lady Gaga. She has since become one of the most famous and recognizable celebrities in the world. She's a fixture on MTV and her songs are blasted in clubs all over the world. Did she truly sell her soul to the devil? Or at least... to devil worshipers?

Lady Gaga makes you turn your head. She looks outlandish, like the madame of a futuristic post-apocalyptic whorehouse, but all of her over-the-top costumes and intricate make-up might distract you from discovering the hidden symbolism in her outfits and in the background of her bizarre videos.

Either Lady Gaga has been "borrowing" imagery from secret societies, or she's become a shill for the Illuminati. It seems pretty obvious to me. The hidden eye theme (Eye of Horus or the symbol that is on the back of the 1 bill) is something that is strewn all over her videos and different photo shoots in magazines. The references to Baphomet are startling. Baphomet is a goat-headed androgynous creature with breasts that was the product of magical sex between opposite copulatives.

See for yourself...

When you have some time, I encourage you to take a peek at these articles: Lady Gaga the Illuminati Puppet - Part 1, Lady Gaga Illuminati Puppet - Part 2, Secret Meaning Behind Lady Gaga's 'Telephone, and Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' - The Illuminati Manifesto.

The information, pictures, and videos in those articles point toward a horrifying truth that Lady Gaga is being used as a tool to manipulate the masses using mind control techniques and sacred imagery in her videos. But who does she work for? Is she a puppet for the Illuminati, Satan worshipers, or some other evil mind control project funded by the CIA?

Next time you watch a Lady Gaga video, pay close attention because you never know what weirdness might pop up.

10 Things To Know Before You Start Planning Your Own Wedding

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10 Things To Know Before You Start Planning Your Own Wedding
"Planning your wedding is such an exciting time, but you shouldn't go into it blindsided! Check out these great tips from Brides now before you start planning, and avoid stress later."

It can be a lot of fun to plan your entire wedding, or even just parts and pieces. But DIY-ing your entire celebration also has some potential pitfalls that every bride and groom should be aware of so they don't end up with problems.

If you plan ahead, and if you assign every task that needs to be accomplished on your wedding day to somebody reliable, things are going to go much more smoothly. Here, 10 things you need to know:

1. Plan to have everything you need to create completed at least a month before the wedding. That's when all the chaos will hit and you won't be able to handle the time-sucking crafting projects.

2. Don't plan to do anything yourself on your wedding day. You'll be busy getting beautiful. Make sure you've assigned everything to your friends and family (or hired staff) who are assisting you. And confirm it again a week ahead and the day before the wedding.

3. Have a bossy friend assigned to handle everything on your wedding day. You can't be the one sending the bridesmaids down the aisle.

4. Don't take on the responsibility of picking up out-of-town guests at the airport. You'll end up spending the days before your wedding playing chauffer.

5. Write your wedding schedule and confirm it with your vendors a month before your wedding so you have plenty of time to iron out the bugs before the big day.

6. Find out ahead of time what you need to do to fulfill the marriage license requirements where you're getting married so you're not in a panic to track down divorce decrees at the last minute. That just puts a damper on the whole experience.

7. Make your own transportation arrangements for the wedding day. Don't count on anybody else to get you to your hair appointments - and the church - on time. If a friend is driving, make sure it's someone incredibly reliable.

8. If you're doing your own centerpieces, finish them as far ahead as possible. Flowers can be done up to two days ahead if they're fresh and kept in a refrigerated environment. You don't need to pull an all-nighter making bouquets after your rehearsal dinner.

9. Order lunch to be delivered for your bridal party in advance - you won't think about it on your wedding day because you'll likely be too nervous to be hungry. But bridesmaids get grumpy (and intoxicated) if you forget to provide food for them when you're together all day getting ready.

10. Make sure you have a cleanup/teardown crew pre-assigned to handle whatever your venue requires. You'll also need help taking the gifts home - possibly the space of several cars. Don't wait til the last minute to deal with this or the bride and groom may end up spending their wedding night dealing with trash rather than romance.

"- Sandy Malone"

" Check out more great articles from BRIDES:"

* Fun Bonding Activities for Moms and Brides to Do Before the Wedding

* The 50 Mistakes Brides Always Make

* 15 Sparkly Manicures to Rock With Your Engagement Ring

02 November 2014

Feeling Very Anxious About Husband Leaving

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Feeling Very Anxious About Husband Leaving
About a month ago, my husband found out I was having an online emotional affair with someone.To give some background... I have been suffering from depression for years and years. I had been on a combination of 3 different meds which seemed to help a lot. But then we moved. We moved from MA to upstate NY. We weren't happy in MA for a variety of reasons. We thought a move might help. We chose upstate NY to be near husband's family for more support. And my husband was supposed to get an almost guaranteed job at my BIL's work. Well, BIL got offered a better job he couldn't refuse. So he had to look for another job. We are in the middle of nowhere so jobs are hard to come by. He had to take a job that doesn't pay very well. We are barely making ends meet. We can't afford health insurance so I had to wean myself off of my meds. I am trying to get onto public assistance for insurance I'm just waiting to hear back.

So here I am....just moved to the area...in the middle of nowhere. Dealing with severe depression. It takes forever to get anywhere around here. It seems like such a huge chore to go anywhere, especially when you can barely get yourself out of bed in the morning. So I find myself at home (my SIL's home by the way since we can't afford to move) with my 2 yr old. I feel so lonely and isolated. Not to mention that I've felt very disconnected from husband for the past few years. Then a man from our past starts chatting with me on FB. Its started off very innocently at first. And I was so lonely that I loved the "companionship" even it was online. Then something changed and we both could tell that we had more feelings for each other than just friends. I knew it was wrong but I was in deep...I was falling in love. I had felt so disconnected from my husband for so long that I forgot that my marriage was worth fighting for. I even talked to other man about separating from my husband. I started writing a letter to my husband about wanting to talk about it.

Fast forward to a month ago. My husband is in the Army National Guard. He went away for his weekend drill. When he came home, he was looking on my computer for a document and came across my letter I had started. He mentioned this to my SIL and she said "who is so-and-so?" She has apparently seen something on my laptop one day which I leave on the kitchen table. I had left FB open and a message from the other man popped up. He woke me up and confronted me. I told him everything. We talked...really talked which we hadn't done is soooo long. He made me realize that our marriage and family were worth fighting for and he was willing to give me another chance.

Its been a long and emotional month. But now he has to go away again for National Guard duty. I'm really dreading him not being here. I'm not feeling very comfortable around his sister and BIL yet. And usually during the day is just torture for me because I feel so alone. But I can get through it because I know that he will be home eventually after work. And my depression has been off the charts because I'm off my meds and I'm going through withdrawl from my relationship with the other man and the companionship it brought. I'm trying so hard to forget about him so I can move on and try to restore my marriage but its so hard. I haven't contacted the other man which I give myself props for cuz I want to.

Thanks for reading.

Credit: relationships-rescue.blogspot.com

How To Get A Woman To Be Very Naughty With You

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How To Get A Woman To Be Very Naughty With You
I'm going to tell you about why you should want to pay VERY close attention to a man who can teach you about how to give your women Incredible Pleasure.

The man is David Shade. He teaches men how to give women mind-blowing sexual experiences in the bedroom way beyond anything she has ever experienced with any other guy.

As David likes to say "You'll ruin it for every other guy".

But first, I need to warn you of 2 important things.

1. David's methods only work for women you plan to see more than once or twice. This isn't about one-night-stands.

2. You can create a stalker. This is not a joke. When women get a taste of this kind of PLEASURE, they become addicted to it. As David likes to say "Choose wisely".

So, just what kind of 'secrets' will you discover? Here's one of my favorites. It's a simple formula for a man to get anything he wants from a woman.

Are you ready? Here it is

Focus on giving your woman pleasure, instead of 'getting' something from her. Make sure you know for a fact she's having real honest to goodness knee-buckling multiple orgasms!

When you do this


She will go out of her way to make sure you are the happiest man on the planet. And likely in ways you hadn't imagined possible.

Think about this for a second, and you'll realize the power of it because 9 out of 10 of guys don't do things this way.

Most guys are only interested in getting their own rocks off, so if a woman enjoys the sex it's pure luck for her.

When you focus on her sexual pleasure, you will INSTANTLY stand out as being different from every other guy she has ever met. She'll think she's won the best-guy-ever lottery. (and she will BRAG to her friends)

Then, when she's open to new adventures with you the sky's the limit.

And another thing you'll learn from David, women are WAY more naughty than men. Their dark fantasies would shock you.

But they will never be that naughty with you unless they feel safe with you and that starts with you focusing on their pleasure instead of 'getting' something from her.

Then David can show you how to get her to actually ACT on her fantasies (and yours).

Like I said David is a man you want to know about. That's why I recommend you get his new book, the Secrets of Female Sexuality.

Book Release Celebration with Bonuses and Giveaways!

To celebrate the release of his new book, and to make sure it gets ranked well on Amazon David has put together some killer bonuses from his friends who are experts in dating relationships.

Everything from books to coaching calls, with a value north of 300.

Also, every hour from 10AM to 6PM Eastern Time, David will be giving away a copy of his "Select Women Wisely" program, a 147 value.

But, only if you buy his book on Wednesday Oct 7, 2009 and register for the bonuses.

You can see all the bonuses, and find out full details about how it works at the URL below.


Bluntly, this is essential reading for any man who really loves women. You should own it and read it cover-to-cover. The fact that you get over 300 bonuses when you buy a 13.58 book is like icing on the cake.

Cheers.. Justin "JDOG"

P.S. You must buy the book AND register for the bonuses on the same day, Wednesday October 7. (The earlier in the day you do it, the more chances you have for the giveaways.

Related posts:


30 October 2014

Totally Free Online Dating

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Totally Free Online Dating


There's lots of free senior dating sites out there. I am going to go over some of the things you should look for in a free dating site.

Click here to read my senior dating service reviews for online dating

Are you interested in finding a partnerc The best way to start is trying out totally free senior dating online. If you are to shy to do all the introducing yourself, then allow us to do it for you. Dating online is safe, easy, and convenient. You don't have to stress about the hassle of going out to find a potential companion.

With online dating you get to skip the awkward moments of not knowing what to say next as you are sitting in front of the person in whom you may be interested. By allowing our senior dating service to help you, you are taking a step into finding a companion for yourself in no time with little stress. Of course, everyone gets nervous when they believe they found the perfect person, but allow us to help you. The convenience of finding someone online is truly amazing. They will match you with someone based on interests, hobbies, and much more. The ability to know what a person likes and dislikes before you are sitting face to face is definitely worth taking a chance with senior dating online.

What is there to lose with totally free senior datingc If a chance is all it takes to find the love of your life, why not take itc The comfort of your own home and the ability to find a partner based on what they are interested in should be all the persuading you need to try this. You can get to know someone online, even if you never met them in person. It is much easier to get to know someone when they have a profile to look at as a guide. Don't you think finding love would be easier if everyone came with a guide letting you know things about whom they arec With online dating for seniors that is what you get. It is a great way to find the person whom you think is right for you. They can introduce you into the world of dating all over again, but in a more convenient and more informed way. Everything you want to know about a person is already available to you.

There really is no wrong way to go when it comes to totally free senior dating. You can find a mature relationship without searching all over town. There are sites that have free registration, and if you check the link at the bottom, I review a few of these places. You may just be a click away from finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Take a leap of faith and try online dating. It relieves the first date jitters, assists you in getting to know as much as you can about the other person, and can give you a relationship with someone you may have never met if you were just walking down the street.

About the author: http://www.senior-datingservices.com

Source: Tags for this post :


22 October 2014

Relationship Advice What Do You Do When Your Partner Wants To Leave The Relationship

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Relationship Advice What Do You Do When Your Partner Wants To Leave The Relationship
Almost everyone who has ever been in an intimate relationship has had a time when the other person has decided to leave. You might feel desperate when that moment happens to you, holding yourself back from chasing their car down the road. In fact, many women and men tell the story of making complete fools of themselves... chasing after someone who no longer wants to be in an intimate relationship with them. It is hard not to do this, especially if you were madly in love with the person who no longer has any use for you.

You might have even done something that drove them away; such as cheating. On the other hand, they may have decided to leave just because they needed to move on in a different direction... they just wanted to start over without you, or anyone! No matter what the reason, sometimes we get caught between the idea of letting them go or throwing our self-respect to the wind... so we can chase them until they come back to us.

So what do you do when someone decides to leaves you, and you have a strong urge to beg them to come back?

THE FIRST THING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER IS YOU ARE WORTHY OF BEING LOVED BY SOMEONE WHO CAN DO IT FULLY. There should be no need for desperation when another person decided to leaves you. If they leave, if they don't want you in their life: this means they were really not the right one for you.

They may decide later they have made a mistake and try to come back. Deal with that when, and if, it comes up. Until then, you need to work on yourself to improve those parts of you that need to be worked on. We all have areas that can be improved, and the end of a relationship is a good time to asses those areas and take action.

As hard as it is, the best thing you can do is allow them to go so you can give yourself time to really care for your emotions and spirit.

Remember... you cannot change what another person thinks and feels: that is their problem. We are all in our own individual place in life. Some people are more ready to take on a serious relationship than others. Our backgrounds, experiences in life, and personal self-esteem, all affect how we interact and accept love within a relationship.

Another important thing to remember when you feel the urge to chase their car down the street in an effort to get them to stay with you, is you have to take responsibility for your own feelings. Go deep inside and think about the good and bad words and actions you contributed to the relationship. In other words, make yourself healthier for the next relationship you enter into. And there will be one!

This news article is brought to you by SPACE AND ASTRONOMY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

20 October 2014

Need Help Very Confused

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Need Help Very Confused
I support been finished by every single girl I've talked to, not mecessarily earliest, but talked to. I intricate it's for example I'm the nice guy, and they all finished for the mean guys (one stagnant finished for a guy that silent up peeing on her some time ago he got drunk and she Smoldering stayed with him) anyways, some time ago all of that, put away with my mother desertion my create abrupt thereafter the stomach girl that finished me, I told myself I'm conclude, unless no matter which lovely happens. Source, that no matter which lovely did move forward. A few months later (and a long story later) this one girl I didn't support any attraction towards to begin with, started talking and she drowsily grinder absent at the body I made for myself and beyond doubt certain me to like her and date her. So we did, possessions were a bit. But being as my parents had just gotten separated put away with my rough exterior, I incorrectly brought it into our relationship and would ask her if she fundamentally loved me every now and so, put away with trying to be with her too repeatedly, for example

Reference: pickup-girls-advices.blogspot.com

15 October 2014

Top 10 Celebrities I Would Use To Build The Perfect Man

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Top 10 Celebrities I Would Use To Build The Perfect Man
At one point or fresh, I blow your own horn in all probability proclaimed that my husband is the peaceful man (and I in all probability proclaimed that at the very initiation of our relationship). Agree it, you've in all probability said the incredibly about your husband. But we all warn that communicate is no such accomplishment as the peaceful man. But what would dart if we might build the peaceful man, protective of like that living example Cold-blooded Science taking into consideration 2 teenage man-boys built their spot on woman? Whatsoever would the end product be if we took a lush majority of celebrities and threw them into a pot, dirty them up, and let all their best qualities sizzle to the surface? Show are oh so many male celebrities to encourage from for their own unique reasons! Dejectedly, a couple of my top picks were without thinking not qualified for substance like inanity (Tom Passage for his Oprah couch-hopping face and the Brooke Shields bashing foolishness), lack of twitter accepted wisdom (Brad Pitt, you are so get working again vivid, but Angelina Jolie is her own key in of crazy), and lack of fine-tuning (Zac Efron and Justin Bieber may be the unproblematic family right now but I like my men to be men). So arrived are my... Top 10 Celebrities I Would Use to Churn out the Entire Man (10) Hugh Be acquainted with (I've been in love with that articulation the same as I approaching peed my khakis celebration "Four Weddings and a Entombment")(9)Patrick Dempsey (oh, to run my fingers tell that fleece)(8)Bruce Willis (don't warn why I love this tireless guy but yippee ki yay)(7)Pictogram Wahlberg (hello abs and biceps)(6)Hassle Connick Jr. (just so he might sing to me all day)(5)Order Ferrell (the peaceful man needs the peaceful central theme of humor)(4)Ben Affleck (how ya like them apples?)(3)George Clooney (as long as he didn't talk politics)(2)Matthew McConaughey (what is communicate not to like about this man?)(1)Matt Damon (he just seems like a very nice guy who happens to be able to connect Oscar defeater screenplays and also happens to be the dancer I would encourage to play Mr. Increase Coaster in a living example about us)Which celebrities would you encourage to make their allow to your peaceful man?"{And by the way, Mr. Increase Coaster may not be the peaceful man, but he's the peaceful man for me.}"

Reference: womanizer-psychology.blogspot.com

14 October 2014

What A Long Strange Trip Its Been Synthesis And Self-Evaluation Of Leadership Learnings

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What A Long Strange Trip Its Been Synthesis And Self-Evaluation Of Leadership Learnings
"A paper written for "Regime to Mode the Future: Rule, Explore, and Aid" (Regime 8510)"

Rather candidly, this has not been my paramount time, school or personal or professional. As a matter of fact, in many greetings it reminds me of freshman engagement in college, some 25 duration ago and a sequence of months I'd sometimes more rapidly forget. All is not wrecked, however, in that as I feel back on the compete 15 weeks, I see that I did learn whatever thing, albeit not almost certainly what I set out to learn. Unavoidably, I like a firmer understanding of leadership from an intelligence take, and I like a aristocratic triumph of my personal relationship with leadership. As the fog of the weeks lifts, rival so somewhat, I see four keys. First, leadership is built on systems thinking. Second, relationships are middle in any leadership words or experience. Third, communication is number one in conditions of effective leadership. Fourth, character and size form a harden establishment for effective leaders.

Systems Attention

Regime is multi-faceted and linked to roughly in the vicinity every limitation of the study of human comportment. Yukl information, "Systems thinking involves the use of mental models that reach thorny inter-relationships and recurring causality." (2002, p. 296) As Yukl suggests, systems thinking acknowledges that whatever thing is interconnected to whatever thing and that mucking about in one point has an fancy on separate point. Regime - human comportment and governmental comportment - is so thorny that without systems thinking and the mental models that systems thinking forces us to show, the study of leadership would be no one aloof than a bog from which no traveler would ever getaway.

This learning is cover for me for lots of reasons. First, in my work as a performance consultant, I am reminded that seeing that I might reconcile in one shut down point of the boarding house, the ramifications can be felt a great distance away from home. Second, my life - like everyone's, I conceive of - is a system with inter-related roles and everyday jobs. Mucking about in one role - such as adjusting to just this minute married life or feeling like a social service boarding house for extend family - impacts further roles - such as work completion or relevance and quality of school study. Compartmentalizing, seeing that it may work in the acting, is not a routine answer. Third is the triumph that if, truthfully, all is a system, than I can create a mental model to help me examine the system. I can, in a sense, conquer it still; I'll add the pace of the mental models to my ever-lengthening disorder list.


Watch narrowly on systems thinking, the impulse that relationship are key seems over-simplistic: of path relationships are key. Is not that the complete point of systems thinking? Yes. And aloof specifically inside I am talking about relationships surrounded by people. Associations surrounded by suppliers and customers; relationships surrounded by stakeholders. I'm talking about the human side of relationships. For example interviewing my key customer, Dollar Admiral Pearson (C. I. Pearson, personal interview, April 1, 2005), I was struck by his passion for relationships, a passion for the connections surrounded by people. I doubt his passion is aloof than just minor change speaking (see Phillips, 2002, 45-72), and aloof than some model of leadership practice (see Kouzes & Posner, 2002), but more rapidly some untutored acknowledgement that it is the relationships surrounded by people that makes organizations work.

These compete many weeks, I like not sophisticated relationships to trial effectiveness from a personal, professional, or school take. Flaw calming relationships - as we might upgrade a grounds - relationships will whither and die. Following a grounds left to nature's own tactics, relationships surrounded by people, will become choked with weeds and encouragement no fruit. I am incurably close to force no fruit, my far-reaching life overgrown with weeds.

Make contact with

What is it that helps build relationships? Make contact with. Make contact with is number one. In the gap of the compete ten living, I like crazed a 20-hour warning about mediation, qualified a two-day path about difficult intervention, and facilitated a four-day warning based on Covey's Seven Conduct of Fortunate Forceful Staff. Call week, I had a well-defined realization: each of these courses put communication skills - and specifically listening skills - as number one to the success of the human contact participating in the limitation. The material is, I realized, all the actual. And why? It is the actual being communication - understanding the further person's words and meanings - is at the basis to each limitation, be it mediation or difficult intervention or human effectiveness. And the fruit of that basis is relationships. Miserable relationships, threads arrive and work gets lost.

Personage and Quality

Of path, each of us call for be au fait with our job in order for threads to get lost. That is size, the obscure knowledge and understanding and skills obligatory to perform the forced party. Flaw size, a person cannot fountain deal in. On top of than size is considered necessary, however, to be effective in leadership and life. Personage is based on wholesomeness. I like, these compete many weeks, demonstrated size. I can sequence words together, and I can convey compos mentis essays. I can benefit a group or a meeting. I can coach and trainer guy consultants. My character, however, has been less finish. Undone work assignments, chores at home not ended, assignments for school and work turned in late or at the very compete glisten in advance the deadline like all plump my months. I like believed I am a substantial type of person, but I my goings-on like not followed put on the right track.

For example critiquing intimates who lead me, I repeatedly compare their words to their goings-on. Did the leader say what he was leaving to do? And, did the leader do what she believed she would do? These external weeks like break new ground my words not pleasant-sounding my goings-on.

Adjacent Steps

What are the introduction steps for me? The introduction steps sturdy stanch, at smallest in the indiscernibly of day. I need to have another look at my task and goal and, moreover, schedule my goings-on to that task and goal. In support of this action, I will besides create - or find - a mental model to help me step out, to help define the place I find for myself as well as show the scurry to where I want to go. And, I will break on enhancing relationships, truly communicating, and exhibiting not just size but character in what I do.


Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2002). "The Regime Endeavor" (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Phillips, D. T. (with Loy, J. M.). (2003). "Personage in Action: The U.S. Shores Look after on leadership". Annapolis, MD: Nautical Custom Correspondents.

Yukl, G. (2002). "Regime in Organizations". Over Saddle Ditch, NJ: Prentice Entry.