25 January 2015

4 Basic Seduction Secrets For Men

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4 Basic Seduction Secrets For Men
Just about every virtual corner of the internet is flooded with so-called seduction secrets. These days, powerful techniques on seduction like hypnosis and NLP seduction abound. It's tempting to think that the only way we can ever become great seducers is if we get to know more about these seduction secrets.

It may be true that these complicated seduction secrets may truly have their merits. Some men however take basic seduction secrets for granted. You may not know it but these basic seduction secrets may have a better effect on women in some cases.


You don't have to buy expensive things to seduce a woman. Although that hundred-dollar bottle of wine and that signature shirt can do wonders for women, some women also fall for simple things. Basic seduction secrets include a lot of things that won't drill a hole on your wallet.

Candles for example are timeless seduction secrets. Make sure that your girl is not allergic to any scents before you use these seduction secrets. You can set up some candles on strategic places as she goes over to check your place. Candles are perfect for mood setting.

Different kinds of food are also basic seduction secrets. Seduction secrets say that a woman's way to a man's heart is through his stomach. What people don't know is that this secret also holds true for men on women. Preparing some spicy hot dishes and sweet and sultry deserts to worm your way into her heart definitely won't hurt.


Sometimes, men fail at seduction because their timing is a little off. Timing is part of basic seduction secrets that men should master. Bars and clubs for example are generally considered the right places that offer the right timing to seduce someone. This is because it is mutually understood that such nightspots are places where people naturally go to for socialization. On the other hand, it is a bad time to seduce a woman at her work place when she is clearly in a hurry and stressed out with work.

You should also consider the time of week and day. It's a great time to try and seduce a woman on weekends and at nighttime. Weekends are usually perfect because women don't need to worry about work the following day.


The best seduction secrets may come from women. This doesn't mean that expert males don't have great seduction secrets. This simply means that women know fellow women best. Ask some of female friends for practical seduction secrets. Ask them what they like in men and if your techniques are great or total flops. Women friends are sure to be great sources of the best seduction secrets.

Seduction is Never About Aggression

Men should also never forget that good seduction secrets are never about muscling your way to a woman's heart. Seduction is about gentle persuasion. Resist the urge to rip off her clothes at the heat of the moment. Men should be gentlemen even to the very last.

Recommended books (free to download):Derek Vitalio - Seduction Science Volume Ii

Derek Vitalio - Seduction Science Volume I

Labels: verbal cues patterns keep interested secrets language socially isolated neil strauss initiate conversation dating techniques guide getting turned manual practitioner certification hentai anal sex model hypnosis love systems

16 January 2015

Better Sports Performance With Hypnosis

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Better Sports Performance With Hypnosis
Human beings have always been fascinated with sports, and over the years we have had sportsmen and women who have become legends in their own right. Consistent in their performance, with unmoving dedication and perseverance, these sports stars have become icons for future generations. What is it that makes these players so unbeatable? How is it that they can turn in one winning performance after the other in their preferred sport? And is it possible for you to get the winning streak, much like your revered player? The truth is that it is entirely possible for normal human beings to inculcate and develop sporting genius through an ingenious process known as hypnotherapy for sports performance.

Sport is a very competitive field, and in today's world it means big business. It is important for a player's success that he or she is in top form all through their careers, but it is not always possible to maintain a steady performance; health problems, lack of confidence, deviating concentration can lead to a player's downfall. Even sporting greats like Maradona, have faced problems due to dealing with the pressure of being a star sportsman. There is a lot of money being pumped into the business of sports, and most of the competing teams and players go through rigorous training and counseling before a big series. Little is known about the fact, that hypnotherapy for sports performance is one of the much favored coaching techniques which contribute to a player's winning performance. Though hypnotherapy comes in handy while improving a player's concentration and focus, it is not much talked about due to the misleading taboo attached to hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy for sports performance is all about increasing a player's ability to concentrate and focus on the techniques of their game. Through various methods such auto suggestion, visualization and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotherapy works on a subconscious level to help a player be calm in the face of tension, and give in 100% concentration to their game without being distracted. The ultimate goal for any player is to win the game, and hypnotherapy for sports performance gives them the required edge. Hypnotherapy relieves stress through helping players to relax. When a person is relaxed their minds are clear and they are able to focus better. By focusing better, a player can concentrate on the ultimate goal of winning. Hypnotherapy also uses the technique of visualization to help players strategize better; it allows them to break their winning stroke down to the smallest part and helps them replay it in their minds over and over again. For example, a cricket player can go over his sweep shot repeatedly to memorize every move in his body while he makes it. This will enable him to perform the same shot to perfection in the future games. Hypnotherapy for sports management also helps players to anticipate beforehand the moves made by the opponent's team, so that they can devise new strategies to handle these situations. Hypnotherapy for sports management is useful in a variety of games - from golf to cricket, from baseball to tennis; it has the ability to hone your sporting technique effectively. I have dealt with a number of teams and players in my career, and the effects of hypnotherapy on them are very visible. Gone are the mental blocks that cease them from time to time; they are more confident of themselves and their game. And nothing could provide a person with the X factor required for winning a game, than a belief in oneself that they can do it!

Origin: loveknowsnoage.blogspot.com

David Deangelo Getting That X Factor

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David Deangelo Getting That X Factor
I wanted to bring some light to a topic that I feel is kindof a grey area in pick up and nobody has to ever seem to have a good answer to.

When I first got into pick up, the types of advice that Iwould loathe so much:

"Just be yourself"

"Be confident"

"Be charismatic"

When I hear someone say that, it really makes my blood boil,if they had said nothing it would have been to the efficacy.

Then when I got into the pick up arts, I remember distinctlycoming to the same problem. I remember distinctly overcoming my approachanxiety and I could now finally approach without getting too nervous andpissing my pants. It took me roughly 3 weeks of going out consistently and Ifelt like I was still at square one and I couldn't hook a set for the life ofme. I mean, what good was getting over approach anxiety If girls still found medry and uninteresting?

This is what pick up REALLY is, learning how to beinteresting, learning how to story tell, learning how to utilize differenttypes of humor at different points in the conversation. This ONLY comes withexperience and IMO is the only place of your game that you cannot expedite withtactics, it's something you have to experiment with via trial and error totruly form your "style".

I'll have guys ask me all the time to give them BT gambitsand ideas for making girls laugh, and while I'm more than happy to lend out mypersonal arsenal, I do it hesitantly, because they're congruent to ME. Iremember the first couple times going out, I tried telling using the spin moveand telling Mystery's stripper story and it just came out horribly incongruent,because quite frankly, I just thought the material was trivial and stupid.

Okay.... So enough with the whining, how do we get to the nextlevel. One man's work shines above the rest here and what do you know, he'salso the most mainstream. If you're stuck here at this part of the game and youjust can't seem to be "interesting", look into David Deangelo's material.Luckily being on the show, we had access to a ton of material so I perused asmuch of it as I needed. I took notes and I constantly field tested these ideasout. I found about a dozen tips/tricks that I found to my liking and if you've studied the materialtoo, you'll find me spitting it out word for word, but hey, it works. It getsattention, it makes people laugh, and most importantly, it gets me results.

So what's the magic bullet to becoming interesting andcharismatic? Practice.... Practice and constant re-evaluation. Get used towriting field reports, this is why APB and I stress it so much to write fieldrepots, you'll remember lines/routines that you used that night that you foundsuccessful and if you just simply write it down, the rate of sticking in yourmemory goes up exponentially. Remember, when you're running pickup, you'rerunning the exact same interaction over and over again, you'll see the same obstacles,same patterns, and you'll find yourself reusing jokes and reusing stories overand over again, and before you know it you'll have your own rendition of a"Mystery Stripper Story" that you tell over and over again to DHV yourself.

Nobody said you would just "get it" over night, if you goout consistently for a few to several months, I genuinely believe that ANYONEcan fine tune this part of their game and really, this is the bulk of pickup.Once you have a good sense of situational awareness and great delivery andenthusiasm, the rest of the puzzle will fall into place

Origin: break-seduction.blogspot.com

11 January 2015

China Single Women Compete For Love And Riches

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China Single Women Compete For Love And Riches
Young Chinese women in swishy dresses and strappy sandals sit in a row clutching forms that list their weight and measurements as they wait for an interview with the "appearance consultant". Dressed as if for a beauty contest, they are among more than 1,000 bidding to make it to the next stage of this bizarre competition -- the chance to join an exclusive group of 50 vying for marriage to a multimillionaire. The testing process screens everything from looks and education to family background and astrological compatibility. The 50 lucky qualifiers win the chance to meet 32 men worth at least 100 million yuan (16 million). Although it is at the extreme end of the scale, the matchmaking event arranged by the China Entrepreneur Club for Singles in Beijing reflects the growing challenges of finding a spouse in modern China. FULL STORY...RELATED POSTS: * HUSBANDS WANTED FOR 36 CHINESE MILLIONAIRE SINGLE LADIES! * CHINESE WOMEN TAKING COURSES ON HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE! * CHINESE WOMAN WILLING TO SLEEP WITH ANY MAN WHO LOANS HER HIS BMW FOR A WEEK! * SHANGHAI HOSTS CHINA'S FIRST "MARRIAGE AND LOVE EXPO" FOR LONELY HEARTS... * MARRIAGE AGENCIES IN CHINA PROMISE "FREE VIRGIN REPLACEMENTS" * 24 MILLION CHINESE MEN FACE WIFELESS FUTURE! WHERE ARE THE GIRLS? * CHINA TRIES TO "DISCOURAGE" WOMEN TARGETING RICH HUSBANDS... * FERRARI SCANDAL HITS CHINA'S COMMUNIST PARTY...

Origin: gamma-male.blogspot.com

09 January 2015

Looking To Take Control After A Fresh Perspective Want To Make Some Changes

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Looking To Take Control After A Fresh Perspective Want To Make Some Changes

My name is Sue Howdle and I have many years experience helping people improve their lives. I am a certified practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy. I am also a registered nurse and I hold a psychology degree as well as certified counselling skills.

Combining a range of techniques, I can help you:

Improve your relationships

Improve your communications

Control your weight

Give up smoking

Reduce anxiety and stress

Build confidence

Enhance your personal growth and development

Renew's studio is an informal, comfortable and confidential space, with stunning views and freshly made cappuccino, all of which are designed to make your session as relaxing and rewarding as possible and leave you feeling Renewed.

Reference: womanizer-psychology.blogspot.com

02 January 2015

Positive Psychology Life Coaching

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Positive Psychology Life Coaching
I'm pleased to announce my positive psychology life coaching service -- life coaching that uses the rigor and peer-reviewed scientific researched methods of positive psychology. These methods are "proven" to work! "Proven" to make your life happier, more fulfilled; your relationships deeper and more loving; your mental and even physical health better, more robust.

Being a positive psychology coachee doesn't mean that you're going to magically become happier, healthier, wealthier -- or anything else that's better than where you are now. You have to work at our coaching relationship and do your homework. And I'll be providing you with a lot of homework to do!

The end goal is for you to build an arsenal of tools to use to make your life better, and the know-how of what to do with the tools to make them work as you hope and expect them to work. And you'll have me to guide you through the process - working with you to form a plan that works for you, and to implement it.

Contact me for more information about my positive psychology coaching service.

Origin: pualib.blogspot.com

Make Him Addicted To You 5 Tips To Hook Him And Make Him Desire Only You

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Make Him Addicted To You 5 Tips To Hook Him And Make Him Desire Only You
To say that you are at least a little bit curious about what the secrets of making a man feel like he is addicted to you are, is an understatement. You hope that one day that you are going to find the man that you have been waiting for and when that day comes, you want to be ready for it. You want to know right away what it is that you have to do to make him feel as though he is addicted to you. I think that almost all women know what it is like to feel that fear of losing a guy that they are really into, and you would do just about anything to learn how to make sure that it never happens.

Here are 5 tips to hook him and how to get him addicted to you without having to worry about losing him along the way:


This is one of those really obvious tips that a lot of people seem to overlook. You can't really complain about not meeting the right guys if you are not going to places where the right guys for you are going to be hanging out. A really simple way to look at this is to take the example of wanting to meet a rocker kind of guy and then going to a country music bar. You may not care about those examples, but it still illustrates a point. If you want to meet the right guy, then you have to be in the places where he would be.


I know, this is not supposed to be the way that it is. I mean, you hear all of the time how it is supposed to be just about your personality and nothing else. Well, that may sound good, but the reality is that you do have to take good care of your physical appearance if you want to attract a man. They are driven by a woman's looks, so you have to do yourself the favor of accepting that as a fact. That does not mean that you have to be so into your looks that you are shallow. Not at all. Just know that it is a part of the equation that you do have to pay attention to.


Are you the kind of woman who would absolutely never approach a guy and would only wait for him to approach you? If so, then you may want to change that outlook a bit. You do have to be a little bit on the "aggressive" side if you are serious about getting a guy before it is too late. Let's use the example of being at a club and seeing a guy who just embodies all of the qualities that you like in a man. And this is the only chance that you have to meet him. You have to be able to take a chance in a situation like this.


Single guys complain all of the time about there being too much pressure on them when they meet a woman. It's good to make him feel a little bit so that you can kind of test him to see how he holds up. But making him feel too much pressure is not a good way to try and get him to feel addicted to you.


Obviously I am not saying that you should just rush into sex with a guy to make him feel like he is addicted to you. That does not have to happen. However, you still want to let him see that you do have a sexual side, so that you can kind of kick start his imagination a little.

Do you want to get more tips on HOW TO ATTRACT QUALITY MEN and make HIM become addicted to YOU?

This is where you want to go: CLICK ME

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Controlling Emotions

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Controlling Emotions
Controlling emotions in yourself and others is perhaps the key to success and happiness inyour life. All persuasion is based on some form or another of eliciting emotions in others. Ifconsider what makes musicians so well loved is that their music elicits specific states that fansfind compelling. Their music is an auditory anchor that triggers memories, feelings, andemotions across the spectrum.

How to elicit an emotional state

1. Access the state inside yourself. Go into state.

2. Ask questions about the state. "Can you remember a time you absolutely had to havesomeone and you went for him/her? What did you feel like right at the instant that you madethe decision to do it?

3. Be congruent. If you want to elicit the state of happiness, put a smile on and BE HAPPY!

4. Have them associate into the experience. Have them see themselves through their own eyesand see, hear, and feel the things they saw, heard, and felt.

First, let's learn state elicitation. How can you elicit a state? There am some useful steps tofollow to'do this.Associated =Dissociated =

What are some useful states to elicit?

1. Excitement

5.2. wanton Desire

6.3. Curiosity

7.4. Inebriation

8.Two Primary Waves to Elicit Any State

1. Use emotionally evocative words in your speech or written communication.

2. Use the evocative tonality when describing the state.

3. Ask the person to tell you directly what it is like when you experience X. You can ask'What's it like to be completely XT (Aroused, intrigued, depressed, etc.)

Suggested reading (free books):J Siverthorn - Focus Directing Questions

Pj Gaenir - Controlled Remote Viewing

Keywords: relationship mistakes them gets advanced seduction pua styles alpha blueprint male practical guide hypnosis places find online dating newly single

Origin: pua-celebrities.blogspot.com