29 November 2013

Community Building Is Where Its At Folks

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Community Building Is Where Its At Folks
The more we come together as friends and like-minded fellow people, the more we influence the larger energy field that we are all part of. Check out what's going on in your community. What are your interests? What is your passion? Get involved, if not with us, find what attracts you! The point is: DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING! The worst thing you can do is to sit on your couch and complain. So let's get up, take a deep breath, and ask yourself: "What do I really want." AND "What can I do to help with everything that's going on in the world." And then do it! I wish you a happy month of April, and enjoy the crazy spring weather! Christiane This is just a reminder that we are meeting this SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH, AT 2.00 PM AT THE LOTUS in Draper for our monthly Law of Attraction Club meeting. I will be presenting, how you can enhance the use of your Five Senses to get yourself more in tune with the Law of Attraction. We also practice energy work, and hold our intent for Humanity and all life on Earth at this time of great transition. We send energy to our friends in Asia, Africa, and any other place on Earth that needs extra energetic help at this point. Blessed be. Greg Carter and Angela Gifford lead the Qi Gong practice session after the meeting to integrate the learnings physically as well. "HIGHLIGHTS OF UPCOMING EVENTS:" Thursday, April 14thQNLP Practice Session - free event7.00 - 8.00 pm at the Transformation Station, 3300 South 970 East, Salt Lake City, USAOpen to the public, come and practice QNLP techniques to enhance your skill level, experience QNLP first handCall (801) 979-4799 for more information TUESDAY, APRIL 19TH SPECIAL EVENT: COMPLIMENTARY TELE CLASSINTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM NLP COMPLIMENTARY GLOBAL TELE CLASS ON TUESDAY, APRIL 19TH, 2011, AT 8.00 PM (MST) - SIGN UP FOR THIS COMPLIMENTARY CLASS AThttp://globalteleclass.com/scripts/classDetail.lasso?courseNo=CTGT-201acolor:#0000ff;">"CHRISTIANE TURNER AND "YOUR QUANTUM NLP TEAM"Quantum NLP Certification Classes - starting in August in the USAFor more information call (801) 979-4799 or go to www.quantumnlp.net


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