05 June 2008

Role Of A Woman As A Mother

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Role Of A Woman As A Mother
A woman has very many roles to play in the family and society. One of the most important role is being a mother. Not only has she the physical equipment for giving birth and feeding the baby, but she has the emotional traits to care for it."


The fact that throughout history people earth wide have seen the necessity and wisdom of having mothers care for babies surely suggests much more than just a male conspiracy.

What it clearly shows is that she was designed for that role, that makes her vital to the human society. How vital?

Ask yourself: Where would the human family, including you, be without mothers? It would not be at all!

Also, mother love, even more than father love, is an absolute necessity for the normal development of babies.

Extensive studies of babies raised in orphanages reveal that those who lacked the loving care of mothers suffered damage from which most of them never completely recovered.

They were far more likely to grow up with serious emotional, mental and even physical problems.


The love and affection [the child] receives from his mother or a mother-figure, most critically from his birth through age 3, will determine the path of emotional development that will carry him through his life.... About all we used to say was that a mother should hold her baby while feeding him. Now we know that it is indeed the 'petting' (the touching), the 'joyful faces' (the sights) and the 'loving words' (the sounds), together with the smells and the tastes, that are the urgent requirements of infancy."

Yes, it is the nonsense talk, the singing, the smiling at and the smiling back at, the cuddling, the rocking, the hoisting and the laughing that constitute 'love and affection.'

If something has gone wrong in this area, it will become increasingly difficult to repair it after the age of 3.

Have you ever observed a loving mother with her baby? How obvious it is that she is the superior in giving the baby what it needs in early life!

It is not that the father's role is unimportant, but at the very early stage in the child's life the mother's role is the more vital one.

Satisfaction In Filling Role

When women understand and fulfill their role in the family, instead of fighting it, they can get enormous satisfaction.

One woman wrote in a ladies journal:

We were made to be different in nature from man but not of lesser value. It is my fondest desire to be feminine, which is my natural role in life, and to encourage my spouse to be more masculine according to his nature."

A mother wrote:

Speaking personally, my greatest satisfaction in life is the time spent with my husband and the things we do together. But that includes having the children around us, watching them grow up and taking pride in them."

Another mother commented on the charge that women have an "identity problem"."

She said she had none, but instead was viewed with great love, affection and admiration by her husband and two children.

She pleaded: "Women, don't liberate me from all this!"

An article in one magazine also noted:

No matter what any man [or woman] says, the average woman who makes her world a better place for her family to live in accomplishes more than a dozen captains of industry who devote their lives to fabricating steam boilers or manufacturing automatic bacon slicers."

However, when a woman has a husband, father or brother who does not understand her role and her needs and who does not treat her right, then she can indeed be unhappy.

Very often such a women will seeking liberation. But if others can cherish her role, she will gladly fulfill her important role as a mother.


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