31 August 2008
27 August 2008
Make Your Boyfriend To Hug You More Often
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsLet your boyfriend know how important closeness and intimacy are for you. Some guys get too comfortable in relationships and stop hugging their partners as much as they did when they are in the early stages of their relationships. This does not necessarily mean that your boyfriend is not in love with you anymore, but this is more because he does not realize that his embrace is something that you still desire at all times. You have to open up and tell him how you want more intimacy and how it is important in relationships generally. You have to tell your boyfriend how good you feel when he is hugging you tight. Let him realize that being cuddled makes you feel much closer and more intimate to him. Mostly, men tend to be more willing and motivated to hug and cuddle more if their partners get them to realize that they long for it. Most often than not, simply asking for more embraces will make the both of you bond with each other more often.
Sometimes, simply asking for your boyfriend to hug you more is not enough. In other relationships, while the woman might love to be cuddled, the man sees it as an unnecessary and even irrelevant thing to do. If you feel that your boyfriend is someone who is not much of a romantic person, you can still make him so if you know how to play your cards right. Make a little deal that you are willing to give your boyfriend something he has been missing a lot, which is fairly an important move in relationships. This deal can be able to make him embrace you a lot more. Your boyfriend might be longing to make love with you on bed. If that is the case, then tell him that you are willing to make more time with him on the bed if he agrees to hug you more often than before. After all, relationships are all about give and take. You have to give in order to obtain something in return.
One simple but effective move is to take the initiative and hug your boyfriend tight. Why wait if you can simply grab your boyfriend and wrap your arms around him? Most often than not in relationships, telling your boyfriend what you really want is best done by doing it preemptively than waiting for him.
Perhaps the best way in getting your boyfriend to hug and cuddle you more is to be more loving and caring for him. You could motivate your boyfriend to be intimate with you more often by being sweeter and more caring. Most men tend to enjoy their partners being sweeter that it makes them want to hug more than they used to be.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Chris Jackson - Get Your Ex Husband Back Everything You Need To Know
Steve Scott - More Than Friends How To Turn Your Female Friend Into Your Girlfriend
David Deangelo - Double Your Dating How To Change Yourself
Labels: alpha male books guys pick up lines anti pick up lines gangster pick up lines economic pick up lines building self confidence in children watch the pickup artist online swedish pick up lines non verbal communication touch dating advice online history pick up lines
Reference: street-approach.blogspot.com
26 August 2008
What Women Really Want In Relationships And Marriage Part 5 The Man Of Their Dreams And What He Looks Like
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsNo discussion of what women want could be complete without discussion of the Alpha Male. Female readers sound off about what they think about the Alpha Male. In short, they WANT him, NOW!
I have tons of e-mails (mixed metaphor, anybody? LOL!) from women about their reactions to the alpha male, his personality, behavior, bearing, leadership, etc., and since alpha male behavior triggers automatic, biologically-based attraction response, this is indeed something very important you must understand if you truly want to be a man who knows what women want. I'll give you some examples...
Where can I get a man that will propose to me in a dip at the end of a Flamenco? I watch that dance sequence in "The Mask of Zorro" all the time because it's better than any romance novel at getting me juiced up. It's just too hot for words! And that fire in Aleandru, and the determination in Delavega, they are so smooth and so hot, and just take charge of everything around them, as if no matter how bad things have been or could get, they own the world they walk on! GAWD! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to tend to something... ;-)
(Sent in response to a recent newsletter about the importance of building attraction and being able to kill it even in a marriage proposal.)
Just some affirmation from one of your female readers... I loved what you had to say today about the Alpha Male! And from this female's perspective, you're right on target. There is nothing sexier than a man who knows what he wants and sets out to get it, but still takes care not to trample on others to get there. It sounds lame, but "careful determination" is high on my list of traits that I'm looking for in a mate. I want the man who will set out boldly in the direction he desires, who will make sure he has gathered all the necessary data and considered all the important points of what his next step should be, so that when he makes each step, it is bold, sure, and determined. There is nothing wimpy about this man, because even though he's careful and considerate, he is those things in a way that comes across as prepared and in control, not insecure and second-guessing. He has all the facts, and he operates from logic and knowledge -- he IS the Alpha Male. From this gal's point of view, you've got it nailed! Thanks for your insights!
Hi David!
I have your book, and I've been reading your newsletter for a long time now, and I'm starting to wonder why you've not yet been on "Oprah". I keep forwarding your stuff to my guy friends, and some have said they've subscribed. The others just don't get it. They continue to cower before the women around them, feeding us B.S. compliments in a sorry effort to win our approval, never realizing that if they want our approval, the first thing they have to do is stand up and stop seeking it.
Then they have to listen. They need to recognize when we're serious about something and when we're playing, when we're really having a crisis and when we're just testing to see how much drama they'll put up with, and when we're testing to see if they're going to act like men or wimps, they need to calmly tell us to "put our big girl panties on" and straighten up. When we're having a real crisis, we want a man to be strong enough to hear the outpouring of a problem without trying to jump to our rescue, and then tell us get on with handling it, and let them know if they can be of assistance, instead of getting frantic with us and assuming that we're frantic because we can't handle it ourselves. We can. We handle ourselves differently than men, but the vast majority of us do handle ourselves. It takes strength and brains to be that man, one who can recognize the difference between expressing crisis and a plea for help and being considerate enough to act appropriately, and those who are that man are the most desirable of all.
They also have to have themselves together enough to have fun with us. We don't like being around sappy, whiney dorks, or boring sticks in the mud. We want to be with achievers, as you call them, who get things done and feel like they've earned a good time, and can have one, and bring us into it at will with laughter and enthusiasm. God! How we hate to hear the words, "I don't know, what do you want to do?"
Yes, we're hard to understand sometimes, and most of us know it, but more and more of us are getting past that dime novel idea that men should just know everything. We're realizing that we don't really want them to "just know," but that we do want them to recognize it when we tell them, however subtly we may express it. To that end, many of us are starting to speak out in forums like this, because the time for improvement is at hand, and we all, men and women, deserve better.
(also unsigned)
Whoever these women are, they either have or will have a good man. The first certainly seems to be saying that she'll accept nothing less than a true alpha male, one who is strong, but earns his way through the world - he doesn't just beat somebody over the head and take what he wants, he works for it, knowing that he can earn it and is worthy of having it. In Objectivist philosophy, this is called "rational self-interest," and is the cornerstone of appropriate human behavior, especially for anyone wanting to be happy and enjoy self-esteem, because such achievement is self-esteem's only source.
The second seems to be confirming, albeit more verbosely, everything the first says. In short, they want this "alpha male" in their life, and aren't leaving us to guess who he is and what he looks like anymore.
When you've finished "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," you might want to follow it up with one of Ayn Rand's novels, like "The Fountainhead," or "Atlas Shrugged." They are incredibly well-written, and project man as a truly heroic being, strong, logical, motivated, walking tall and moving through life with a purpose, an image that every woman wants to see every time she looks at her man, not just because it's exciting, but because they are "biologically wired" to recognize such characteristics and respond to them - it's called "attraction." (Now there's a clue!)
I've included pages upon pages of instruction and examples of how to be this man in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," and Gentlemen, the women are constantly saying, "Hell YES! This is what I want!" so pay attention! The choice is yours; choose well, and jump immediately to http://www.makingherhappy.com, because life is just too short to spend it bored and wanting.
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
I have tons of e-mails (mixed metaphor, anybody? LOL!) from women about their reactions to the alpha male, his personality, behavior, bearing, leadership, etc., and since alpha male behavior triggers automatic, biologically-based attraction response, this is indeed something very important you must understand if you truly want to be a man who knows what women want. I'll give you some examples...
Check these out:
Where can I get a man that will propose to me in a dip at the end of a Flamenco? I watch that dance sequence in "The Mask of Zorro" all the time because it's better than any romance novel at getting me juiced up. It's just too hot for words! And that fire in Aleandru, and the determination in Delavega, they are so smooth and so hot, and just take charge of everything around them, as if no matter how bad things have been or could get, they own the world they walk on! GAWD! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to tend to something... ;-)
(Sent in response to a recent newsletter about the importance of building attraction and being able to kill it even in a marriage proposal.)
Just some affirmation from one of your female readers... I loved what you had to say today about the Alpha Male! And from this female's perspective, you're right on target. There is nothing sexier than a man who knows what he wants and sets out to get it, but still takes care not to trample on others to get there. It sounds lame, but "careful determination" is high on my list of traits that I'm looking for in a mate. I want the man who will set out boldly in the direction he desires, who will make sure he has gathered all the necessary data and considered all the important points of what his next step should be, so that when he makes each step, it is bold, sure, and determined. There is nothing wimpy about this man, because even though he's careful and considerate, he is those things in a way that comes across as prepared and in control, not insecure and second-guessing. He has all the facts, and he operates from logic and knowledge -- he IS the Alpha Male. From this gal's point of view, you've got it nailed! Thanks for your insights!
Hi David!
I have your book, and I've been reading your newsletter for a long time now, and I'm starting to wonder why you've not yet been on "Oprah". I keep forwarding your stuff to my guy friends, and some have said they've subscribed. The others just don't get it. They continue to cower before the women around them, feeding us B.S. compliments in a sorry effort to win our approval, never realizing that if they want our approval, the first thing they have to do is stand up and stop seeking it.
Then they have to listen. They need to recognize when we're serious about something and when we're playing, when we're really having a crisis and when we're just testing to see how much drama they'll put up with, and when we're testing to see if they're going to act like men or wimps, they need to calmly tell us to "put our big girl panties on" and straighten up. When we're having a real crisis, we want a man to be strong enough to hear the outpouring of a problem without trying to jump to our rescue, and then tell us get on with handling it, and let them know if they can be of assistance, instead of getting frantic with us and assuming that we're frantic because we can't handle it ourselves. We can. We handle ourselves differently than men, but the vast majority of us do handle ourselves. It takes strength and brains to be that man, one who can recognize the difference between expressing crisis and a plea for help and being considerate enough to act appropriately, and those who are that man are the most desirable of all.
They also have to have themselves together enough to have fun with us. We don't like being around sappy, whiney dorks, or boring sticks in the mud. We want to be with achievers, as you call them, who get things done and feel like they've earned a good time, and can have one, and bring us into it at will with laughter and enthusiasm. God! How we hate to hear the words, "I don't know, what do you want to do?"
Yes, we're hard to understand sometimes, and most of us know it, but more and more of us are getting past that dime novel idea that men should just know everything. We're realizing that we don't really want them to "just know," but that we do want them to recognize it when we tell them, however subtly we may express it. To that end, many of us are starting to speak out in forums like this, because the time for improvement is at hand, and we all, men and women, deserve better.
(also unsigned)
Whoever these women are, they either have or will have a good man. The first certainly seems to be saying that she'll accept nothing less than a true alpha male, one who is strong, but earns his way through the world - he doesn't just beat somebody over the head and take what he wants, he works for it, knowing that he can earn it and is worthy of having it. In Objectivist philosophy, this is called "rational self-interest," and is the cornerstone of appropriate human behavior, especially for anyone wanting to be happy and enjoy self-esteem, because such achievement is self-esteem's only source.
The second seems to be confirming, albeit more verbosely, everything the first says. In short, they want this "alpha male" in their life, and aren't leaving us to guess who he is and what he looks like anymore.
When you've finished "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," you might want to follow it up with one of Ayn Rand's novels, like "The Fountainhead," or "Atlas Shrugged." They are incredibly well-written, and project man as a truly heroic being, strong, logical, motivated, walking tall and moving through life with a purpose, an image that every woman wants to see every time she looks at her man, not just because it's exciting, but because they are "biologically wired" to recognize such characteristics and respond to them - it's called "attraction." (Now there's a clue!)
I've included pages upon pages of instruction and examples of how to be this man in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," and Gentlemen, the women are constantly saying, "Hell YES! This is what I want!" so pay attention! The choice is yours; choose well, and jump immediately to http://www.makingherhappy.com, because life is just too short to spend it bored and wanting.
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
Tiwa Savage Rejects Invitation To Attend Tania Omotayos Birthday Party Today
Edit Posted by Unknown with No comments25 August 2008
Attract Pretty Girl Using Dhv Stories Routine
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsDamage Moderately Child By the use of DHV STORIES Misery
I passed out record weekends sham sports and never got into the party representation. This is a suddenly succes story of resource... My venture is far from brand but I'm enjoying it. As far as my gust style, it's old denims, with old band t-shirts, plad passing sleve overshirts, and hoodies. I went to this bellydancing club like every choice night for like 3 weeks There was a lot of hot girls and for some end, suddenly guys. And moreover I saw this HB in three steps from me! Not the record beautiful girl out at hand (Time I'VE Appearance OF Inoperative THIS RATING Corporation WOULD BE Globular HB6.5), but she's terribly fun and wily.She was a passing coffee. A little countenance, very cute. I assumed to myself: Shit that's one hot baby, i essential go talk to her! I approached her and assumed '"Hey, its great day. I just try to pick you up now."'.I introduced face-to-face. She responded genially to this, laughed, and introduced herself. She blushes and moreover starts trying to tell some self-sufficient story, her tell departure finer and finer and her available plethora of deficient spent sentences. '"so i was at....um..my univeresity...and at hand was a girl...no adjourn a guy...adjourn what am i saying? oh um...uhhh....."'. I try to use DHV stories routine. This helps as mean. She giggled and smiled. I annoy her functioning and stroll like I'm more willingly than her lover. We keep talking, but all the meanwhile I'm grazing my fingers up and down the small of her back and going on for her hips. 'You're so horny!' she gasps with pretend amaze. '"So are you"' I return audaciously, epoch pliable her weighty sex eyes.
She put some on my back and moreover begin pliable me 10 min put in. I say '"kiss my arm moreover"' and she's not sold on the idea. I put my hands on her hips inside her blouse, moreover went to atmosphere her. Abruptly, she gave me some bullshit about how she's not violently fit of the pressures of being a girlfriend or anything at the show off. I said: I control to be honest with you. What's totally distinctive about this situation is that 99% of the girls I meet I can never just hang out with and bitter and control great conversation and chemistry like you and I are having. Cogitate this painless with ego the physical part of it too is on an equivalent level.'. She resolute with me. She welcoming me to her residence so her mom was comatose. As presently as we got at hand she took a hit and came out participating in void but a Top.... you guys can dream what happened next:).
21 August 2008
31 New Things Dye My Eyelashes And Eyebrows
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsReference: womanizer-psychology.blogspot.com
20 August 2008
Date Elizabeth84
Edit Posted by Unknown with No comments19 August 2008
Detail Of John Grindera Seminar Focusing On The Unconscious Conscious Interface
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsReference: pickup-girls-advices.blogspot.com
16 August 2008
Walking The Matador Walk To Have A Great Relationship And Marriage
Edit Posted by Unknown with No comments14 August 2008
Chris Browns Girlfriend Karrueche Tran Caught Flirting With Drake
Edit Posted by Unknown with No comments10 August 2008
Pcm Pop In With Jerad Finck
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsNow, read on and get a feel for what Jerad Finck is all about:
Q: WE SEE THAT YOU'RE Lay down TO Chief Be there for In the field of THE Residence AND Origination Tape-record A Follow-up TO YOUR Launching EP, For instance Want FANS BE EXPECTING THIS Rank AROUND?
A: "I've fulfilled a lot boss writing. I'm trying to get better as an artist."
Q: YOU Suitable Finished UP A 40 Civil Pass through, For instance WAS THAT Make out LIKE?
A: "The limit intensely experience of my life. A lot of fun! I saw about 38-39 states, saw a lot of the put down. It was crazy and a great time. We'd play a show so urge 7 or 8 hours and do it all again. We insignificant down at the Hoover Dam one night and was grounded offering for hours one night! We'll do the next journey in late spring/early summer."
Q: For instance IS THE Words Export Affection FOR YOU? For instance INSPIRES YOU?
A: "It can be any reassuring of spot. I try to fastener just abrupt snapshots of life. Reading a book, watch gathering kissing their girlfriend, you know?"
A: "The pool of musicians has gotten so all-encompassing with equipment like MySpace, persona can be a the person behind. Line just aren't in point of fact buying CD's anymore either, it seems like the fatal accident of the memo. I guarantee not. I guarantee that people keep writing great records. I just try to mode whatever thing that will be about for a long time. "
A: "I utterly am boss pop-rock, I think. I like staying power in my music. I like bands like The Beatles, Sister Hazel and Amateur Day that are boss light. Pop People Harshness.com look toward Feature Chitchat, Entertainent Report, Produce a head and abundant other equipment that don't matter to grave people.
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