18 March 2009

The Health Benefits Of Being In Love

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The Health Benefits Of Being In Love
Love has many physical benefits, but it would seem that men and women who are in a relationship get many mental health benefits too. It was found that people who had been in a relationship for a few years were less likely to be depressed and attempt suicide. Other studies have found similar findings, stating that married people report lower levels of depression and distress. Apparently, married men are also half as likely to commit suicide as single men, and one third as likely as divorced men are. The mortality rates for single males aged between 30 and 59 are two and half times higher than their non-single counterparts! Single women also face a 23 percent higher mortality rate than those who are married. Researchers suggest that this difference in longevity is because most single people have poorer health benefits, a lower income and are socially isolated. Being supported and connected to others is an essential part of keeping healthy.It's no coincidence that love is often depicted using a heart shape. A recent study by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York found that those in a happy relationship are three times more likely to survive heart surgery. The researchers reported that a good marriage could be as beneficial to the heart as quitting smoking, staying at a healthy weight and reducing high blood pressure. Similar findings were found by those at the University of North Carolina and a study in Human Communication Research. They both found that being in love and expressing your emotions had a positive impact on cholesterol.Go out, get somebody to love. We as human beings are made to love!Love Quotes

Origin: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com


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