05 April 2009

Other Careers And Employment Open Question No Goals And No Passions What Should I Do

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Other Careers And Employment Open Question No Goals And No Passions What Should I Do
So, I'm the first-year student studying hospitality management in a small town abroad. And honestly, I feel I'm completely out of place. I had never dreamed about this career, actually I went for it just because I was accepted to the university and wanted to get away from my parents and the miserable life I lived in my hometown. At first I didn't regret it at all - new country, new life, I was excited about everything around me, I finally could live my own life and it is the first time I have good friends, which is awesome. But now, after a few month, I start to realise I go the wrong way. I don't have any passion for my study and my career options, actually I feel scornful about it. I've always dreamed about studying something really exciting, like history, literature, different cultures, symbols, social anthropology, psychology or psychiatry, or something that could embrace all of this somehow. Now we have this one class, about consumer behavior, where we study a litle bit of psychology, and I'm completely enchanted with it. But the point is it's too late to switch anything now. All my family put so much effort to bring me here, and if I tell them I would want to go somewhere else it would devastate them. And I'm not sure about anything by myself, I have good career possibilities after studying here, and if I switch to another field I may end up with no career at all. I'm not that kind of person brave enough to destroy everything and start something completely anew, moreover, I'm just uncertain of what I really want - I can't even name the job I would want to have and the degree I would want to get. All I know it's certainly not hospitality management and not anything to do with business at all.

I've always felt so jealous of people who have inspiration, passion for something - art, or science, or sports, or whatever. I've never been like that. I love music and I used to sing and play guitar for a couple of years, but I wasn't really passionate about it and I never put enough effort to improve, now I've given it up. As a kid I was told I have talent in drawing, but I never developed it as well. I have good abilities to learn languages, I'd been preparing to study them in university and become a translator before switching to this, but now I'm not sure I would be happy if I did go for that degree.

So, I feel completely stuck. I don't like my studies and I don't have any real hobbies as well, and there are not so many options to have one here in small town. All that fellow students do here in their free ime is cooking, eating and watching movies or playing board games, or having boring parties, and that's absolutely not the way I used to imagine my college life. My friends are great, I do love them, but at the same time I feel like they're dragging me down, they just can'tb understand why I'm not happy with this perfectly ordinary life. I feel like I could do much better, I could achieve something really great in my life, but now the best goal I can have is to earn enough money to support myself and my family.

Seems like I've written way too much... What should I do? How can I change my life, make it more meaningful, how can I find my true vocation (if I only have one)? Or should I just calm down and go on with this mercantile stuff? Is it too late for me to do anything with my life? 'Cause I know I can do better, I know it because apparently I've been through much more things than other teens and in a way I do differ from them, I care about many things they don't even think of, and I would want to dedicate my life to something really worthy, not just money.

Sorry for this long story :)

Reference: loveknowsnoage.blogspot.com


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