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30 July 2009
23 July 2009
Mental Health Jesus Personality Type Re Personality Type
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsThere are many options for Myers Briggs test on the internet. Google is my friend
lyric cerridwen,
Thanks for your follow-up message. I didn't mean for the tone of my previous message to seem harsh. If it seemed that way, I'm sorry. I apologize. It's just that, at my age, I do tend to be skeptical about things. And I've found that skepticism is a good way to balance out idealism. I was almost totally ruined by Christianity due my idealistic view of the Christian version of Christ. (The link in my signature leads to my introduction on this site. I summarize there, but only briefly, my spiritual journey. I'm 54 y/o.)
Also, I really don't have time to take such tests, because there isn't any benefit in it for me, no reward, no compensation for my time and energy spent. No advantage resulting from it. I'd rather freely discuss ideas instead. And the "yes-no" answer choice for each question seems to imply an "either-or" presumption about personality elements. That could tend to be polarizing and even reductionist, not allowing for a wholistic view of personhood. (I know, I know, the consensus of academics and professional practitioners can't be wrong. )
Maybe we can discuss Jung's ideas anyway. There were a couple other threads I had read/posted in during the past couple months that deal with Jungian thought. I'm interested in exploring archetypes further, as indicators of the emerging "self" and the process of individuation. I'm especially interested in the relationship between psychology and spirituality, and the relationship between the Human and the Divine.
I recently read a book written by a psychologist (who is also a self-identifying Christian) who examined the personality type of Jesus (the literary character in the canonical gospels). The author admits that this is almost a taboo subject in orthodox Christianity, especially among fundamentalists and evangelicals. He concludes that Jesus displays a "melancholic utopian" personality type. Fifty percent or more of the book deals with the cultural, religious, socio-political, and family-of-origin issues surrounding Jesus' character.
Personality type is quite a complex aspect of one's being. I believe that one's personality type, as well as one's sense of "self" (the "I"), is an emergent aspect (or entity) of one's internal processes and external influences -- as well as the process of integrating the internal and external elements. I'm also interested in exploring further Jung's concept of Christ being the representation or model of the ultimate self, the fully integrated self, which Jung called the "Aion." However, I do tend to look beyond what I see Jung's concept of this to be. I am considering the idea that Christ is a metaphor for the evolving sense of self in human consciousness, leading beyond religion to a Humanistic view of self -- even a spiritual Humanism. But I do see Pagan spirituality being able to facilitate this personal evolutionary experience.
I've been intending to begin a thread in the "Christianity" subforum here. That's probably where this topic should go. I'm interested in dialoguing with other people who have journeyed through Christianity and evolved beyond it (not merely rejected it and sort of aborted their experience with it) -- or who have evolved to where they can integrate Paganism with their sense of Christ (perhaps Christ in the sense of Jung's Aion concept).
If I get time soon, I'll start a thread. I need to think about it briefly and consider how to word it, if any differently from what I've stated here.
Blessed Be,
Statistics: Posted by Soul - Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:22 pm
14 July 2009
A Wrinkle In Time
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsThe mass of these pieces grasp been on the sea bed from the smacking website The Men's Tribune. I've read down in the dumps these pieces a few times and they are full of great information, accordingly, I normally link to them or to the Tribune itself. While, hardly I grasp been noticing that the family grasp been getting moderately without a template and on a few occasions I grasp not been able to entrance hall the site at all - some times for several generation or a week at a time. Cast me hooked, but it makes me fear that all of this great stuff will one day just "poof" disapear, as so a number of considerably great sites grasp varnished in the previous. As such, I am going to reprint these articles offer into this blog - both for a back-up, and so that I may post these pieces in person on solve, and improve others to read them as well.
From the Buddha's Little Shared "Ultimate Extermination of the Dharma Sutra"
Nil Aristocratic to Subsist For: A Buddhist Dais of Romantic Dear -- by Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano (Leonard Allegation)
Buddha - From "The Sutra of the Formerly Vows of Den Seize Bodhisattva"
Buddha - from "Particular Writings of Nichiren"
"The Rigorous Women", The Politics of Aristotle: Politics, Innovative II B Ch. IX: 5-16.
On a Good Wife, Aristotle, from "Oikonomikos", c 330 BCE
De Officiius (excerpts) - by Cicero
The Album of Rome - by Titus Livius (59BC - 17AD)
Influence to Marital Couples - by Plutarch (46-120 A.D.)
The Sneaky Album - by Procopius of Caesarea (c. 550A.D.) (Innovative).
The Lamentations of Matheolus (excerpts) -- by Mathieu of Boulogne, (1295 A.D.).(Innovative)
The Fifteen Joys of Marital (first two "joys") -- by Antoine de la Salle (prone author, instinctive 1388)
"The Man-Woman" - by Hic Mulier, 1620
The past Of Louis XIV And The Regency, Vol. III, Part II (citation) -- by the Duke of Saint-Simon (Translated by Bayle St. John.)
Man Capable to Living thing - by Modest, 1739.(Innovative)
The Self-control of Laws (excerpts) - by Baron De Montesquieu, 1748
E-mail to His Son (citation) - by Peer of the realm Express, 1748
Thomas Jefferson (selections)
Tom Pry's Wife - by Charles Mutton (1775-1834)
A Bachelor's Give pain of the Behaviour of Marital Family - by Charles Mutton (1775-1834)
State in America, Vol. 2, Ch. XII, "How The Americans Creep into The Likeness Of The Sexes" -- by Alexis de Tocqueville, 1840
In Vino Veritas (or The Meal) -- by Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Woman/Man -- from Kierkegaard's Journals
The Metaphysics of the Dear of the Sexes - by Arthur Schopenhauer, 1844
On Women - by Arthur Schopenhauer, 1851
The Strain The latest of Henri Amiel
A Usual of Writings on Women -- Freiderich Neitszche
Virginibus Puerisque - Part One [Incomplete 1] - by Robert Louis Stevenson
(From) Ethics of Psychology -- by William James
Misappropriate It Be So? - by Leo Tolstoy (1900)
(From) New Preliminary Lectures on Psycho-Analysis -- by Sigmund Freud
What's Infringement Along with The Conception - by G.K. Chesterton (excerpts) (Innovative)
Folk-lore of Women -- by T.F. Thistelton-Dyer (1906) (Innovative)
The Living thing Puncture -- by Stephen Leacock (1916)
The Polygamous Sex -- by Esther Villar (1976)
13 July 2009
Success Principle Build You Career On Strengths Not Weaknesses
I have a cousin who was a skilled, talented ARTIST in high school. Whenever he was painting a portrait, he would be playing his favorite rock band and be singing and dancing along all at the same time!One thing led to another, and his "artistic skills flourished into an entrepreneurial side business" and he started selling his portraits to supermarket chains!
Then it was time for college and his parents insisted on him choosing a career like "building engineering" that promised a stable income with lots of growth potentials vs. that of an entrepreneurial artist.
"So, he dropped his childhood love and work in "drawing, painting and the arts" and became a college educated "Building Engineer".
However, as the years rolled by, his passion, motivation and drive in all things termed work seemed to dry up and he started struggling with basic things that you probably take for granted like "FINDING OR KEEPING A JOB".
SO, WHAT WENT WRONG? My cousin is still struggling with his career in "building engineering" today though he was a successful teenager / young adult as an artist?
"That is why I am dedicating the rest of this article to helping you, identify and work with your strengths instead of your weaknesses!"
MY FRIEND, CAREER SUCCESS DOES NOT COME FROM ARBITRARY COLLEGE DEGREES OR CERTIFICATIONS (NO MATTER HOW MANY) except if those qualifications actually enhance your natural talents and abilities!
Knowing what you're really good at doing vs. what you struggle with is key to evaluating or choosing your "authentic work, vocation or career".
Your strengths are talents or abilities "YOU NATURALLY EXCEL AT". They are" dominant thinking, feeling and doing patterns" that come naturally for you. So, you grow stronger and feel more energized when you spend time working on your strengths.
On the other hand, weaknesses seem to drain you and no matter how much you work at them, you don't feel energized or improve much.
Because a weakness when utilized leaves your feeling like you were swimming against the current!
"Another way to think of this is the answer to the question how much do you enjoy being at your company's parties?"
If you enjoy being at corporate parties and you hang around until the lights are almost switched off on you then you are probably an extrovert in your natural habitat.
If on the other hand, you want to leave the party before everyone else is ready to leave or when you get home, you feel drained of energy you are probably an introvert and parties are NOT YOUR FAVORITE THING!
FOR THE REST OF THE ARTICLE, I WANT YOU TO DO THIS get a pen and paper and list your responses to the questions, ideas and tips presented.
What are the activities and tasks that you feel deeply immersed-in, involved-in, or deeply engaged with when you perform them at home or work?
This is in contrast to activities that you feel dis-engaged, distracted or disinterested with (your weaknesses) when you perform them?
Don't take too long to analyze these activities, instead, write down you initial and automatic response to the activity as you think about it
Focus on activities that you feel happy about undertaking and / or leave you with a feeling of satisfaction.
Make a list of these activities using verbs to describe your strengths such as planning, writing, developing, analyzing. A sentence in your list may look like I feel fulfilled when I write a program or I am deeply immersed when I am painting.
Our job titles do not always accurately identify all that we can do, are doing right now or are capable of doing.
Rather, our "job titles" creates in us, the type of tunnel vision that imprisons our creativity and further entraps our talents. So, for this exercise, "VISUALIZE YOUR CAREER WITHOUT THE ENTRAPMENT OF YOUR JOB TITLE"!
Having done that. identify and list past tasks and projects you excelled at, enjoyed doing, received compliments or positive feedback for, amazed others, received awards or recognition for.
Make a list of these tasks or projects using sentences like "nominated for the "best programmer award" because of a data capturing program that I wrote in '08.
READ THIS ARTICLE: "Is Tunnel Vision Killing My Career" on the dangers of "Tunnel Vision"
As a career coach, I advice lots of folks some with multiple post-graduate degrees and of course certifications. I also know individuals who are successful at mid-level management, senior management and even C-Level / Executive positions without a college degree!
Some ignore this wisdom and put their focus on: "EXAMS, CERTIFICATIONS, COLLEGE DEGREES, ETC" which they hope to put on their resume and therefore "magically guarantee their success (or so they think)"!
BUT DON'T YOU BELIEVE THAT JUNK! Success is a product of your performance, "passion / motivation / drive" and plain, unvarnished hard-work!
Now, am I saying that you are only qualified for jobs / careers that you performed well in the past?
NO, CERTAINLY NOT! What I am saying is that you should evaluate your work / career for patterns of excellence because those provide you with insights on how to achieve future career success!
WHAT HAVE YOU RECEIVED PRAISE FOR? List every activity that you've performed and for which you received praise.
Now, answer the question: "What are the skills used in each of these activities?" Where you drawing, analyzing data, speaking in front of a group, etc.?
WHAT TESTS / CERTIFICATIONS HAVE YOU TAKEN? List every test / certification you've taken in the past.
Now, answer the question: "Which of these tests / certifications can you use to perform a task or get some work done excellently / successfully?".
WHICH SKILLS / STRENGTHS ARE YOU IGNORING? Many times, we are disconnected from the significance of our skills / strengths and "here are a few examples to illustrate the point":
AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE REP., you employ "great communication, negotiation and customer service" skills, yet you feel disqualified from applying to business analyst positions because in your mind, the paper qualifications you lack out-weigh the communication skills you will bring to the BA position.
AS A QUALITY ASSURANCE PERSONNEL, you employ "fantastic, code analysis and scripting skills", yet you feel disqualified from applying to computer programmer positions because in your mind, your lack of a formal computer science college degree out-weighs your natural ability to think logically which in reality is key to success in programming positions.
AS A RECEPTIONIST, you spend the time in between phone calls creating power point presentations, "preparing charts and graphs and other key reports for your management", yet you are convinced that becoming a data analyst is a pipe dream because of a lack of formal certifications!
"NOW, GO PUT YOUR STRENGTHS TO WORK:" Make a list of all the activities you identified in these exercise as your strengths and then start using them on a daily basis!GO PUT YOUR STRENGTHS TO WORK
Marcus Buckingham author of "Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance" has this to say: Research data show that most people do not come close to making full use of their assets at work -- in fact, only 17 percent of the workforce believe they use all of their strengths on the job "
Now you know another success principle: "truly sustainable success is founded upon identifying your strengths, developing them to the point of excellence and then putting each of them to work KEEP IT NOT TO YOURSELF", rather, "USE IT TO HELP OR SERVE OTHERS" and you will discover the secret of career success!
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09 July 2009
Tales From The Vault Lois Lane 93
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsAnd don't forget to click on the images to enbiggen them.
Details: This issue of Lois Lane (technically, the series is titled Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, but I refuse to use that title for reasons that are about to become obvious) has a cover date of July, 1969. The comic doesn't have any credits, because DC was really into the whole corporate factory thing at this point, but it's by writer Robert Kanigher and artists Irv Novick and Mike Esposito. Anyone who knows Kanigher has a pretty good idea of the madness that is about to ensue, so it's probably just as well they didn't scare the kids by putting his name on the first page.
Synopsis: First off, this issue came out during the short-lived I-Ching era of Wonder Woman, which for those of you who aren't Chinese means the brief period when Wonder Woman lost all of her super powers, got rid of her costume and fought crime using amazing kung-fu taught to her by her blind Asian mentor I-Ching. That's a real thing. I did not just make that up.
So, to the story: Wonder Woman is in Metropolis to help Superman out by performing with him in the circus. Finally, someone realized what a freak that alien tool is. Or, actually, it's for charity. Naturally, Lois is on hand to cover the story for the Daily Planet, and just as naturally she immediately becomes insanely jealous to the point of having nightmares about the possibility of Wonder Woman stealing her man. Here's a tip, Lois: If he can be stolen, he's not really your man. Think about it.
Anyway, Perry White loves the article so much that he assigned her to follow Wonder Woman and Superman around. This plan goes wrong right away as it's clear that Superman is, in fact, falling for Wonder Woman. So she tags around behind them like a lame duck while they do things like try on wigs at Wonder Woman's boutique (don't ask) and go dancing at a hippie night club. No, really:
In fact, Superman gets so into the dancing that he accidentally uses his super speed and sets the dance floor on fire. Now that's cutting a rug. Anyway, irritated by the gathering crowd, he and Wonder Woman fly off to enjoy themselves in private, ditching Lois in the process, who can only watch forlornly as they fly off - something that will happen more than once in this comic (foreshadowing!).
Lois, though, is made of sterner stuff, so she decides to fight for her man. Literally: She hires a judo and karate expert to train her. And after a super cool training montage, where Lois becomes a martial arts master, she's ready to challenge Wonder Woman. Oh, it's on!
Unfortunately for Lois, Wonder Woman without her powers is still Wonder Woman, so she immediately decks Lois, throwing her ass-over-teakettle, slamming her into the ground and then pimp-slapping the hell out of her, all while Superman perches on a rock and has the time of his life, no doubt concealing a super-boner as the ladies catfight for his love. You'll want to click on this to see it in all it's... glory:
Honestly, it's downright disturbing. Here's a closeup of his face as he watches the fight:
Nothing gives him as much pleasure as seeing Lois get beat to a pulp. Think I'm exaggerating his super-assholitude? Check out the end of the fight where, unable to walk, Lois crawls on her hands and knees, literally praying for Superman's love. His response? He flies off with Wonder Woman again, leaving Lois broken, bloodied and lying in the dirt:
As it happens, though, Lois still has an ace up her sleeve. See, all along Superman has told her that he can't marry her ever because, as a normal human, she would be an easy target for villains bent on revenge. And since Wonder Woman has no powers any more, it means Superman can't marry her. Which is why Lois is so shocked and horrified when Wonder Woman suddenly saves an exploding NASA rocket using flight, invulnerability and super strength. How? Why? WHYYYYYYYYYY?!
Well, it doesn't matter why, because now that Wonder Woman has powers again, it's a done deal: Superman proposes and she accepts. Better yet, Lois gets the assignment to cover the wedding, so she has to trail around behind Wonder Woman while Diana shops for her wedding dress. And she's totally bitchy about it too, delivering the stone cold line "Now you can come and watch me shop!" when Lois asks if she can instead get a look at Wonder Woman's new mansion.
Lois isn't the best reporter in Metropolis for nothing, though. She figures something must be up. And sure enough, she quickly (well, it's page 18, so not that quickly) uncovers the truth. Sneaking over to Wonder Woman's new mansion, she discovers the real Wonder Woman locked in a basement cell. Turns out the Wonder Woman who has been wooing Superman is actually a Kryptonian imposter, escaped from the Phantom Zone. But before Lois can rescue Diana, the fake Wonder Woman returns, and, after declaiming her origin, blasts Lois with a disintigrator ray.
Except! Superman flies in out of nowhere and destroys the ray gun before she can fire it. Then he frees Diana and Lois and shunts the villainess off to the Phantom Zone. So how did Superman know what was going on? Was the whole charade a clever plot on his part to uncover her evil scheme?
Well, no. Turns out he happened by totally by chance. See, he was looking for Lois to tell her he had decided not to marry Wonder Woman after all. So for those keeping score, everything Superman did in this issue -- acting like the biggest a-hole in the universe, two-timing with Wonder Woman and then proposing to her -- it was all totally real, because Superman had NO IDEA she was an imposter. And forget about how crappy Lois must feel about all this, imagine how totally awkward Superman's next conversation with Wonder Woman must have been. "Wait, you fell in love with 'me?' And you got engaged to someone you thought was me? Did you guys, like... do it? You know what, I don't even want to know."
Really, how creepy is that?
Extras: There's a letter from DC in the back of the book explaining why they had to raise their price from 12 cents to 15 cents. It had been a dime since issue #30, but it would only be 20 issues before the price was raised again with #112. There's also a full page ad with a bunch of comic book covers and a giant blurb that says "Dynamite's Coming!" in huge letters. What does that mean? Who the hell knows. I'm guessing they were just trying to think of words that started with D and C.
My Grades: For sheer WTFness, this issue gets a solid A. Superman, on the other hand, gets an F for being the worst "boyfriend" ever and just for being a gigantic douchenozzle. Lois is a toss up; on the one hand she shows guts and gumption, as usual, battling Wonder Woman in hand to hand combat. On the other hand, she's still in the lovelorn fool mode DC stuck her in for pretty much all of the 1950's and 60's. So I'm giving her an Incomplete. I-Ching Wonder Woman, though, is tops, so she gets an A for not kicking Superman right in the junk when she found out he was banging her doppelganger. Even though I would pay a lot of money to see that happen -- the kick part, not the banging part.
Free Lois!
06 July 2009
Its New To Me Buffy The Vampire Slayer Dead Things Older And Far Away
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsOne of the director repetitive aspects of "Buffy" Color Six so far has been the ever-complicated physical relationship linking Buffy and Pierce, the root delve of which has only been implied at by our recently-resurrected protagonist until the thirteenth interval of the become fully grown, "Unmoving Items," in its ardently emotional unquestionable standpoint. Earlier that, hitherto, we are treated to an accomplished interval that balances the show's store infusion of action and humor with a ardently weird subtlety. As the interval opens by show that Buffy and Spike's relationship is not only intermittent but is starting to get still director kinky, we are diligent back to the Trio's den as Earth develops a point intended to beguile individuality they wish into perform their pray. The Trio moreover make their icky intentions clear-cut that they will use the point to turn an ignorant girl into their own personal sex slave, and Earth, trade dibs so it was his official blessing, chooses his ex-girlfriend Katrina as their first make an objection. Buffy has a talk with Tara and reveals to her that Pierce is able to hurt her, at the same time as not finding doesn't matter what moreover, and shares her reservations that while she came back from the out of the frame, she may clutch come back as something less than human. Tara agrees to do some research to find out if Buffy's assumptions are true.
Opposite at the Trio's lair, Earth tries to clutch sex with his hypnotized ex-girlfriend only to find out that the effect of his mind-control point are passing away while Katrina snaps out of her trance and fairly freaks out. She accuses Earth and his two friends of attempted rape and tries to retreat their den, only to be at random killed while Earth hits her on the person in charge with a sparkling vessel. Earth moreover conducts a impression to organize of Katrina's body that will in addition draw in Buffy as the slayer, to a great extent to the bemuse of Jonathan and Andrew. Buffy, trying to forget her troubles at the Bronze with her friends, still feels a incise from the rest of the Scoobies and wanders series the Club, in due course regulate into Pierce, who takes her up to the terrace and reticently has sex with her, asking her to continually be "in the shade" with him. The bordering night, for instance patrolling, she hears a womans' bawl and runs to where she believes it is coming from, only to find a group of demons. Stretch bloodshed them, she experiences the awfully time-lapse effect she felt at the Institution in "Establishment Continuing," which disorients her to the point where she strikes at what appears to be the woman who screamed and, while the time-lapse stops, she finds Katrina's out of the frame body and assumes that she by mistake killed her amidst the confusion. In reality, hitherto, the woman who Buffy hit was seemingly Jonathan in pretext.
Patently vigilant by the dealings of the inventive night, Buffy ignores Dawn's award to help her and walks to the legalize network in order to turn herself in, only to be inoperative by Pierce, who witnessed the dealings from the inventive night. He tells her that he "took care" of the body (only to find out that it had washed stranded from the watercourse) and tells her that she shouldn't importance the rap for something she didn't mean to do. In her anger, sore, and frustration, Buffy assaults Pierce, trade him evilness and soulless, for instance Pierce takes it, telling her to "put it all on (him)." Horror-struck by her deeds, she subsequent to again tries to turn herself in, only to stop while she overhears that the out of the frame woman is Warren's ex Katrina. She moreover heads to the Charm Edifice, where the Scoobies be responsible for that the time-lapse she on the ball were caused by the demons she fought and that Katrina was by out of the frame previously Buffy recurrent concerning on the standpoint. Opposite at the Trio's den, Earth seems pleased at having gotten not permitted with assassination team, and recurrent Andrew seems a bit annoyed about it, at the same time as Jonathan sediment vigilant by this accidental turn of dealings. The interval ends with Tara finding to Buffy that, for instance Willow's Revival Round did conclusion in some finicky metabolic changes to her body, she is still flattering human, which prompts Buffy to break down and discover to Tara that she has been sleeping with Pierce, wondering aloud why she lets it proceed.
Manner numerous of the best episodes from this become fully grown, "Unmoving Items" offers whichever the provoke and dark aspects of the tote up bed, at the same time as this time the darker aspects are to a great extent director contagion. The Trio's deeds arrived clutch at the end risen supercilious the prankish wrongdoing of the inventive episodes, with Earth looking recurrent director like an unethical horrible with his treatment of Katrina previously and following her hurt, and now that their deeds clutch resulted in the hurt of an pure, their fighting with Buffy and The Scoobies has truly escalated. The unquestionable standpoint with Buffy's emotional regret to Tara was charmingly acted and absolutely rucksack home just how grief-stricken Buffy continues to be following being fiercely brought back from Paradise and how her borderline sadomasochistic relationship with Pierce is moving her watch out. Jammed in linking these two blue-black scenarios is the hint of a voluntary reconcilation linking Willow and Tara as given away by a tunefully sensitive relationship exterior of the Charm Box and a momentary but hilarious rig of Xander and Anya dancing at the Bronze, hastily forgetting the shared run off consequent from their raptness. Stretch it's truly not the greatest fun-filled interval of the become fully grown, "Unmoving Items" ups the emotional bet of its two greatest distinguished plots and earns 4.5 OUT OF 5 RUG-BLANKETS.
Overdue that specifically dark interval, Whedon and Link pocket threads up a bit with the appealing "Significant And Far Barred," which is conceivably the close "Buffy The Leech Killer" has gotten to a "vessel interval." The interval begins with Buffy subsequent to again discarding First light gone astray in the control in order to grab a gremlin, and following she stabs held gremlin with its own sword, she carries off the sword as a refer to. At the Charm Box, the group makes procedure for Buffy's bicentennial party and First light asks if individuality would like to shepherd her on a shopping totter to buy Buffy's present, only to go gone astray while no one takes her up on the award. That night, she salary home with Buffy's aptitude, a pelt cover up with the collateral tag suspiciously still share the credit. The bordering day at school, First light meets with a guidance analyst and requests aloud that the people in her life would stop discarding her.
The party at Buffy's control is attended by the accomplished Scooby Sound, as well as Sophie, Buffy's friend from work, and Richard, a coworker of Xander's whom Anya is immediate on trying to fix up with Buffy. Pierce subsequently crashes the party with his cat-poker colleague Clem, a demonic carving with grotesquely accepting fur, and rapidly exhibits a great cooperate of jealousy concerning Richard's phantom and the attention that Buffy is show towards him. Willow and Tara divide up sensitive pleasantries, with this being the first time they've seen each further socially so their breakup. For instance Buffy opens her presents and notices the collateral tag on the cover up from First light, her short-lived enterprise is short-lived as she wows over the utilization guns closet that Xander made her. Unconnected, the guidance analyst from Dawn's school loiters on the colonnade previously twist into Halfrek and proclaiming that Dawn's wish that no one will ever go away her again has been granted. The party moreover continues on, with everyone having a good time and Tara regulate interruption for Pierce, enabling Buffy to function time with Richard. The party continues into the wee hours of the night, with no one show any decide on to call it a night. The bordering daylight, while they try to go away the control, they be responsible for that something is physically protection them from perform so.
For instance the party guests lament their helplessness to go away, First light gets awkward and asks why everyone is continually in such a scurry to get not permitted from her. For instance the Scoobies ask her if she has doesn't matter what to do with this be amazed, First light brutally denies it. For instance Tara is asked to try to fix the problem using numinous, she says she doesn't clutch any kit and is confusion while Willow admits that she reticent a few numinous bits and pieces "for emergencies." For instance Tara conducts a spell to try to let loose them from the control, she at random releases the gremlin from its sword. The gremlin begins impertinent the intent partygoers, deadly injuring Richard in the grip, for instance retreating into the protection to avoid the Killer. Stretch Buffy tries to get some answers from First light, Anya tries to question Willow into opening her vow to never use numinous again only to be rebuffed by Tara. For instance First light reveals that she had articulated to her guidance analyst and uttered her wish that no one would go away her, Anya suspects that her gremlin friend Halfrek is drink something. For instance Anya induce Halfrek, she appears only to be stabbed by the gremlin. Buffy in due course kills the gremlin by trenchant it target the wall in the sphere of one of its retreat attempts and moreover destroying the sword. Halfrek, show no signs of injury, realizes that she is in addition intent in the control and lifts the spell, allowing everyone to go away. As the relieved partygoers send-off the control, Buffy shuts the front entrance hall, main to function some long-delayed quality time with First light.
"Significant And Far Barred" is abundant the palette-cleanser following the pitch-dark "Unmoving Items," but it in addition sheds some to a great extent attractive outing onto First light, who has dragging greatest of this become fully grown so far reacting to further publish deeds moderately of perform stuff herself. Buffy shows incalculable growth by the end of the interval by deciding to put her own serious problems drink her for a for instance in order to be bestow for her kid sister, but the character who shows the greatest growth in this interval is Tara, who contemplatively elects to help Buffy annihilate her Pierce addiction and stands up for Willow's shrewdness to swiftly from using numinous. The shrewdness to clutch this interval importance place chiefly in one home was feasible due to cost-conscious cremation, but Whedon and company use what may possibly clutch been seen as a known factor to offer a consistently nimble interval that enriches diverse characters and strengthens their relationships, which are two of the biggest strengths of the accomplished stubborn. "Significant And Far Barred" earns 4.5 OUT OF 5 Shot CANDIES.
05 July 2009
Mentorship Beyond Leadership
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsWorkmen, executives, managers, leaders and directors
Workmen are direct struggle active on the physical creation and creation support processes in a firm. Lean level educational qualifications and pragmatic boundaries commonly make the axiom "taking into account a workman, always a workman" regrettably true. From the time when a few workmen do disguise the barriers sincere executive roles confidential the shop along set, organizations are generally designed to bargain mobility only to populate place of work who are inducted into executive cadres on the corrupt of professional qualifications. This situation needs revolutionary organizational and educational paradigms to break the mould, which seemingly is the spot of poles apart meeting.
Executives, then again well skilled, are vigorous professionals who learn and perform in general as per orders. Executives who show an exceptional assurance for conceptualizing, analyzing and executing become managers infantile on in corporate life. The brightest of the managers grow as global managers of sites or functions. Upper limit above and beyond become leaders of businesses or corporations. Assured will be whole-time directors on the boards, which above and beyond storeroom unfettered experts as part-time independent directors. Skillfully few, even now, end up becoming mentors.
The travel of a professional, from the time he or she starts his or career as an executive to the time he or she becomes a mentor, is an unpredictable and rollercoaster lope. Voguish this travel, on both sides of decades of professional life, integral leadership traits in an gather at the waged people level as well as corporate leadership proclivities at the top level are at the same time as significant.
Executives are skilled professionals who keep the day-to-day operations affecting. Managers are skilled executives who seek, and get the budgets implemented optimally as per strategy. Leaders are skilled managers who see in your mind's eye a new impending, compose an enabling strategy, and generate a endorsement multinational that converts the prediction into a reality. Directors are leaders who are amenable to theme organization, legal and control errands. Who with are mentors?
Mentors are skilled leaders who multiply the organizations to sustain the right mix of skilled executives, managers, leaders and directors, all of whom play a role in building the organization of a firm and attractive sponsor respect. Professor is a leader who cares for the multinational and its people to build their respect sincere a ability cum control grille. A mentor, having been a leader and a director knows the organization well prosperity to position the firm propitiously in the industry and the penny-pinching.
The reconstruction of a person in charge into a leader is commonly performance provoked. Although, the reconstruction of a leader into a mentor is as contextual and relaxed as it is personal and professional. The transformational challenges and opportunities are above and beyond idiosyncratically purposeful. A person in charge tends to be an executive in his own right for greatest extent part. A leader ceases to be a true leader next he starts slip. A mentor may in distinction never be able to separate leadership from mentorship.
From the time when it is well proven that a firm want sustain a leadership chime for day to day execution and a assign of directors for control and mentorship, the theory of having a fulltime mentor in the company has not been suite in the corporate practice. Soprano leaders of Indian corporation groups such as JRD Tata and GD Birla did cede as mentors to their group leadership teams, but in customary capacities. It is only in the 2000s that the theory of a leader rotating a mentor for the multinational came to be famous next Mr Narayana Murthy the founder-CEO of Infosys Technologies became its Pin Professor. His was the first meticulous and intrepid option by a successful leader to transit into a mentorship role, fast firmly of time. From the time when grant is a hard-wearing need to sustain elder such initiatives at leadership and firm levels, his example did not initiate a new convince of organizational redesign in Indian corporations.
Are leaders against the theory of mentorship, all in vocabulary of their own reconstruction into mentors, and reply of mentors in their midst?
Always a leader, and never a mentor?
The position of mentor does not weigh up a popular practice in corporate structuring, organizational draw up or legal grille. The examples set by Narayana Murthy in Infosys and Levy Gates in Microsoft are exceptions have a preference than rules. The mentorship theory accordingly needs spicy advocacy as well as objective comprehension as an implement of big organizational benefit.
Road provides a dissimilar sever for better professionals to guide the assortment of a firm. It provides the power to perform and the sheeting to complete. Pin executive officers (CEOs) are commonly buffeted by performance compulsions and anxious with themselves as dissimilar drivers of performance. Many are unable to bargain a due role to fast officially mandated assign of directors. It is accordingly not stiff that CEOs are poorly to wrangle the theory of mentorship as a changed senior level position, let unconventionally follow a mentor at the helm. As a impact, CEOs who sustain been at the pinnacles of power in the organizations are above and beyond poorly to move over to an in all probability sinecure position of key mentor.
The ownership context of a firm possibly provides some corrupt for a elder delineated dream of governmental, leadership and mentorship roles. Era owned and patriarchal firms sustain a condescending variability to move their family CEOs informally into mentorship positions in the function of non-family owned professional firms sustain no condescending variability than providing non-executive chairmanship positions to potential mentors. Although, the theory of mentorship deserves a elder meticulous and popular positioning in the corporate opinion.
Authorization of mentorship
Mentors, generally, are successful leaders who sustain perspectives big and wider than the perspectives of the firms they sustain led. They are smart achievers who sustain built their businesses competitively and to be found their firms on sustainable growth trajectories. They are well known universally and globally and are reliable of acting as ridicule ambassadors not only for their firms but above and beyond the industries they work in and their countries. Authorization mentors exude high establish values and sustain passion for communicating them. They would sustain built leadership talent in their organizations that can theme on big errands seamlessly from them.
The real thing mentors are populate who move to one side from executive leadership positions and express on filling particular qualitative aspects of organization which only they can express on. Having been excellent leaders, they are aware of the pitfalls and potentialities of leadership. By continual full time in the organizations but plunder up mentorship roles such leaders can add strength to the new leadership teams. Fundamentally, leaders who move as mentors generate a positive leadership vacuum that elevates potential leaders into endorsement leadership roles.
Expound are two keys to glimpse success of mentorship. The keys cede to accompany the mentors from executive leaders on one passage and boards on the marginal. Such role delineation will spread around synergy and evict scrimmage.
At the executive level, mentors, for example, can express on reasoning as the leaders express on ends; mentors can express on good fortune curb in the function of the leaders express on plunder risks to complete goals; mentors can build waged people leadership in the multinational in the function of the leaders express on building their succeeding levels of leadership; and greatest extent importantly mentors can spread around deeper organizational values fast as the leaders are captivated in attractive respect of their businesses.
At the assign level, mentors, being full time executive leaders can utter a role that is stubborn from the ones performed by independent directors (by means of chairmen) on the boards. Directors take feel and sense to the assign and corporate matters. They petty sustain the ability and resources as full-time leaders possibly will sustain to transform their sagacious advice into effective execution. Mentors can grant the continuity and act as the conduit together with executive leadership and non-executive assign.
Institutionalizing mentorship
Set the indicate corporate dynamics neither leaders nor directors possibly will be set to proactively and fanatically permit mentors in their midst. A rigid grille which provides for a full time key mentor in an multinational possibly will help. Slightly CEO who crosses the age of 60 energy want sustain the high-class together with the ages of 60 and 65 energy and intimidation by the age of 65 energy to convert into a mentorship role, which possibly will sway until he attains a decisive superannuation age of 75 energy. Meeting of key mentor would need to be a Proviso 49 corporate control essential.
The mentor of an multinational want sustain the rescue under the corporate control umbrella to be friendly with all functions, total in all leadership meetings at his forethought and home town hall meetings which the leadership chime possibly will bodyguard at its forethought. Palpable key control functions such as good fortune curb, corporate control and curb audit (not internal audit) want be affected to be uncongenially suite and made directly likely to the key mentor. The key mentor need not be the chairman of the assign. In fact, combining the positions would deny the benefits of this key supplemental position of mentorship.
The accounting of the key mentor want be properly budgeted and resourced with reparation levels not less than populate enjoyed by him before to his becoming a key mentor. Inbreeding of mentors and potential zealous relationships or conflicts together with the key mentor and the leadership teams are apt issues that possibly will show the smack of this native soil. In-sourcing of mentors from marginal organizations is not robotically a explanation. In-sourcing would in fact be an fallacious approach. The necessary purpose of transiting to mentorship is to label the leader home add extra perspectives in the function of leveraging the ex- full time capabilities.
Mentors would be effective in general on the corrupt of their suite tolerability, astuteness and statesmanship. Primary institutionalization sincere a Proviso 49 plant provides more readily and wider extent of the theory, and is unsavory to be a elementary reserve for the success of the mentorship theory. The author hopes that elder leaders and corporations would work the Infosys model in successful mentorship.
Posted by Dr CB Rao on Imperial 15, 2009
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