14 July 2010

Oh Ray

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Oh Ray
One of the stuff I like best about Steve Martin is his family ability to get inside of a woman's inconsequentiality. That's trying for any male screenwriter to do. But Martin does it in the end well in all of his movies. I categorically saw Shopgirl in the past few minutes and I liked it a lot. The oddity that stayed with me, and made me provoke from the indication, was the Ray Warden vs. Jeremy war that Mirabelle battles.

Analogous oodles women, I bind repeatedly had trouble deciding relating a Ray and a Jeremy. My friend Jeff says this is in the same way as I need a Renewal man, one who has as oodles interests (read: sides to his personality) as I do. Loves and respects nature. Is obsessed. Yet isn't overcome with voracity. Taste. Far-seeing. Personality inevitable. Laid back. The list goes on and on. And I bind yet to meet role who encompasses all these stuff.

I in the past few minutes met two very different men. One is in good health a party boy and possibly a bit of a rust, laid back and with a irreverent intention of humor. Thoughtful. A Jeremy.

The previous man owns a company that's each one global and unselfish. Warmly cheerful. Charming. A Ray.

Jeremy has a furious whiskers and long abundant fur. Just so close at hand Richie from The Imposing Tenenbaums, he enjoys the fitful swallow (term paper). Outlandish.

Ray is burning about tender work, veganism, art, world advance and Taoism. Absorbing.

They each one look to bind an a lot of charisma. And they each one look alluring harmless.

It's funny. My crude life I bind been separation back and forth trying to pick what I want and in the end of a day, I find each one a Jeremy and a Ray.

I don't identify if I'll ever find qualities who embodies the traits of each one of them.

I just want to find qualities that fits me.

You identify. Analogous a glove" = "UA-1066984-14";

Source: pickup-and-love.blogspot.com


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