29 February 2012

Gets Boyfriend Loses

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Gets Boyfriend Loses
I've seen it many times. A girl (let's call her Jane) gets a new boyfriend and loses most of her friends. Why does this happen? Is it because Jane's friends are single and they don't like the new "relationship-Jane"? No. Is it because Jane's friends wanted her boyfriend for themselves, and are now jealous? No. Why does Jane get a new boyfriend and lose most of her friends? It's because Jane is so consumed with her new man that she totally ditches her girlfriends. Jane is what's called, a "SELLOUT". Have you ever had a friend who did this to you? Or, maybe you were the one who did it to your friends? Either way, it really sucks when your friend get into a new relationship and disappears off the face of the planet. Every minute of their free time must be spent with said boyfriend, and they no longer have time for dinner, a phone call, or hot yoga class, or the movies. Where as before you saw them a few times a week, now you'd be lucky to see them in a month. That's selling out, and it sucks. But here's some practical reasons why you shouldn't sellout, and should maintain your female relationships while dating: * MOST GUYS STILL WANT TO HAVE BRO-TIME WITH THEIR FRIENDS. He might let you dominate his time at the beginning of the relationship. He might even like it, at first. But, most guys are still going to want basketball night, or Monday night football with the boys, etc. Guys eventually realize that having a girlfriend who doesn't have regular Girls' Nights = boyfriend who never has Boys' Nights. When he figures that out - it doesn't end well. * YOUR GIRLFRIENDS GIVE YOU OBJECTIVE OPINIONS ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP. You and I both know that sometimes our relationship radar is a little off when it comes to ourselves. That's everybody. That's why you need your girlfriends, whom you love and trust, to be able to give you an honest, reliable, outside-perspective as you navigate the world of relationships. You need your girls to tell you what's up. * BOYFRIENDS COME AND GO, BUT YOUR GIRLS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. Look, not every relationship ends in marriage. In fact, you're probably going to have many relationships that don't go the distance. If you sacrifice all your friends for him, and then you breakup - what then? Who's going to be there for you when he's out of the picture? Being in a serious relationship changes your life. Your other relationships will change. That's a given. But, it doesn't mean you have to sellout on your friends. Continue to make time for those important sisters in your life.

Reference: datingforaverageguys.blogspot.com


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