11 July 2008

Smart Moves In Dating

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Smart Moves In Dating
YOU CAN BE SMOOTH, YOU CAN BE HOT, YOU CAN EVEN BE CASANOVA, BUT ARE YOU A SMART DATER? SEE, GENTLEMEN, DATING IS AS MUCH A MATTER OF THE BRAIN AS IT IS OF THE HEART AND OF THE EYES. It is the brain that analyzes whatever got your fancy - and therefore it tells you, only rightly so, whether or not you are doing the right thing, or doing it with the right person.

Here are some tips from SIBG.com on starting conversations with a girl.

Contrary to what most people perceive, thinking things through in dating does not make the ordeal any less fun. On the contrary, my friends, it not only makes sure you get the fun you want but more importantly, saves you the trouble of getting out of messy situations that you end up successfully avoiding.


Here are some tips on how to be Mr Smart as well as Mr Right when it comes to dating:

* DON'T LIE ABOUT ANYTHING. There is only one thing that this leads to: problem. Telling a lie means living with it; make the smart move early on by being yourself. No lies, no secrets, no worries of being found out or anything!
* BE LOYAL. Being a player will be fun now but the chances of you getting happy, lasting and significant relationships will always be low. Trust will always be an issue in every relationship so make sure you earn that and keep that early on!
* KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GENTLEMAN AND A LAPDOG. Being a gentleman means knowing how to respect women while keeping his own composure; being a lapdog means following his girl around and losing his manliness in the process.
* TREAT YOUR WOMAN AS AN EQUAL. No matter how smart, how pretty, how rich, or how sweet your date is, she deserves to be treated as an equal. A woman is a woman no matter what form she comes in and she deserves that much respect from you.
* YOUR PUNCHLINE IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS TIMING. Even the most beautiful, most efficient punchline would fail if ill-timed. Don't drop a punchline just for the sake of dropping a punchline. Know when the right time is to actually make that 'punch'.
* HUMOR IS THE BEST ICE BREAKER. First dates and recurring dates can fall victim to awkwardly silent moments so make sure to get your funny side ready for these moments.
* TAKE THINGS SLOW. Everything in the natural world takes its own sweet time to achieve fullness, ripeness, to achieve its best version. This principle should also apply in the dating world. Don't jump into a serious relationship after three dates, take time to know each other better. Whirlwind romance usually goes as quickly as it comes.
* DON'T USE YOUR MONEY OR FAME TO ATTRACT HER TO YOU. You would be subjecting yourself to falling victim to gold diggers and users so save yourself from the hassles of it right at the start. Make her fall for your charm, your wits, your personality - these make up for better relationships.

Make your moves right and smooth. Good luck!

PS: Always visit the site and read some of my blog posts! Thanks


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