17 March 2012

Plenty Of Fish Yes Its Free But Is That A Good Thing

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Plenty Of Fish Yes Its Free But Is That A Good Thing
Plenty Of Fish..... Hmmm, what to say. Honestly, I'm not really a fan. As with every dating website, it really does depend on what you're looking for, of course, but for most people, I'm going to suggest you stay away from this one.

"But M!" you'll say, "It's free! And I've heard all about it on the news and stuff! So how can it not be just super awesome! And I mean it's free! Dating is supposed to be free, right? So this site would have the best people, right, not people who would need to PAY for a date like on EHARMONY or something, right?"

Um. Yeah. Cause clearly free stuff attracts only the highest quality, and best members of society, right? I mean, if I were going to travel to Europe, I know I totally wouldn't want to be one of those desperate losers who have to PAY for housing, instead, I'd just try to camp out wherever, and hope not to get arrested

So there you go, that's my summary of Plenty of Fish - the homeless unshowered step-child of Internet dating.

In seriousness, when it comes to online dating, it really is true that 'you get what you pay for'. It's just a generality, of course, but if you've read my write up on how Match is like a socially acceptable online bar, and how EHARMONY gets people who are serious about finding a marriage partner in part because of how much they charge, you'll start to see what I mean.

There are probably some awesome singles on Plenty of Fish. However, any of the online dating websites that you can sign up to without having to give your name, a credit card, or any other sort of legal, verifiable information, is going to attract an overwhelming amount of people who may tend to be sketchy one way or another.

- married people who are looking for an affair and don't want credit card records giving them away

- people who aren't serious in the slightest bit about actually meeting someone, and are really just using the site to kill time, and talk with people with no intention of meeting them.

- people who are really just trying to get sex, but can't even be bothered to try to buy you dinner first

- Nigerian scam artists (and I'm not even kidding. I will be writing up my experience with this one shortly)

- Cheapskates/people who are broke. Now, being broke or cheap isn't necessarily a deal breaker for me, or everyone - but it is something I want you to consider when you are thinking about joining POF. (Read my review of another free site, OkCupid, for a story about the awesome, but very mono tardily troubled guy, I met through that site.) If you don't care about financial security, then this might not matter to you (although I would still warn you than an awful lot of people on OkCupid seem to be not serious about relationships, looking for just sex, or even married!) Conversely, if you are VERY conserved with finances & material things, check out my review on


Another major thing to consider about Pof, that will be good or bad, depending on what you are looking for - is that there are a LOT of people on the site who are only looking for a sexual relationship. And let's be clear, I mean both men AND woman. I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is looking for a NSA (no strings attached) relationship, especially if they are clear about it upfront. It's not for me, but I know it is for a lot of people. So if you are looking for a more 'casual' relationship, then yes, sign yourself up to Plenty of Fish and have yourself a blast. Please still be aware that not everyone is on the up and up about a lot of things, but as long as you're just looking for some booty & you don't wire any funds to Nigeria, you should be fine.

And if by any chance anyone here has met a long term relationship off of this site, please write it in the comments below. I always welcome other opinions, and I would actually like to be able to have a higher opinion of the site than I do.

The post Plenty of Fish: yes, it's FREE. But is that a good thing? appeared first on Datetastic!.


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