01 March 2014

In 2008 A Coworker Asked Me If I Killed Brianna Denison

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In 2008 A Coworker Asked Me If I Killed Brianna Denison
This is a long post. Hopefully, you'll find it interesting.

Well, work is tough. Sure, I do not engage in physical labor, but work still drains me. In addition to putting up with mush-heads in marketing waiting until the last minute to critique a product (and then expect me to have their changes done in 5 minutes), I also have to put up with a mob of bimbos wearing JC Penny's "Hooker-Fashions" or making complete spectacles out of their breasts (big breasts yes - but only because the women themselves are fat cows).

I had heard about the young woman killed - and her body was found in a vacant field near the company I worked for (I walked my dog there more than once). Honestly, I thought nothing of it except, "...another woman killed by her boyfriend - too good-looking to talk to 'nice-guys'".

Then, I heard ugly rumors: the reason the company I worked for donated money to the investigation was because:

When they find the engineer "here" that killed her, their a will be covered.

I am an engineer. I work with other engineers everyday. I do not perceive any of them as being murderers or desperate or deranged enough for sex to commit a horrific act as the one that happened to Brianna Denison.

Lately at work, I had been a little more angry than normal - because I was engaged in what I liked to call "women's studies". I was going on dates almost everyday, and when I did not have a date, I would be hanging out in book-stores, night clubs, coffee-shops, bars etc... I'll tell you why it made me so angry in a later post.

The police circulated a picture of what the suspect looked like - I put it below, next to a picture of me (I am being goofy in the picture - use your imagination - the hairline is the same):

It happened - at first I was shocked, but then I simply thought, "Here we f**king go again.". I received an E-mail from a co-worker:

To: Richard

From: Dumb-a

Subject: Brianna Denison.

Why are you so angry lately? I noticed that your attitude towards women has changed drastically, and you ramble on about it a lot lately.

Brianna Denison?

The police sketch looks like you.

My heart rate shot up - something I did not need. Visions of the police stopping by my cube - like they did at my apartment in 1999 raced through my head. Eventually, I calmed down, and got angry. Often, I write an E-mail to a co-worker, and the mouse hovers over the send button, and I have to count to 10. This time I didn't. I just clicked send with my jaw wired shut.


From: Richard

Subject: RE: Brianna Denison.

Yes, I am angry lately. I have been meeting a lot of women and they are all incredibly stupid - even moreso than people like you.

No engineer here or anywhere else killed her. Art-fags like yourself have inferiority complexes towards people who are smarter than you, so you feel the need to label such people as being "bad" somehow.

Use your imagination to make your art-work, not to antagonize me or other engineers.


Thank You

Richard x12345

12345 is not my extension in case you are wondering. That is the TAG that is placed at the bottom of all my internal e-mails.

I kept thinking, another f*cked up b*tch, who was too good to talk to any "nice-guys" got herself a psychotic boyfriend who smashed her face in with a cinder block. (Brianna's aunt named Brianna's boyfriend as a suspect). And - another pin-headed liberal arts degree major that loves to blame bad things on people who EARNED their degrees rather than have their mommy and daddy buy them one (a worthless one at that).

Her boyfriend did not kill her. But, the man that killed her was NOT an engineer.I decided I should start watching the news to see what I could learn about her. What I saw on the first night pissed me off to no end.

The reward for Brianna Denison's murderer was something like 5000.

There was also a young blond-haired man attending U.N.R. that was murdered a few months before her. The reward for his murderer was something like 25000.

SIDE NOTE: The reward amount later went up as Brianna's family got funding. There is even a charity now set up called, "The Brianna Denison Foundation" at a local strip mall.

I still do not even know this young man's name. I heard he was a bright young student at the University, that had been shot in some kind of gang-related violence - he got caught in the cross-fire.

The kicker: A local woman's group was harassing the police and local news stations screaming discrimination, because they noticed that the reward for Brianna's murderer was less than the reward for the young man's murderer. The news explained that there is a base reward and that the young man's parents had added more to the pot than Brianna's parents. (Again, the reward for Brianna's murderer went up as they got funding).


The only discrimination at work here is that Brianna's murder gets mentioned 100 times a day, for 6 months. Meanwhile, the only time we ever hear about the young man's murder - is when a woman's group is screaming discrimination.

This phenomenon is called "pretty white girl syndrome". The Anglo-media is infected with it.

Since the young blond-haired man did not have a hot-ass, tits, and wear g-string underwear and have the potential to be a hot stripper or a really hot lay, the anglo-media obviously did not give a rat's a about him.

Another side-note: When I saw the candlelight vigil for Brianna, I noticed there were quite a few heavy-set women at it. Funny - since when do fat women care if a tiny woman drops off the face of the planet?

Oh wait - that's right - silly me. There's an awful lot of male-hatred that can be spread at such a thing, and of course - lots of money money money to be made. You can show everybody how much you cared about Brianna by donating money to various charities (CHA-CHING!), and remind everybody how ALL men are just beasts that want to rape and kill young women. HIP HIP HOORAY!

Feminists: 1

Men and other HUMAN BEINGS: 0

In case anybody is wondering, the person who asked me this no longer works at this company. He quit in 2008 - lucky for him too, because he most likely would have been part of the four-rounds of layoffs we had.

Source: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com


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