19 March 2014

Sam Vaknin Links And Articles Some Women Really Do Prefer Mean Guys Research Suggests

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Sam Vaknin Links And Articles Some Women Really Do Prefer Mean Guys Research Suggests
http://www.world-science.net/othernews/... veness.htm

Clear women authentic do errand mean guys, research suggests

July 26, 2014

Graciousness of the Regulation for

Person and Convivial Psychology

and Invention Science run through

For example your pals told you may be true, guys: at least litter in a rela-t-ion-ship, be-ing too nice to a wom-an does-n't help, and may smooth back-fire. So sug-gest the re-sults of new re-search.

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But all the same that was set up to be the over-all style, re-sults may swap de-pend-ing on the wom-an.

The three-part study set up that where-as men pre-fer chief "re-spon-sive" wom-en, wom-en may or may not pre-fer chief "re-spon-sive" men. Wom-en's re-ac-tion to such men was, on av-er-age, mar-gin-ally neg-a-tive. Re-search-ers de-fined "re-spon-sive-ness" as be-ing sup-port-ive of an-oth-er per-son's needs and goals.

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It's not striking why wom-en re-act this way; "it may not nec-es-sarily put up with to do with 'be-ing skillful," expected expected Gu-rit Birn-baum of the the In-ter-dis-ci-plinary Cen-ter Her-zliya in Is-ra-el, lead re-searcher in the work, pub-lished in the jour-nal Per-son-al-ity and So-cial Psy-chol-o-gy Bul-le-tin.

She especially that wom-en may per-ceive a re-spon-sive strang-er as in-ap-pro-pri-ately nice, pos-sibly as some-one try-ing to win sex-u-al fa-vors, "or ea-ger to satisfy, per-haps smooth as des-per-ate." Or, she especially, "wom-en may per-ceive a re-spon-sive man as vul-ner-a-ble and less dom-i-nant. Re-gard-less of the rea-sons, per-haps men should futile down if their goal is to in-still sex-u-al de-sire."

On the oth-er transfer, she expected, some wom-en "may per-ceive a re-spon-sive strang-er as afire and car-ing and there-fore as a de-sir-a-ble chronic part-ner."

The stud-ies sought to find out to what ex-tent "re-spon-sive-ness" engine capacity help in land-ing a sec-ond date with some-one.

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"Sex-ual de-sire thrives on ris-ing in-ti-ma-cy and be-ing re-spon-sive is one of the best ways to in-still this elu-sive sensa-t-ion over time," expected Birn-baum. But "our find-ings show that this does not nec-es-sarily adhere to true in an in-i-tial en-coun-ter, be-cause a re-spon-sive po-ten-tial part-ner may con-vey op-po-site mean-ings to dif-fer-ent peo-ple."

In a first ex-pe-ri-ment, the re-search-ers ex-am-ined wheth-er re-spon-siveness is per-ceived as fem-i-nine or mas-cu-line, and wheth-er men or wom-en per-ceived a re-spon-sive per-son of the op-po-site sex as sex-u-ally de-sir-a-ble. Men who per-ceived fe-male part-ners as chief re-spon-sive al-so rat-ed them as chief fem-i-nine, and chief at-trac-tive. Wom-en on av-er-age showed mar-gin-ally less at-trac-tion to men they per-ceived as re-spon-sive, period they did-n't rate such men as less mas-cu-line.

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Par-ti-ci-pants in a sec-ond ex-pe-ri-ment were asked to in-ter-act with a re-spon-sive or non-re-spon-sive person of the op-po-site sex, and view that person's pho-to (the exceedingly pho-to was giv-en to each par-ti-ci-pant). They were hence asked to in-ter-act on-line with this person, and dis-cuss a cur-rent prob-lem in their life. The re-spon-siveness of the vir-tu-al in-di-vid-ual was ma-ni-pu-lated, for ex-am-ple, "You necessity put up with gone astray candid a very dif-fi-cult time" as a re-spon-sive re-ply, ver-sus "Does-n't trustworthy so bad to me" as a non-re-spon-sive re-ply.

Men who in-ter-acted with a re-spon-sive fe-male rat-ed her as chief fem-i-nine and as chief sex-u-ally at-trac-tive.

Wom-en are chief cau-tious than men later than in-ter-pret-ing a strang-er's ex-pres-sions of re-spon-siveness, Birn-baum expected. And their per-cep-tions, seem-ingly un-af-fect-ed by per-ceived re-spon-siveness, may re-flect con-flict-ing trends along with dif-fer-ent wom-en.

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A third and remain standing study experienced wheth-er re-spon-siveness engine capacity ac-ti-vate "mo-tiva-t-ional mech-a-nisms" for men that fu-el pur-suit of ei-ther short-term or chronic sex-u-al rela-t-ion-ships. A fe-male part-ner's ac-tu-al re-spon-siveness led men to per-ceive her as chief fem-i-nine, and con-se-quently to feel chief sex-u-ally aroused. That, in turn, was unintentional to both in-creased per-cep-tion of part-ner at-trac-tiveness and great-er de-sire for a chronic rela-t-ion-ship with her.

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Statistics: Posted by samvaknin - Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:10 pm


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