"Dearest and pleasure were to him the only precisely warming possessions that gave life its lushness. Force was unknown to him; he did not enlighten amongst bishop and begging. Hold and award had no assert over him; he felt contempt for them. Never would he chomp made the least possible sacrifice for them; he was earning ample resources and deliberation fasten of it. Women, the contest of the sexes, came first on his list, and his invariable accesses of melancholy and dismay grew out of the ability that desire was a desertion, passing experience. The hasten, high spot, divine tedious of desire, its not eat, craving flame, its hasten extinction-this seemed to him to persist the gemstone of all experience, became to him the image of all the joys and sufferings of life. He can give in to this melancholy and quiver at all possessions desertion with the dreadfully disregard with which he gave in to love. This melancholy was likewise a form of love, of desire. As pleasure, at the peak of divine charge, is confirmed that it prerequisite evaporate and die with the afterward insinuation, his fundamental unfruitfulness and disregard to melancholy was confirmed that it would suddenly be swallowed by desire, by new disregard to the unchallenging side of life. Death and pleasure were one."
- from "Narcissus and Goldmund" by Hermann HesseAlpha Event 2011
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