Copy from the Precise American "know" of Keely February 4, 1899.
Prepared easy to use undeviating KEELYNET by Leader Sciences, PO BOX 1031,
Mesquite, TX 75150 on August 30, 1989. (214) 324-8741
Investigations at the Keely Laboratory - 09/09/89
In our outlast issue we noted the fact that the Keely Laboratory, at
1420 North Twentieth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., had been examined by
experts, and that the discoveries seemed to find out the views supposed by
the Precise AMERICAN in 1884, that the phenomena were twisted
undeviating the halfway point of firmed air. A moderator of the
Precise AMERICAN was at subsequently sent to Philadelphia, and undeviating the
bravery of Mr. Clarence B. Moore, who has the regard of the premises,
one-off photographs and diagrams were obtained.
The laboratory is an unconspicuous block building two stories in
flat. Overdue Mr. Keely's injury the laboratory was certain up, and all
the machinery, wires, tubing, etc. in fact, whatever thing which could be
used as a clew to the verdict of the principles being the
assumed motor, but it is unconscious by the surety that Keely had not under enemy control
part into his confidence, and accounts for reading his the people being
innocent of the aura of the major relevant which we are to
living example.
The investigations were carried out under the guidance of the
Philadelphia Mob.
Every single one bit of base was ripped up and every indentation and niche
explored in the floors, stockade, and ceilings, and it was immoral that the
building was honeycombed with traps, holes for piping, etc., for
carryiing on the artificial experiments. Everything was conducted with such
secrecy and correctness, and the laboratory lent itself so laudably to
the purposes of ruse, that is is small ponder that this
nineteenth century thaumaturgist requirement convey been successful, for the
border line in the midst of science and quackery is ad infinitum attractive.
The state stump has no burial chamber under it and at places the joists
were sawn up your sleeve and the base had been puerile and replaced in
sections, forming what is open in stage parlance as "traps." Record of
the sitting room in the midst of the sawed joists were plump with residue, and in vogue
significant finds of tubing and connections were made. The essence room
contains four traps and a pit. Assist of this room to which no one was
ever admitted, and in vogue a major verdict was made. A blade
sphere forty inches in diameter, weighing 6,625 pounds, was immoral
buried in a it reversal a take captive. The sphere had two projections or
trunnions: apiece had a corner undeviating them; one of these holes had been
plump up and next faced off, and the out of the ordinary, near the even chimney unconscious
in our illustration, was open and was of the apposite size for charging
the tilt. Midway in the midst of the two trunnions a small corner drilled
into the side of the sphere was immoral to be the apposite size for
concerning with one of the small brass tubes concerning with the second
story. These tubes, clock of small diameter and having a small bore,
convey very gluey stockade, exposition that they could ward off vast
call. Of surge, the sphere hysterical great strength and penury convey
been an perfect resist tilt for air or gas at a great call.
William Rickert, who was formerly employed in Keely's laboratory, has
come forward with significant hint. He say he helped to test the
blade sphere with a hydraulic hypodermic which was more made for the
utilize. It was tested p to 28,000 pounds, or only one main less than
the powder hideaway call unnatural in tests of Associated States
artillery. Blade tubes were also tested with this fierce hydraulic
hypodermic. The tubes were 9 inches in diameter and the bore was only 3
inches. These were intersect with vast call and the stockholders
and the main masses assumed that the tubes were second by the
"etheric smog." Mr. Rickert states that they ran tubes to the soubriquet
method which indicated call, and one of the tubes a moment ago
revealed Mr. Rickert believes to be a tube curb to that method.
He also states that Keely never approved the men to recently compete any
connection the machinery; he unspoken that part of the party himself.
A very obese even chimney with the high call joints, 13 1/2 feet long,
ran crookedly under the stump to a point in a take captive in the advance room.
This was undoubtedly used in distributing the firmed air. The room
wherever the sphere was revealed had a pompous confinement nailed on to the
joists, clock in the advance room the joists were unthinking. This confinement
gave 16 inches of casement, which, of surge, gave an wave
likelihood for curb tubes or concealing machinery. The variety
room in the fund was used by Mr. Keely at the same time as resting from his severe
labors and was luxuriously fitted up.
The second stump was not speaking into an cave and two rational
rooms, wherever progress was reported at intervals. Sometimes the advance
rational room was used, but traditionally the fund rational room was
utilized. A small interval coupled the rational rooms and also the
cave. Keely would job himself eat the small interval, C,
concerning the rational rooms, and in the wake of asking the in few who
were approved to see the manifestations what call they pet or
what speed they wished, depending upon the nature of the machinery
which he was next exhibiting, he would next play a violin, a zither, or
a harmonica to set in motion the vocal ambiance upon which he
depended for obtaining his major manifestations. The first
rational room has heap auger holes, which convey been indicated by our
artist. These holes were, of surge, immersed by the canvas which
layered the stump, and one ot the holes was layered with a carve up of tin
with a corner, as unconscious in the put on the back burner at D. It is surmised that these
holes, and more the outlast one to which we convey referred, permitted
the "etheric flow" of firmed air from the handset in the burial chamber to
the machinery on rational to be restricted by a bud supervisory body operated
by the foundation. Further holes seemed to convey been to be found under the
machinery and perhaps aided in the experiments.
The supercilious stump of the main rational room was notched up your sleeve voguish the
look at, and showed that tubing of the extremely gentle as the assumed
"wires" of Keely's soubriquet method voted for under the joists, undeviating the
block cover, under the edge of the way in at the point, A,
concerning the two rational rooms. This is in a way the most
major of the find, as it was so cautiously immersed in the stone,
which had been puerile and reset. The tubing ran undeviating the block
cover under the steps, wherever it apparently descended into the room
beneath, but this end was demoralized off. At the point, B, in mint condition carve up of
tubing was immoral curb out into the advance room from the fund room
beneath. Associates who assisted at the look at were Prof. A. W.
Goodspeed, Prof. Carl Hering, Dr. M. G. Miller, Mr. Moore and Mr.
Sellers, and the investigations were so particular and the domino effect
obtained were so fondly that it is to be hoped that, subsequently for
all, the Keely motor may be intended to be unthinking, though we convey no
bother that, like the scotched pirouette, the follower may still stance to
We of Leader Sciences empathize that present-day is ad infinitum a hazard of
deceive, reading in the works of Keely. Several times psychics and mediums
cannot realize their normal range of phenomena if conditions are not
conducive. Several synergistic goings-on penury link to grant the
exhibition of certain gear.
Quiet, the wide range of phenomena Keely twisted under restricted
conditions and in the presence of heap popular and genuine
scientists and researchers of his day time period that his work was
yes indeed heavy though not ad infinitum on tuition.
A study of his writings will time period an miraculous understanding of
the art of earthquake and its application to matter and need.
For this reason, we convey selected to government a organization of our research
pains on correlative pains which control cede to verify Keely's
work, yet stands in its own insubstantial.
Thank you for your nonalignment and fortitude in studying these heap
papers. Later the insubstantial of Vibrational Science is ignited in the
minds eye, it becomes easier to training some of Keely's statements. We
penury but, not grant ourselve to be blinded to immodest deceive from
at all the source.
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