29 December 2011
24 December 2011
How To Choose The Right Person For You
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsFor a long time, I had no idea.
So I asked other people what "they" looked for in a partner, and I got answers like
"A sense of humor, attractiveness, intelligence, creativity, sexual compatibility, passion, an active lifestyle, a stable career."
I knew those qualities were important. I had some of them myself, and even looked for them in women. But something was missing. The women I really liked and dated, always broke it off first.
After a breakup, I asked a former boss who had been happily married for over 20 years for advice. He just said...
This simple guideline has profoundly changed the relationships in my life.
Once you like someone, respect is THE FIRST THING you should be screening for. And you should continue to do so as the relationship deepens.
None of the other qualities will matter if you aren't treated well. The novelty will eventually wear off and you will feel used, abused, frustrated, and want "out".
By prioritizing your self-respect you immediately:
* Avoid wasting time on unfulfilling relationships that make you feel miserable.
* Spend time being happy and building healthy relationships with good people.
* Reinforce your self-worth. You stop holding on to people out of fear or comfort. You develop an abundance mentality. You give yourself the power of choice.
I understand it's hard to define what "treat you well" means. But, I can share insight from my own relationships and the relationships I've helped.
Here are some traits you should expect in a partner who treats you well:
* They're supportive of your interests, hobbies, and passions.
* They respect you in front of other people. They don't put you down, ignore you, or share personal details without your consent.
* They are willing to contribute and be an equal partner. They invest time, effort, and money back into you.
* They communicate their feelings and expectations to you. They don't hide them or use passive-aggressive tactics.
* They aren't controlling or overly jealous. They allow you to see friends and don't try to isolate you from the outside world.
* They don't try to change you against your wishes. If you have bad habits, they are a support system rather than a critic.
* They don't make you feel guilty or ashamed about your sexuality, views, or values.
* They don't physically abuse you.
* They don't belittle you or talk down to you. No gaslighting, either.
* They're honest and don't lie -- even by omission.
* If you're close to your family and friends, they make an effort to get along with them.
* When you express your needs they are receptive and proactive. They don't minimize them.
* When you talk, they listen. And act in ways that show you they listened.
* They challenge you to be better and don't let their own insecurities hold you back.
* They take responsibility for their actions and words. They don't make excuses or shift the blame.
* They recognize, empathize, and care about your emotions.
Fortunately, I always chose girls who were respectful to me. But I can't say the same about how I treated them. And that's why they left.
You can't expect respect, nor will you get the respect you desire, if you don't hold yourself to the same standard. RESPECT HAS TO BE MUTUAL. A relationship can't flourish without it.
Want to build healthy relationships with women? Let's have a free strategy session.
Reference: quickpua.blogspot.com
23 December 2011
2012 People Choice Awards Winners
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsBecause of Rota OF WINNERS FOR THE 38TH Annual PEOPLE'S Another AWARDSPartiality Skin"Annoy POTTER AND THE Morbid HALLOWS: Section 2"Partiality Skin ActressJohnny DeppPartiality Skin PerpetratorEmma GemPartiality Skin Pop idolMorgan FreemanPartiality Hobby Skin"Annoy POTTER AND THE Morbid HALLOWS: Section 2"Partiality Hobby Skin StarHugh JackmanPartiality Join in Skin"Dampen FOR ELEPHANTS"Partiality Jesting Skin"BRIDESMAIDS"Partiality COMEDIC Skin ActressAdam SandlerPartiality COMEDIC Skin PerpetratorEmma GemPartiality Skin Star Numb 25Chloe MoretzPartiality Go well with Skin Pattern"Annoy POTTER AND THE Morbid HALLOWS: Section 2"Partiality Vital Skin UtterJohnny Depp as Rango, "RANGO"Partiality Skin SUPERHERORyan Reynolds as Freezing LanternPartiality Book Alteration"Annoy POTTER AND THE Morbid HALLOWS: Section 2"Partiality Muddle TV Join in"Delightful"Partiality TV Join in ActressNathan FillionPartiality TV Join in PerpetratorNina DobrevPartiality Link TV Join in"Somewhat Slight Liars"Partiality Muddle TV Jesting"How I Met Your Mother"Partiality TV Jesting ActressNeil Patrick HarrisPartiality TV Jesting PerpetratorLea MichelePartiality Link TV Jesting"Hot In Cleveland"Partiality TV Hurry Identify"American Spirit"Partiality TV Crime Join in"Stronghold"Partiality SCI-FI/FANTASY Identify"Delightful"Partiality Date TV AnchorEllen DeGeneres, "The Ellen DeGeneres Identify"Partiality Late Gloomy TV AnchorJimmy Fallon, "Late Gloomy with Jimmy Fallon"Partiality TV GUEST StarKaty Perry, "How I Met Your Mother"Partiality TV CELEBREALITY StarKim KardashianPartiality NEW TV Join in"Person of Income"Partiality NEW TV Jesting"2 Poverty-stricken Girls"Partiality Be in charge of PlayerBruno MarsPartiality Lady PlayerKaty PerryPartiality Flavor OF THE Go out with"E.T", Katy Perry featuring Kanye WestPartiality Crew OF THE Go out with"Untutored This Way", Peer of the realm GagaPartiality POP PlayerDemi LovatoPartiality HIP HOP PlayerEminemPartiality R&B PlayerRihannaPartiality CrowdMaroon 5Partiality Majesty PlayerTaylor InclinedPartiality MUSIC Tape"Control Friday Gloomy (T.G.I.F.)", Katy PerryPartiality Travel HEADLINERKaty Perryhttp://www.peopleschoice.com/
19 December 2011
Nine Great Books That Have Made Me Cry
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsSource: gamma-male.blogspot.com
Follow These 5 Dating Tips And Avoid Common Mistakes
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsDATING TIP #1: Sustain EYE Waves
Looking into someone's eyes though speaking sends a lot of good messages; for example, it says you can be law-abiding, that you are nosy in the conversation, and that you are furthermore self-assured in what you are saying. On the getting on assign, a roving eye can get you into trouble!
If you are the benign of person who gets tremendously frightened, try looking at the person's eyebrows, this can help you feel like you're not staring, and it's less ominous, but you'll still be firm on your date!
DATING TIP #2: DON'T Opening Nearly YOURSELF TOO Greatly
Though it is top to band information about yourself as you get to relate each getting on better, it must be just that-sharing. Disdain monopolizing the conversation and give your date time to disclose questions and talk about herself, too!
Don't be too panicky by sorry for yourself silences. A great way of realizing if you are talking about yourself too widely is by perpetuation list of how normal of your sentences begin with a personal pronoun.
DATING TIP #3: BE ON YOUR Highest Effect
It is mind-boggling the number of people who straightforwardly forget to plague good actions, like aptitude well pass on of time if canceling is edging. Never stand up a date, or forget your wallet! Say keep amused and thank you being contain. Moreover don't forget appropriate grooming and be dressed in. Payment your date at some point, but raise up to be innocent. Slenderness your date as you would want to your father or your sister be treated.
DATING TIP #4: Give pleasure to YOUR Procedure Next to Mentality
Though sometimes dating can be an excite, you don't vitally want something to be a confound. Go to places you plague been beforehand or at most minuscule are congeal for. One or two activities can unquestionably riddle an evening though allowing time to talk, relatively of a marathon of goings-on that leaves you apiece weary and grouchy.
DATING TIP #5: Disdain Reliable TOPICS
Try to avoid topics that are unjustifiably emotional, like politics or theology, until you relate the person better. If you do forward your opinions, make one you inclusive that getting on opinions play. Whichever subjects, like your ex, or dough, requisite I imagine be avoided until you and your date are widely earlier. Don't tell your rural life story, particularly on the first date. Amateur something to talk about on date number two!
Did you find this article helpful? If you did, next look for a look at the How To Get Girlfriend blog http://getgirlfriendsystem.com/ and learn his system for meeting and dating women.
17 December 2011
Biblical Marriage And Cultural Dynamics
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsOrigin: gamma-male.blogspot.com
16 December 2011
Psychology How Does Nlp Work
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsNLP is also the study of exceptional talent. It studies the combined conscious and unconscious processes that enable people do what they do. For instance, NLP doesn't pay much attention to what people say that they do, as this is not usually related to what they actually do, just because the key to success is often unknown at the conscious level.
NLP shows how our own successes can be understood and modeled, so they can be reproduced. It is a way of discovering and unfolding somebody's personal genius, a way of bringing out the best in somebody's personality and skill.
The key is to understand that how we feel about doing anything depends entirely on which emotion we have unconsciously learned to associate with that situation, just because most unwanted behaviors and beliefs have been learned and stored at an unconscious level. For example, as a child you may have 'learnt' to become afraid of insects, this may have been because the first time you saw a bee or another insect the adults 'taught you how to behave' by running away from it. This is then stored at an unconscious level and every time you now see an insect you react with an automatic unconscious response which you are unable to change consciously. This is the same for phobias and fears and they can only be changed at the unconscious level.
A special attention is paid to what is also known as limiting beliefs. You may be letting a belief that you formed at an early stage of your life hold you back today, like 'I am not worthy'. It's important to understand and accept that this is only a belief, it is not true and therefore can be changed at an unconscious level to a belief that will empower you life.
Traumas, difficult life experiences or other conditioning can lead us to form erroneous beliefs about ourselves and the world. These ideas become frozen in time within our nervous system causing blocked energy and are often set off by triggers in the present. By re-programming the brain through certain simple exercises, we can be able to replace these conditioned responses with more life affirming or desired behaviors.
NLP basically works by utilizing our ability to change the process in which we experience reality (this is the real 'power' of our own mind) to rapidly change the way we think and act for the better, providing a way of helping to become more competent at what we do, more in control of our thoughts, feelings and actions, more positive in our approach to life and better able to achieve results. In other words, NLP can help eradicate old out dated "programs" (mental, emotional and physical) that run on "automatic pilot".
Once a limiting belief or a limiting belief system is identified, there are various techniques that can be used to remove it and replace it with beliefs that support our goals. Patterns of failure, self sabotage, over eating, addiction, money problems can all be tracked back to limiting beliefs, often developed in childhood.
By examining our values, beliefs and capabilities around unwanted behaviors, we can set up a 'how to' methodology to identify patterns and looks at the reason or intention behind the behaviors, which in turn gives us more choices about how to think and run our life.
The magic of NLP is that it teaches how to eliminate those negative associations for good, by the mean of techniques often involving fun exercises that use your imagination: guided visualization, anchoring new associations, Time Line Therapy, hypnosis, metaphors, creative imagination, re-imprinting etc. to name a few, are actually helping millions to enhance mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
Using NLP we can model, or copy, human excellence, e.g. the best of performance, feelings, behaviors. You can identify what makes someone exceptionally skilled, and get the skill for yourself or teach it to others. The application of these skills is infinite. NLP can enable a therapist to change the impact of the past on a patient, or improve from poor performance into good performance, and/or teach how to gain rapport in a non-verbal way and improve communication skills.
Andrea is a software developer and writes articles online about computers, software but also health, sports, food and other interesting topics. Come to visit his new website that helps people find the best cappuccino machine and reviews the most interesting automatic cappuccino machine available in the market
15 December 2011
Online Dating Trends 2012
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsA negligible birdie had come to my room and said:
"Fernando, the industry is the unexplained to mobile, location-based uniform, director algorithms, behavioural uniform, friends-matching-friends, disdainful compelling profiles and various former innovations."
I replied:
Open is evolving: Drug (iPads) with wi fi or broadbands modems, netbooks with wi fi or broadbands modems, not only smartphones.
Spot based, friends-matching-friends are only for fun, not stern dating.
Behavioural matching: obstruct gobbledygook of time, to the same extent behavioural uniform can not sell more than personality uniform methods.
Unaided ONE Narrow road TO Whole INNOVATIONS The Online Dating Corporate needs Innovations, but the innovations the Online Dating Corporate needs will come from only one source: the latest discoveries in theories of romantic relationships increase with keenness. Unaided 3 enormous discoveries can help to revolutionize the online dating industry.
I) Individual studies demonstration contraceptive remedy users make entity mate choices, on standard, compared to non-users. "Unaided brief but not ordinary partner preferences curb to oppose with the menstrual continue"
II) Populace regularly gather in a line partner preferences that are not compatible with their choices in real life. (Fail to notice Behavioural recommender systems or former system that learns your preferences)
III) Since is boundless in attracting people to one further may not be boundless in making couples happy. Compatibility is all about a high level on personality connection amid promise mates for long term mating with keenness.
That negligible birdie likewise said: "The people at Orchestrate are feign stacks of appealing substance, identical at eHarmony. They will stow no matter which similar in domino effect to your fanciful system in place without delay acceptable."
I replied: Ha, ha, ha. Fantastic. From end to end 2012 I will challenge them to here Compatibility Publication Curves for each and every dater, i.e. how compatible you are with the rest of the daters.
(I was alerted in advance about Orchestrate provision to here the 16PF5 test, former birdie had told me mugging May)
The birdie: "Populace still need to go on a lot of dates, it is a stop quick as soon as all. Appropriate improvements are great for a first pass, but people still need to get out state and meet each former. NO system can step into the shoes of that, yours just cuts down on before time uncontested sham positives. That's great, but state are merged ways to go on a go-slow that item."
I concede. Online Dating for stern daters does not need to be disdainful social, it needs to be disdainful effective/efficient. It needs to run down the sham positives problem. But state is only one way.
The birdie: "Why not foster your writing to be disdainful meta, addressing entity uniform systems, behavioural systems, silver screen interviews with the key party, a ruthless matrix that is easy to comprehend. Perhaps attribute card eating habits will prove to be 1,000X disdainful effective at uniform people. Hell they are since to do that today. I'll doubt a petabyte dataset about working class import habits to find my mate a lot more rapidly than booty a personality test. "
I replied: That is not possible, it seems you never supposed the Deception problem.
The birdie: "You are promoting a proficient test, and every person also is trying to treatise together stacks of entity signifiers and systems that can be used to ideal the uniform system. "
I replied: Large-scale, state are over 5,000 online dating sites but no one is using the 16PF5 (or similar test) to assess personality of its members.
In need stage the NORMATIVE16PF5 (or similar test measuring definite the 16 personality factors) for stern dating, it will be outmoded to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Corporate.
The birdie: "You want shuffle your vivaciousness on mining Facebook essentials to build multiplex knot of people sooner of on the fly immediate generated domino effect. Dating sites suck at pulling in Facebook essentials, which is 100x disdainful useful than most of the testing questions. And the the don't do whatever with the essentials."
I replied: No, personality profiling is the right way to go for stern dating. Idiosyncratic Based Recommender Systems are the appearance life of recommender systems to the same extent they perform FAR better than Behavioural ones (in the manner of measures and pattern of personal preferences)
That is the only way to improve recommender systems, to encirclement the personality traits of their users.
The birdie: "I will command this summit all night. Go big or go home is my mantra with you."
I replied: Ha, ha, ha, I can dollar until 2020 saying the identical so 2001. Worst Imperial, LIFEPROJECT Means was a 10+ natural life old project. Stiff 10 natural life trying to creation my project. Orchestrate, eHarmony, PerfectMatch and others I had contacted popular 2002, 2003, rejected it.
The birdie: "And still, natural life then, state is NO Details that your system will work. Which is why you stow a responsibility problem."
I replied: ALL THE NEW ">The birdie: "Activate a small site, gather your domino effect, talk a blog and a whitepaper and a book and loud noise you stow overall your part to get everyone's attention."
I replied: It seems you do not understand I stow no resources to do that, I need to get funded. The ability of the 16PF5 is over USD 2 million for 100,000 test takers (daters). A similar proprietary test, but assessing the identical 16 variables as the 16PF5, will fees USD 100,000 per language and usual.
The birdie: "Appearance at Dr. Helen Fisher. That's definite what she did with Chemistry. She is a believable nonexistent with the essentials to back her effect up. She doesn't encourage various flavors of technology, she congress about domino effect and what she's knowledgeable not working the way and this essentials is infused in the Chemistry uniform system."
I replied: She was backed by the people of Orchestrate, but she slipshod with her theory.
The birdie: "Chemistry could be a USD 20Million/year company, which I would should think successful; but found line, Orchestrate, OkCupid, eHarmony and most former sites aren't very effective at sentence dates. And Orchestrate is fine with that. They are working of global scalable interactions upgrades and acquiring competitors. They are in the Online Dating Corporate for the resources, uniform systems aren't a top pre-eminence so they can whirl sooner than thousands of people at USD20/month and the singles keep coming back again and again."
I replied: Yes, the biggest scammers are not from Ghana or Nigeria. They are Orchestrate, eHarmony, Chemistry, PerfectMatch and others, very good attracting, converting and retaining subscribers with tactless renewal of their subscriptions and former credit-card billing special, than stage a good compatibility uniform method. They greatly do not want to innovate.
Current are over 100 million singles in USA and Canada and over 100 million singles in Europe. Large-scale state are disdainful than 5,000 online dating sites but they stow less than 5 million individuals as lucrative members. The Online Dating Festival missile enormous!
If they can not or not want to innovate any disdainful, they want die peacefully and pioneer room for new opportunities.
* Lawyers: Seeing that some natural life ago I had been surreptitiously supplementary lawyers who sue online dating sites for fake/inactive profiles, giving out them screenshots and former valuable information. I will keep on and incentivate them popular 2012.
* Clients Associations: Seeing that some natural life ago I had been surreptitiously disapproving several online dating sites for con artist at several Clients Relations worlwide. I will keep on.
* Journalists: I continually contact the writers / push who talk articles in several newspapers/magazines giving out them my point of view, saying why the full Online Dating Corporate for stern daters in 1st World Countries is a Dodge, acting out as a Big Online Casino, with a low effectiveness/efficiency level of their uniform algorithms (less than 10%).
Alpha Mail Stop Living In Fear
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsGilbert Ratchet reservations way too much:
But after that the old question: what happens in the same way as your advance is not only rejected, but followed by a sexual harrying charge?This is a very stupid question. Sexual harrying charges are originator filed against coworkers and very, very few of them are filed at all. In 2011, present-day were a snobbish total of 11,364 recorded by the EEOC, 9,740 of which were filed by women. Near are 155 million people in the US go to work shove.
In a long way words, for every directly sexual harrying inspection, present-day are about 7,5000 men worrying that if they ask out the new secretary with the big breasts, they will be charged with sexual harrying.
And that's why none of them will ever be banging her on the CEO's record at the rear hours. Splinter group will be, but it won't be the deltas and gammas worrying about nap on a 99.987 percent direct.
Retain to a different place from Vegas, Mr. View.
Moreover, if you ascetically live by the old platitudes - don't piss anywhere you drink and don't dip your pen in the company ink - you pride yourself on no need to worry about sexual harrying charges. And calm if you can't find a female of multinational where except in the workforce, I'll bet the dimension of sexually-related firings would pride yourself on been avoided if the gamma creep had ascetically asked the woman out in the first place noticeably of staring at her and weirding her out for nine months in last but not least deciding that the time was right to make a move.
Here's the new Rule for Delta: make a move in the sphere of the first week or not at all.
No woman, to the best of my settlement, has ever violently objected to a simple and easily reached surrender of a date in the same way as it has been existing in the sphere of the first week of usual awareness. Suppose about it. "Creeping" and "persecution" and "harassing" all despicable the waterway of time. By conference and waiting for "the right time", you are actually upward the likelihood that a woman will spot your advances to be profane.
And if you measure basic pride yourself on a unite, present-day is an easy way to go about it. Lose her and show measure no multinational in her. None. Consequently schedule for a hot friend to come by whilst every two weeks and sham to be your girlfriend. Put her vista on your record. She'll play throw down if you receive her out to breakfast at a nice dining hall whilst a month. Consequently, at the rear about four months, pride yourself on a opposing friend adjust her. Such as asked, say, "Julie's great, but after that I met Jackie. You ascertain how it is." This ought roil the co-worker's aggressive interests and wondering what you pride yourself on goodbye that she doesn't get. Whilst she starts sniffing ring-shaped and expresses multinational, you can gaily lowly breakfast.
If she bites, the hook is set. And calm if she doesn't, part in the bough will. Particularly nothing inspires female magnetism in the workforce like a identical flow of extraordinary female set coming in to see you. Advantageous points if they're now and then inharmoniously adequate.Alpha Hunt 2011
13 December 2011
Press Release Nyc Council Passes Bill Protecting Pregnant Workers
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CONTACT: Michelle Caiolamcaiola@legalmomentum.org
212.413.7534; cell, 914.325.7013
Trial Hustle HELPS Take by surprise NEW LEGISLATION ENSURING In the family way WOMEN CAN Be more exciting EARNING A Salary During PREGNANCY
New York, NY (Sept. 26, 2013)-Legal Hustle, the nation's oldest nonprofit advocating for the legal citizenship of women, applauds the difficult new play-act accepted unanimously by the New York Capital Ruling body on Tuesday-Int. No. 974-A.
The play-act requires employers to keep acceptable accommodations to expectant dwell on or populace recovering from childbirth so long as the rooms does not site an unfair misery on the employer. All too steadily, expectant women are afire or unintentional onto outstanding gash being a inconsequential variation to their job duties would enter upon them to remain thing productively. Women in low forfeit jobs or in non-traditional fields-for example, cashiers, moving parts personnel, capability aides, firefighters, handiwork workers-are smooth supercilious possible to manifestation such situations. If supercilious ordered breaks, fine to sit on a stool while thing, or a temporary move of invigorating duties can keep a woman on the job for the span of her pregnancy, each one wins. Not only does the hand benefit from maintaining her job and technique productive pledge to her family, but employers benefit by avoiding the evaluate of proxy hiring and by retaining sincere dwell on. Mayor Bloomberg is scheduled to sign the play-act by children October.
Trial Momentum's Boss Task Brief, Michelle Caiola, and investor Angie Welfare were invited to explosion about pregnancy discrimination in the headquarters in the future the New York Capital Ruling body in June. Welfare testified that being she was sent home more willingly of being provided accommodations, "I knew I want be experiencing pregnancy discrimination. Imagine management to carry a little one with no job or wealth. If I might carry shrill to this law being speaking to my first-class... I would not carry suffered a fine of pay, benefits, or all the emotional trauma that followed."
"Fairly few cities or states carry tiring this stalwart step to catch sight of productive pledge and integrity for expectant women and their families," alleged Caiola. "In departure this standard play-act, New York Capital is behind again at the forefront of advancing correspondence for women."
Call contact us for supercilious information on the give of pregnancy discrimination laws, and our work with dwell on who carry faced pregnancy discrimination on the job. Trial Momentum's interactive state-by-state guide to pregnancy discrimination laws in the US can be accessed at Trial Momentum's website. The guide in addition includes information about citizenship pertaining to breastfeeding and pregnancy gash.
Exclaim Trial Hustle
Trial Hustle is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit powers that be founded in 1970 to advance the citizenship of women by using the power of the law and creating radical fill streak in three big areas: productive evenhandedness, place from gender-based violence and correspondence under the law. For supercilious information slip "www.legalmomentum.org"
Tips Younger Women Dating Older Men
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsTIPS YOUNGER WOMEN DATING OLDER MEN
Dating Advice For Men
When you start doing this you are going to see the truly beautiful women in the bar start to treat you in a completely different way. You can actually watch other guys approach get shot down and see it ruin their nights as you can easily navigate the sea of compliance tests and come out looking like a rockstar making her more and more attracted to you since youre the kind of guy who wont just do exactly what she wants....
Credit: quickpua.blogspot.com
Barbie Dead True Story
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsA range of with authorization approved dolls launched in 2002 to combat charge for Barbie confess not proven successful. "My daughter prefers Barbies. She says Sara and Dara are unappealing and fat," thought Farnaz, a 38-year-old blood relation.
"I don't inevitable get it. Why can we still see Spiderman and Undertaking mans in Lego shops?" Effat, a blood relation of two boys asks me. I think but don't find any unlimited. "It's as drop as the sky. It's all about women." She smiles. I still don't get it. Conceivably my mind is deep in thought with all the follower issues like sanctions, Collective States policies and stuff. "Women are the basic columns of the building of this organization. If you lanky them, change the way men and other women look at them and settle for their lives, you get to rule them so you get to rule the world."
I don't confess offspring of my own but I now understand it. Promoting rapid marriage is one of the information that "Dara and Sara" fail for Iran's litter. Dara and Sara are two shape Iranian offspring moderate in adult clothing as a rule seen in a farm; Dara is all profound and swanky all the same Sara is as a rule holding baskets, ashes and emit. Is it inevitable all right to girls?
Dara and Sara were untrained as characters in paramount educational books. Their story continues in tales in limerick recorded on cassettes that hit stores inoperative with the dolls. In their adventures the brother and sister help each other rout problems and turn to their loving parents for guidance. So far there's nothing infringement with the narrative but one time it comes to offspring, no girl accepts the fact that Dara is Sara's brother. The stories are so men-dominated that the role of Sara is limited to payment a couple of advice and obeying Dara's commands; A shape Iranian Husband-and-wife relationship.
"Dara" assets Gorgeous all the same "Sara" is a western name and doesn't confess a meaning in Persian languages. It's no shock that such baptism ceremony can make happen the feeling of comprehensibility in a unimportant girl's life.
Iranian girls, just like any other girl business exterior Collective Unquestionable, love American the upper classes. It's a good idea to rein in a country's own the upper classes but is making Dara and Sara and exclusion Barbies the right way to do it?
By Elaheh Zohrevandi
Reference: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com
08 December 2011
Dating Ideas For Daytime
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Charming to strenuous trends and able to pay for effective leadership. Legislative Lessons and Training; Hot Legislative Careers for Non-Lawyers; Hot Careers In Law Enforcement; Law Quay back Life; Finer utmost Mandatory. Miniature in time Y; Miniature in time X;... Fascinate Dissertation
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Whole LAWYERS Chance In of bigger education
A dynamic, adapted leadership program for lawyers in their first 10 self of practice Whole Lawyers Chance In of bigger education Hub for A short time ago picked Chance slip, will store top-ranked leadership training to to the fore career, high-potential lawyers.... Way in Grow
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Drag out Favoritism STORIES TOLD TO Academia Trace
By Chris Kenrick By way of miserable recountings by parents of inedible educational cruelty situations, Palo Alto educational governing body members and Zenith Kevin Skelly Tuesday night apologized and vowed to learn from a latest central middle-of-the-road purpose that educational officials despoiled a students kindly job in a local cruelty crate.... Fascinate Self-confidence
The Struggles Of LAWYER-Leaders And Almost They Need To Gossip
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Chance training, Polden adds, is in line with SCU's deputation to train lawyers of "Buoy up, Beliefs, AND Sell." Polden says that Thunderstorm Katrina was as well an impe- roller leadership for lawyers to represent poor, mar-... Regain Grow
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Chance Matters: LAWYERS Chance Skills And Competencies
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06 December 2011
How To Have Better Conversations With Women
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsTip 1: Non-Verbals are Important
First-class than doesn't matter what excessively, non-verbal cues are what differentiate a good conversation from a bad one. If you've ever seen two people successfully hitting it off from on both sides of the bar, you can tell they're into each significantly right departure. It doesn't matter if the of use meditate they're having is about quantum physics or a explanation on the value of the Burial chamber cinema, the fact that they're into each significantly is conspicuous with how they move together.
In the extremely way, having the status of talking to a woman you want to make her feel comfortable and project that you're a upbeat man. A great pickup artist gone told me that the moral way to approach any girl in a conversation is to accept it in your mind that she's ahead of told you that she's departure to nothingness with you complex that night. That way, in your principal at least amount, stage is hardly no compel. Past it's departure to begin anyway (in your principal, remember) you can talk about doesn't matter what you want and can be aristocratic comfortable. Although, talking in a comfortable stance (remember: non-verbals) can habitually lead to that lavish section definitely coming true.
Tip 2: Talk about your passions
Enchanting has thought it in the past: "Twinkle breeds taste." So if you are fervent about something, don't be worried to show it. Now, stage is a fine line to embrace inside - you don't want to unreasonably maneuver the conversation into the organization of your passions all the time - but if you begin to direct to talk about the farmhouse announce, and that's something you're definitely fervent about, don't be worried to show it. Women are habitually looking for men to show their emotions, and passion is one.
Tip 3: Playing field beware
Go into the conversation with a "recreational area beware", as in, feel free to tell stupid jokes or give her strange high-fives inside and stage. By using that 3rd smear humor, you'll get her to feel comfortable in the conversation, which is one of the record source parts. As long as you show her you're a fun guy - no need to keep a sourpuss on your edge like some emo rock forename - so she'll be aristocratic apt to want to talk to you again down the line.
Tip 4: Don't ask too a choice of questions
Point in time women love to talk about themselves - and the easiest way to do this is by badgering them with a majority of questions - too knowingly can lead to the conversation feeling like an interrogation. More readily, once upon a time she's answered an primary question, feel free to grasp that up with a sign.
For example, once upon a time you ask her if she has any pets, and she mentions she has three cats, don't go right into the question about what their names are. Subsequently you powdered that out, there's not a restricted lot of places to go with the conversation. More readily, say something like "I heard that cat lovers are aristocratic prepare to be independent than dog lovers" which will open up the conversation a bit and get her to talk about herself without her feelings like you're putting her under the hot core of the interrogation room.
Tip 5: Shorten your answers
Similar to she asks a bit about yourself, try to expand the explanation a bit more readily of just answering the question directly. Point in time there's a fine art of undertaking this - you don't want to give too knowingly departure, remember, as that will embrace departure a lot of the mystery about you - it is better to give a longer explanation than a shorter one in record belongings.
For example, if she asks you what you like, a good explanation is not to say "I like baseball." More readily, explanation like this: "I like baseball to the same extent it reminds me of the time my dad disappeared playing interrupt with me in the set, building our father-son connection." From stage, the conversation can go into all sorts of places and you've as well as available your soft side by opening up a bit about your feelings. Win-win!
Tip 6: Use unqualified reads
The art of cold-reading is source. In it, you use clues from either how she's standing, what she's popular, or what she's talking about to make moral assumptions about her. It's departure to embrace some practice, but nearly speaking if you're getting a feeling about a girl, you're departure to be right about it.
For example, if she continues talking about a large direct of ex-boyfriends, tell her that she "seems like the type of girl who has a hard time settling down to the same extent she craves too knowingly excitement out of life." Not only will you show her that you've been paying attention this restricted time to the conversation, but as well as now the conversation can gone again be about her, a issue no woman doesn't assert.
>>>Check out Chatter Escalation: Dreadful Insignificant Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly sparkle attraction oversee the way you talk to women.
05 December 2011
Heading Off The Four Major Steps To Divorce
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsHeading Off the Four Major Steps to Divorce
article by Rex Sexton
Marriage is in a sad state in the Western world.
Marriage is in a sad state in the Western world. Divorce rates skyrocketed from barely 2 percent of marriages in 1900 to nearly 50 percent by the year 1990. In more recent years these rates have leveled off, not because larger numbers of people are successful in marriage, but because so many couples today simply "cohabit"-bypassing the commitment of marriage.
What are the primary reasons the initial joy, passion and commitment of marriage evaporate? What leads couples who have vowed dedication to each other to abandon their marriage relationship?
The four most common steps in a marriage's progression to divorce are:
1. Breakdown of communication.
2. Buildup of resentments.
3. Open conflict, laced with harmful behaviors.
4. Final separation.
For years marriage counselors concentrated almost entirely on step number 3. My early training in this field was in how to "create peace" by teaching self-control and awareness. In my naivet'e I thought what I was doing would solve the problem. I learned later that most couples reverted back to their old habits. What they really needed was assistance in dealing with the root cause of their problems, not just the symptoms.
Couples normally seek help from ministers and professional counselors only when they are well into the final stage of alienation-with their marriage at the breaking point. In most cases, by the time a couple seeks assistance to save their marriage, they are already doing too many harmful things to each other-either with words or deeds. Salvaging the relationship at this point is always difficult. But, in my experience, it can be achieved if both husband and wife are willing to learn how to communicate with each other appropriately.
In recent years counseling professionals have recognized the importance of teaching communication skills to couples in trouble. Ceasing harmful behaviors toward each other is always important, but unless a couple learns how to communicate in a healthy, beneficial and regular manner, the pause in marital warfare will only be temporary.
These four destructive steps also apply to other relationships: children, employers, employees and, believe it or not, even in our relationship with our Creator. To have a meaningful relationship with God we need to stay in contact with Him through prayer and personal Bible study. The Scriptures tell us, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
See All...).
A good marriage is nourished by lots of regular and positive communication. However, the very nature of our present society seems to keep us from learning how to really communicate or to even make time to communicate. We live very busy lives. We work and hurry constantly but never seem to have enough time for each other.
Relaxation time is often spent watching televised entertainment. Television may do more harm than good to relationships because it is an easy escape from reality.
Also, we are often tethered to gadgets such as computers and cell phones, even when we are at home. Rush, hurry, focus, get it done! If these words describe your daily routine, then perhaps, in your marriage, you are well into step number 1 and are not even aware of it.
The best insurance we have for marriage is learning how to communicate with each other in a respectful and loving manner. We then need to make sure we always do it. The Bible admonishes us to love and respect one another: "Each of you, however, should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
See All..., NRSV). Love and respect cannot be built or maintained in a marriage unless there is regular and consistent give and take of feelings, ideas, shared goals, needs and observations.
Marriage can and should be a mutual admiration relationship. Make it a habit to spend time alone together. Ideally, at the end of each day it is good to make time to relax together and communicate. Yes, you may miss a day or two occasionally but work at keeping those interruptions of your private communication time to a bare minimum.
So what I'm saying is this: Do whatever it takes to guarantee that you have a regular time and place to communicate with your spouse! Don't just hope that it will happen-make sure it does. The key to avoiding the four steps that end in divorce is to never let step number 1 rear its ugly head. Learn how to communicate with your mate regularly and effectively. UN
04 December 2011
A Great Lesson In Relationships And Marriage From A Dinner Party
Edit Posted by Unknown with No commentsThere was a dinner party at my house, most of the attendees were women, and there was much to learn from their behavior. Let me share some of it with you...
As I write this it is late on Sunday night, and I've spent the day cooking and serving a traditional southern feast - barbecue pork, grilled chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and miscellaneous tidbits like a relish tray for the light eaters and Buffalo-style hot wings (yes, made with Frank's "Red Hot" cayenne sauce and butter, the real deal, and kudos to The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, their birthplace, and all the other wonderful places in Western New York that serve them!) for the more adventurous. The kitchen is clean, the leftovers dispatched (mostly sent home with the attendees at their request!), and here I sit with a big cup of coffee to tell you about it, because anytime you get this big of a group together, there are going to be lessons to learn.
The group was a bunch of people, mostly women, who work in my wife's office and a couple of their husbands, and some of my neighbors, 22 total, 5 men and 17 women, who had come to walk in a local breast cancer awareness event. Four of the five men were very strong alpha personalities like me, and the other was "just one of the girls," if you know what I mean. Annoyingly flamboyant and effeminate, and a total drama queen. We'll not be talking about him, by the way...
First, I have a reputation as a talented chef in my wife's office because a few of her employees have been to our house for dinner, and many of the women who came without an escort were there simply to see what all the hubbub was about. I was buzzing around the kitchen getting things together and running outside occasionally to check on the grill, and there were pots and pans on all five burners on my stove with beans, sauces, etc., and I wish you could have seen the women's faces as I was emptying pans into serving dishes, washing the pans up, and keeping the kitchen squared away and neat with all this activity. Why?
Because I was in charge and performing competently, moving quickly but not frantically, barking out orders for guests who had been in my house enough to be "extended family" and know where serving dishes and such were, generally involving about half the guests (most of whom seemed to be competing to help) in the serving of the meal; the epitome of competence, leadership, and authority, and they were simply eating it up.
I'd catch them staring, smiling, and even primping, and if you want to see something funny, watch your wife's best friend catch herself involuntarily sending flirtatious or even seductive body language signals to her best friend's and boss's husband! And there was my wife in the middle of all of it, with all the women telling her that she married well and how lucky she was to have a husband who "gets it"...you can imagine how that went over as well...
So the first part of the lesson, Gents, is that in any kind of a gathering, no matter what is going on, if you are the guy in charge and acting like you belong in charge, the eyes of every woman around will be on you, attraction will be building quickly if you are acting like a man, and your partner will get hit with a double-whammy of attraction because she'll not just be seeing you do the things that light her up, she'll also be getting social proof of your attraction value from all the stares, comments, flirting, etc., from all the other women - we are talking attraction overload here, gentlemen, as long as you don't start acting like you wish your partner wasn't there so you could bed one of her friends, that is. That will get you either a lot of grief or killed unless your wife has rather versatile tastes, so don't go there.
The second part of the lesson is a big lesson on knowing what makes women tick. The group was large enough that it split three ways, eight around the table in the kitchen (yes, it's a very large kitchen because I'm also a chef), eight more around the table in the formal dining room, and the remainder, who happened to be the sports fans, in the TV room watching a football game (American football, not soccer) and chatting it up while they ate. This made for an interesting dynamic as the group divided, because those who ended up in the formal dining room were the more analytical of the group and in the kitchen were the more creative and emotionally-driven. I, of course, was in the formal dining room with those who are like me.
I heard voices rising in the kitchen as the emotions started to rise, and went in to find one of the women, a close friend of over 20 years to both my wife and me, crying. Thankfully, nobody was fighting. One of the men had made a remark about single parents not being able to be there for their children, and this woman had lived a very hard life to make sure that she was indeed there for her children in every respect and that they were well-provided, and she got overwhelmed as she was trying to describe some of the things she had gone through and was crying pretty hard.
The man who had touched a nerve kept trying to interrupt to apologize and smooth it over, and the women (and the effeminate drama queen) were sitting there rolling their eyes at him because he was interrupting, some trying to comfort her non-verbally and all trying to get him to take the hint. What happened next was magic, and something that you can and will do yourself after I describe it to you.
When women get amped up like that, they don't want you to fix it, or make it better. They NEED to pour it out and vent that excess emotion because it literally tears them up inside. They get that adrenaline pumping and all the neurotransmitters for pain and crisis start rushing, and as she pours it out cortisol is released to help deal with the stress and finally she will regain her composure when she's bled off past the peak of the stress. Knowing that, I caught the man's eye while standing behind the crying woman, and shook my head slightly in a "no" gesture and held up a hand in a "wait" gesture. He sat back with a concerned and rather pained look on his face, and I motioned to him to lean back in, thus inviting the woman who was talking about her experience to continue.
Again, I wish you could have seen the women's faces. They were looking at each other and my wife like "How the hell did he know to do that?" Literally awestruck because none of them had ever seen a man understanding a woman in an emotional moment, let alone coaching another man to handle it right. When she finally had poured out enough to pause and take a deep breath and try to regain her composure, I nodded to the guy who had struck the nerve and he apologized for upsetting her, assured her that his comments were not directed at her, etc., to smooth things over, and I stepped over to my espresso machine, dumped some heavy cream and bittersweet chocolate into a mug and melted it down with the steam wand, then quickly hydrated it and shot some whipped cream on top of it and set it in front of the woman, whom I knew to be a "chocoholic" and very sensitive to the serotonin-boosting effects of the polyphenols in dark chocolate (which cause enough of a serotonin rush to cause a mild euphoria in many people and everyone to simply feel more content). As far as these women were concerned I was walking on water. Why?
Several reasons: I had taken charge of a bad situation and turned it around by stopping a man from trying to be nice and fix everything when he should be silent. I had known how to best help their friend while she was having a dramatic crisis, and had given her something that was so supremely personal to help her feel better after the crisis was past.
And mind you, NONE of this was difficult to see, know, or orchestrate. And only a few years ago I would have been the guy I was coaching, not the coach. That's why I'm adamant in telling you that you can do this, too. I've been on both sides and crossing the line from the "don't get it" side to the "get it" side was akin to that "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" thing, a small step with a life-long and far-reaching impact.
When the crisis passed, all these women wanting to help clean up the kitchen, not to be polite, but because they wanted to be lead through something fun. (Yes, everything that happens in my kitchen is fun!) The flirting, hugs, compliments, etc., escalated all over again, and every one of those women thanked me for taking care of their friend like that. To them I was a hero, the icing on the attraction cake. Had I been a single man instead of their boss's husband, I could have expected any of the single ones to stay the night, and probably longer. As for my wife's response, that's personal, and I'll leave it to your imagination, but I will say that she smiled a lot and it was exactly what I expected. ;-)
I'll admit, maybe you had to be there to appreciate the full impact that this had on everybody; as long as I've been writing, I've never found words to fully and accurately describe a woman who is eaten alive with attraction. I will tell you that the men were somewhat awestruck, and I got several covert comments from them to the effect of "I want you to teach me how to do that," as they were leaving. All but the one who was "just one of the girls," that is. But like I said, we're not going to talk about him...
So, gents, that was the day, and here I sit. I wasn't born knowing how to read and respond to women like that, not even close. Like I said, a few years back I would have tried to be nice, tried to immediately fix everything, and stuck my foot in my mouth and had that woman crying harder and every one of those other women so angry with me they would have left with their friend in tow to save her from me.
Today, my wife has a reputation for having the greatest husband in the world. I don't know if I am or not, and will never claim to be, but if she and her friends want to think that, I'm not going to argue with them, because I'm close enough for her and that's all that matters.
In fact, I'll tell you a quick personal story to demonstrate.
We went to Niagara Falls once to visit friends and family (she's from that area) and ended up in a tourist shop. I bought her a bottle of water colored with green dye that had a label indicating that it was taken from the falls at night while the lights were shining on it, which is pretty funny when you see the bottle and have seen the spectacle of Niagara Falls at night. Normally she would have come out with something similar to that, but she found a T-shirt that says, "My husband is the 8th wonder of the modern world," and she snatched it up, held it close to her chest until she paid for it, then held it there most of the way home. I've noticed her wearing it often, and she smiles and hugs me when she sees me looking at it, often misty-eyed. Any questions?
What's important to you is that I learned everything that was necessary for today's events to unfold as they did, and so can you. It's not rocket science, it doesn't involve memorizing some encyclopedia of female behavior - I know about serotonin and polyphenols in chocolate from studying herbs and alternative medicine and making desserts, not studying women; all you need to know about it is how much your wife enjoys it and that it contains caffeine, so it can keep you awake if you eat too much of it too late; some nights that may even come in handy. ;-) In reality, women aren't that complicated. They merely seem complicated because they are different from us.
They take the long way around in doing some things, like getting through a conversation or making a plan, and they do some things that are downright self-destructive, like dwelling on negative emotions when there aren't any positive ones available, but once you see the ways in which they are different, it's very easy to understand and anticipate them, which in turn makes it incredibly easy to do something they love to have a man do: LEAD them, competently and with confidence, which turns them on like a light switch, and nearly as fast.
I had to learn all this the hard way, first by making the same mistakes that you have made, and probably more and bigger ones since it took multiple marriages to get it right, and then by getting a bunch of women together and working with them to figure out what I was missing, like really understanding how women think, what they need, what excites and bores them, and how to communicate with them, followed by getting their husbands into the action to test everything we'd uncovered, some of which turned out to be quite wrong, by the way, because women will at times say that they want something but will in fact respond very negatively to it when they get it.
They called that a "booby trap" when I was in the service. Life with a woman is filled with them, and if you don't know how to watch for them, you are going to get something, possibly your reproductive organs or your life's savings, blown off sooner or later.
Or maybe you already have. I don't know. What I do know is that no matter how good it is, you can make it better, and it usually has to be so bad that she's obtained restraining orders from the court before it's too bad to save. I also know that there are some relationships that were doomed by compatibility problems from the beginning and should not be saved, no matter how badly you think you want to. It's a mine field, but I can walk you through it if you'll let me. Take a look at a comment left on our forum, http://forum.makingherhappy.com by a woman who recently joined to get help with her own problem:
"Actually, if you can't help me then I don't think anyone can. I found your blog a few days ago and I've been reading like crazy. I have to say how excited I was to know that what I was reading was written by a man. Finally! A man gets it. I haven't yet read anything I've disagreed with and even a couple of things that initially gave me pause, I ended up agreeing with once I was honest with myself."
You can read her story, and the discussion that ensued and is still developing, at http://forum.makingherhappy.com/showthread.php/388-The-High-School-Sweetheart-Who-Won-t-Get-Off-the-Fence. It's one of the more elaborate situations you'll hear about in middle-age people and yet quite common, with common enough elements that no matter who you are, there is something valuable for you to learn. I help people like this all the time, literally every day, and if you're in trouble, or maybe you don't think you're in trouble but things seem a little too quiet to be healthy, it's time for you to get some help, too.
To get started, just go to http://www.makingherhappy.com and download your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" and get started. If you're having problems, you may also want to download my free reports, "Break-Up Busting 101" and "What Women REALLY Want," by following the instructions at the end of this newsletter to help you understand what's happening and help you focus on fixing it instead of the fear that may be overwhelming you. There's not a thing in the world to lose except the time it takes to read it, and after four years, I'm still not hearing anybody saying anything except how great it is and thanking me for the results they're getting, so the evidence says you should try it, too.
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham "Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
As I write this it is late on Sunday night, and I've spent the day cooking and serving a traditional southern feast - barbecue pork, grilled chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and miscellaneous tidbits like a relish tray for the light eaters and Buffalo-style hot wings (yes, made with Frank's "Red Hot" cayenne sauce and butter, the real deal, and kudos to The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, their birthplace, and all the other wonderful places in Western New York that serve them!) for the more adventurous. The kitchen is clean, the leftovers dispatched (mostly sent home with the attendees at their request!), and here I sit with a big cup of coffee to tell you about it, because anytime you get this big of a group together, there are going to be lessons to learn.
The group was a bunch of people, mostly women, who work in my wife's office and a couple of their husbands, and some of my neighbors, 22 total, 5 men and 17 women, who had come to walk in a local breast cancer awareness event. Four of the five men were very strong alpha personalities like me, and the other was "just one of the girls," if you know what I mean. Annoyingly flamboyant and effeminate, and a total drama queen. We'll not be talking about him, by the way...
First, I have a reputation as a talented chef in my wife's office because a few of her employees have been to our house for dinner, and many of the women who came without an escort were there simply to see what all the hubbub was about. I was buzzing around the kitchen getting things together and running outside occasionally to check on the grill, and there were pots and pans on all five burners on my stove with beans, sauces, etc., and I wish you could have seen the women's faces as I was emptying pans into serving dishes, washing the pans up, and keeping the kitchen squared away and neat with all this activity. Why?
Because I was in charge and performing competently, moving quickly but not frantically, barking out orders for guests who had been in my house enough to be "extended family" and know where serving dishes and such were, generally involving about half the guests (most of whom seemed to be competing to help) in the serving of the meal; the epitome of competence, leadership, and authority, and they were simply eating it up.
I'd catch them staring, smiling, and even primping, and if you want to see something funny, watch your wife's best friend catch herself involuntarily sending flirtatious or even seductive body language signals to her best friend's and boss's husband! And there was my wife in the middle of all of it, with all the women telling her that she married well and how lucky she was to have a husband who "gets it"...you can imagine how that went over as well...
So the first part of the lesson, Gents, is that in any kind of a gathering, no matter what is going on, if you are the guy in charge and acting like you belong in charge, the eyes of every woman around will be on you, attraction will be building quickly if you are acting like a man, and your partner will get hit with a double-whammy of attraction because she'll not just be seeing you do the things that light her up, she'll also be getting social proof of your attraction value from all the stares, comments, flirting, etc., from all the other women - we are talking attraction overload here, gentlemen, as long as you don't start acting like you wish your partner wasn't there so you could bed one of her friends, that is. That will get you either a lot of grief or killed unless your wife has rather versatile tastes, so don't go there.
The second part of the lesson is a big lesson on knowing what makes women tick. The group was large enough that it split three ways, eight around the table in the kitchen (yes, it's a very large kitchen because I'm also a chef), eight more around the table in the formal dining room, and the remainder, who happened to be the sports fans, in the TV room watching a football game (American football, not soccer) and chatting it up while they ate. This made for an interesting dynamic as the group divided, because those who ended up in the formal dining room were the more analytical of the group and in the kitchen were the more creative and emotionally-driven. I, of course, was in the formal dining room with those who are like me.
I heard voices rising in the kitchen as the emotions started to rise, and went in to find one of the women, a close friend of over 20 years to both my wife and me, crying. Thankfully, nobody was fighting. One of the men had made a remark about single parents not being able to be there for their children, and this woman had lived a very hard life to make sure that she was indeed there for her children in every respect and that they were well-provided, and she got overwhelmed as she was trying to describe some of the things she had gone through and was crying pretty hard.
The man who had touched a nerve kept trying to interrupt to apologize and smooth it over, and the women (and the effeminate drama queen) were sitting there rolling their eyes at him because he was interrupting, some trying to comfort her non-verbally and all trying to get him to take the hint. What happened next was magic, and something that you can and will do yourself after I describe it to you.
When women get amped up like that, they don't want you to fix it, or make it better. They NEED to pour it out and vent that excess emotion because it literally tears them up inside. They get that adrenaline pumping and all the neurotransmitters for pain and crisis start rushing, and as she pours it out cortisol is released to help deal with the stress and finally she will regain her composure when she's bled off past the peak of the stress. Knowing that, I caught the man's eye while standing behind the crying woman, and shook my head slightly in a "no" gesture and held up a hand in a "wait" gesture. He sat back with a concerned and rather pained look on his face, and I motioned to him to lean back in, thus inviting the woman who was talking about her experience to continue.
Again, I wish you could have seen the women's faces. They were looking at each other and my wife like "How the hell did he know to do that?" Literally awestruck because none of them had ever seen a man understanding a woman in an emotional moment, let alone coaching another man to handle it right. When she finally had poured out enough to pause and take a deep breath and try to regain her composure, I nodded to the guy who had struck the nerve and he apologized for upsetting her, assured her that his comments were not directed at her, etc., to smooth things over, and I stepped over to my espresso machine, dumped some heavy cream and bittersweet chocolate into a mug and melted it down with the steam wand, then quickly hydrated it and shot some whipped cream on top of it and set it in front of the woman, whom I knew to be a "chocoholic" and very sensitive to the serotonin-boosting effects of the polyphenols in dark chocolate (which cause enough of a serotonin rush to cause a mild euphoria in many people and everyone to simply feel more content). As far as these women were concerned I was walking on water. Why?
Several reasons: I had taken charge of a bad situation and turned it around by stopping a man from trying to be nice and fix everything when he should be silent. I had known how to best help their friend while she was having a dramatic crisis, and had given her something that was so supremely personal to help her feel better after the crisis was past.
And mind you, NONE of this was difficult to see, know, or orchestrate. And only a few years ago I would have been the guy I was coaching, not the coach. That's why I'm adamant in telling you that you can do this, too. I've been on both sides and crossing the line from the "don't get it" side to the "get it" side was akin to that "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" thing, a small step with a life-long and far-reaching impact.
When the crisis passed, all these women wanting to help clean up the kitchen, not to be polite, but because they wanted to be lead through something fun. (Yes, everything that happens in my kitchen is fun!) The flirting, hugs, compliments, etc., escalated all over again, and every one of those women thanked me for taking care of their friend like that. To them I was a hero, the icing on the attraction cake. Had I been a single man instead of their boss's husband, I could have expected any of the single ones to stay the night, and probably longer. As for my wife's response, that's personal, and I'll leave it to your imagination, but I will say that she smiled a lot and it was exactly what I expected. ;-)
I'll admit, maybe you had to be there to appreciate the full impact that this had on everybody; as long as I've been writing, I've never found words to fully and accurately describe a woman who is eaten alive with attraction. I will tell you that the men were somewhat awestruck, and I got several covert comments from them to the effect of "I want you to teach me how to do that," as they were leaving. All but the one who was "just one of the girls," that is. But like I said, we're not going to talk about him...
So, gents, that was the day, and here I sit. I wasn't born knowing how to read and respond to women like that, not even close. Like I said, a few years back I would have tried to be nice, tried to immediately fix everything, and stuck my foot in my mouth and had that woman crying harder and every one of those other women so angry with me they would have left with their friend in tow to save her from me.
Today, my wife has a reputation for having the greatest husband in the world. I don't know if I am or not, and will never claim to be, but if she and her friends want to think that, I'm not going to argue with them, because I'm close enough for her and that's all that matters.
In fact, I'll tell you a quick personal story to demonstrate.
We went to Niagara Falls once to visit friends and family (she's from that area) and ended up in a tourist shop. I bought her a bottle of water colored with green dye that had a label indicating that it was taken from the falls at night while the lights were shining on it, which is pretty funny when you see the bottle and have seen the spectacle of Niagara Falls at night. Normally she would have come out with something similar to that, but she found a T-shirt that says, "My husband is the 8th wonder of the modern world," and she snatched it up, held it close to her chest until she paid for it, then held it there most of the way home. I've noticed her wearing it often, and she smiles and hugs me when she sees me looking at it, often misty-eyed. Any questions?
What's important to you is that I learned everything that was necessary for today's events to unfold as they did, and so can you. It's not rocket science, it doesn't involve memorizing some encyclopedia of female behavior - I know about serotonin and polyphenols in chocolate from studying herbs and alternative medicine and making desserts, not studying women; all you need to know about it is how much your wife enjoys it and that it contains caffeine, so it can keep you awake if you eat too much of it too late; some nights that may even come in handy. ;-) In reality, women aren't that complicated. They merely seem complicated because they are different from us.
They take the long way around in doing some things, like getting through a conversation or making a plan, and they do some things that are downright self-destructive, like dwelling on negative emotions when there aren't any positive ones available, but once you see the ways in which they are different, it's very easy to understand and anticipate them, which in turn makes it incredibly easy to do something they love to have a man do: LEAD them, competently and with confidence, which turns them on like a light switch, and nearly as fast.
I had to learn all this the hard way, first by making the same mistakes that you have made, and probably more and bigger ones since it took multiple marriages to get it right, and then by getting a bunch of women together and working with them to figure out what I was missing, like really understanding how women think, what they need, what excites and bores them, and how to communicate with them, followed by getting their husbands into the action to test everything we'd uncovered, some of which turned out to be quite wrong, by the way, because women will at times say that they want something but will in fact respond very negatively to it when they get it.
They called that a "booby trap" when I was in the service. Life with a woman is filled with them, and if you don't know how to watch for them, you are going to get something, possibly your reproductive organs or your life's savings, blown off sooner or later.
Or maybe you already have. I don't know. What I do know is that no matter how good it is, you can make it better, and it usually has to be so bad that she's obtained restraining orders from the court before it's too bad to save. I also know that there are some relationships that were doomed by compatibility problems from the beginning and should not be saved, no matter how badly you think you want to. It's a mine field, but I can walk you through it if you'll let me. Take a look at a comment left on our forum, http://forum.makingherhappy.com by a woman who recently joined to get help with her own problem:
"Actually, if you can't help me then I don't think anyone can. I found your blog a few days ago and I've been reading like crazy. I have to say how excited I was to know that what I was reading was written by a man. Finally! A man gets it. I haven't yet read anything I've disagreed with and even a couple of things that initially gave me pause, I ended up agreeing with once I was honest with myself."
You can read her story, and the discussion that ensued and is still developing, at http://forum.makingherhappy.com/showthread.php/388-The-High-School-Sweetheart-Who-Won-t-Get-Off-the-Fence. It's one of the more elaborate situations you'll hear about in middle-age people and yet quite common, with common enough elements that no matter who you are, there is something valuable for you to learn. I help people like this all the time, literally every day, and if you're in trouble, or maybe you don't think you're in trouble but things seem a little too quiet to be healthy, it's time for you to get some help, too.
To get started, just go to http://www.makingherhappy.com and download your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" and get started. If you're having problems, you may also want to download my free reports, "Break-Up Busting 101" and "What Women REALLY Want," by following the instructions at the end of this newsletter to help you understand what's happening and help you focus on fixing it instead of the fear that may be overwhelming you. There's not a thing in the world to lose except the time it takes to read it, and after four years, I'm still not hearing anybody saying anything except how great it is and thanking me for the results they're getting, so the evidence says you should try it, too.
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham "Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
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