NLP is also the study of exceptional talent. It studies the combined conscious and unconscious processes that enable people do what they do. For instance, NLP doesn't pay much attention to what people say that they do, as this is not usually related to what they actually do, just because the key to success is often unknown at the conscious level.
NLP shows how our own successes can be understood and modeled, so they can be reproduced. It is a way of discovering and unfolding somebody's personal genius, a way of bringing out the best in somebody's personality and skill.
The key is to understand that how we feel about doing anything depends entirely on which emotion we have unconsciously learned to associate with that situation, just because most unwanted behaviors and beliefs have been learned and stored at an unconscious level. For example, as a child you may have 'learnt' to become afraid of insects, this may have been because the first time you saw a bee or another insect the adults 'taught you how to behave' by running away from it. This is then stored at an unconscious level and every time you now see an insect you react with an automatic unconscious response which you are unable to change consciously. This is the same for phobias and fears and they can only be changed at the unconscious level.
A special attention is paid to what is also known as limiting beliefs. You may be letting a belief that you formed at an early stage of your life hold you back today, like 'I am not worthy'. It's important to understand and accept that this is only a belief, it is not true and therefore can be changed at an unconscious level to a belief that will empower you life.
Traumas, difficult life experiences or other conditioning can lead us to form erroneous beliefs about ourselves and the world. These ideas become frozen in time within our nervous system causing blocked energy and are often set off by triggers in the present. By re-programming the brain through certain simple exercises, we can be able to replace these conditioned responses with more life affirming or desired behaviors.
NLP basically works by utilizing our ability to change the process in which we experience reality (this is the real 'power' of our own mind) to rapidly change the way we think and act for the better, providing a way of helping to become more competent at what we do, more in control of our thoughts, feelings and actions, more positive in our approach to life and better able to achieve results. In other words, NLP can help eradicate old out dated "programs" (mental, emotional and physical) that run on "automatic pilot".
Once a limiting belief or a limiting belief system is identified, there are various techniques that can be used to remove it and replace it with beliefs that support our goals. Patterns of failure, self sabotage, over eating, addiction, money problems can all be tracked back to limiting beliefs, often developed in childhood.
By examining our values, beliefs and capabilities around unwanted behaviors, we can set up a 'how to' methodology to identify patterns and looks at the reason or intention behind the behaviors, which in turn gives us more choices about how to think and run our life.
The magic of NLP is that it teaches how to eliminate those negative associations for good, by the mean of techniques often involving fun exercises that use your imagination: guided visualization, anchoring new associations, Time Line Therapy, hypnosis, metaphors, creative imagination, re-imprinting etc. to name a few, are actually helping millions to enhance mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
Using NLP we can model, or copy, human excellence, e.g. the best of performance, feelings, behaviors. You can identify what makes someone exceptionally skilled, and get the skill for yourself or teach it to others. The application of these skills is infinite. NLP can enable a therapist to change the impact of the past on a patient, or improve from poor performance into good performance, and/or teach how to gain rapport in a non-verbal way and improve communication skills.
Andrea is a software developer and writes articles online about computers, software but also health, sports, food and other interesting topics. Come to visit his new website that helps people find the best cappuccino machine and reviews the most interesting automatic cappuccino machine available in the market
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