23 August 2013

I Believe In You

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I Believe In You
One day a woman's husband died, and on that plain, cruel morning, in the heat of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the ordeal of learning that sometimes put forward isn't "anymore". No mega hugs, no mega special moments to spot together, no mega earphones calls just to chat, no mega "just one minuscule." Sometimes, what we care about the peak gets all used up and goes improbable, never to repay further on we can say good-bye, say "I love you."

So although we occupy it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it being it's hurt and deal with it being it's poorly. This is true for marriage.....And old cars... And worry with bad decode cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them in the function of they are wealth it, in the function of we are wealth it.

One gear we keep -- like a best friend who stimulated improbable or a sister-in-law at the back divorce. Stage are just some gear that make us happy, no matter what.

Go is significant, like people we be on familiar terms with who are special.. And so, we keep them close!

I conventional this from political party who consideration I was a 'keeper'! Then I sent it to the people I think of in the exceptionally way... Now it's your turn to boat this to all associates people who are "keepers" in your life, by way of the person who sent it, if you feel that way. Assumption one morning you never money up, do all your friends be on familiar terms with you love them?

I was thinking...I can die today, tomorrow or following week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that pleasing restitution or three words needing to be expected.

Let every one of your friends be on familiar terms with you love them. Sure if you think they don't love you back, you would be flabbergasted at what associates three diminutive words and a smirk can do. And just in box I'm ancient history tomorrow.

I Enthusiasm YA!

Keep on today to the fullest in the function of tomorrow is not promised..


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