13 June 2014

Meta Model

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Meta Model
As part of our practitioner accreditation training we ask students to identify someone who has skills or achievements that they admire - and present back with three or four ideas that will help both themselves and other members of the group improve their performance in whatever field is chosen.

The following is our 'starter brief' that can be used by almost anybody. Try it a couple of times and you may find that you have some very valuable skills in this area.

We suggest that there are at least three approaches to modelling.

Identifying peoples strategies or the sequence they go through to do something - normally using Meta model and strategy elicitation questions.

Getting ideas about how someone does something by asking questions based on Robert Dilts 'Logical Levels'.

Using deep trance identification to take on a complete skill set'. This is sometimes called 'True' NLP modelling.

For information, elicitation a strategy requires systemic questioning and observation. Begin by asking someone how they do something you would like to do. Identify each step by asking either 'what happens before that?' or what happens after that?'. Remember many people will not be aware of their strategies so use your observation to notice changes in eye accessing, posture and breathing to help identify internal processing.

We ask our delegates to complete a project based on 'Logical Levels' and then 'Steal a Skill' based on a Richard Bandler approach.


Firstly decide who you would like to model or what skills or capabilities you would like to develop. Remember NLP is about modelling the best - so set your sights high, you'll be surprised who'll see you if you come over as genuinely interested. And there are lots of others to see if they don't.

Use a tape/mini disc recorder and preferably arrange to see people in their offices - I have some very interesting recordings in bars and clubs - but the background noise blanks out the content! And remember to listen - sometimes questions that don't make any sense to you get the best answers.

Mix and match the following question sets:


You've chosen someone because they're good - so let them know, and keep any confidences that are important to them.

You have a reputation at being good at 'people networking' (adapt to your topic) are you happy that I ask you some questions about it?


Where and when do you do it?


What specifically do you do?

If you were going to teach me to do it, what would you ask me to do?


What skills do you have that enable you to do this?

How did you learn how to do this?


What do you believe about yourself when you do this?

What do you believe about the person you're doing this to?


Do you have a personal mission or vision when you're doing this?

Other questions

How do you know that you're good at this?

What emotional and physical state are you in when you do this?

What happened for you to be good at this?

What are you trying to achieve when you do this?

Who else do you recommend I talk to about this?


When you have a certain experience in doing this - and the questions become automatic - you could choose to get into deep rapport with your subject and imagine what it would be like to actually 'be' your subject as they are describing what they do. - This is a step towards 'true' NLP modelling


from Richard Bandler's Guide to TRANCE-formation

(page 59)

1 Decide on a role model - someone whose physical performance you would like to replicate. Spend as much time as possible studying your role model in the flesh, on video tape, or on DVD recordings. Simply relax while watching them, softening your vision and hearing and seeing the flow of the performance.

2 When you feel as familiar as possible with your role model's performance, close your eyes, relax and recreate your role models performing a sequence of actions at the highest level of excellence. See and hear everything there is to build a model of that competence.

3 When you have watched this performance for some time, move around the mental image of your role model and step inside. Imagine that you are able to see through the eyes of excellence, hear through the ears of excellence and feel the feelings of excellence.

4 Run through the same sequence of actions but from within, noticing this time what your body feels as you do this. Repeat several times as you have a sense of familiarity.

5 Step out of your role model's body, with the intention of retaining as much of the sill as possible as you return to normal working consciousness.

6 As soon as possible (and as much as possible) practice the borrowed skill, noticing how this exercise improves your performance.

7 Repeat the entire exercise, combining it with what-ever real time practice you do, at least once a day for the first 21 days, then at least once a week as maintenance


To build this into a very powerful process for a business, for example empowering a sales force or customer service unit we would tailor the questions and add a number of other stages.

Desk research

Questioning top performers

Questioning key customers

Observing in action

Building an effective model

Implementing the model

One of the key competencies of NLP is modelling excellent performers.


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